Information on the Use of Inagi City Hall Parking Lot and Others

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Regarding the restrictions on general use of the parking lot at Inagi City Hall due to the "15th Misawa River Cherry Blossom and Pear Blossom Festival"

Due to the "15th Misawa River Cherry Blossom and Pear Flower Festival," general use will be restricted on the following dates.
Please use public transportation when visiting. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
【Restriction Period】
From March 21, 2025 (Friday) at 5:15 PM to March 23, 2025 (Sunday) around 6:00 PM

 Note: The schedule may vary depending on the progress of the project.

【Applicable Parking Lots】
Inagi City Hall First, Second, and Third Parking Lots

For information about the project, please see the page below.

Information on Parking and Bicycle Parking at Inagi City Hall

Map: Location Map of Parking Lots Around Inagi City Hall

For those coming by car

Parking Lot List

Parking Lot Name

Usage Hours

Number of Vehicles

Inagi City Hall
First Parking Lot

24 hours

General use: 32 spaces
Disabled use: 2 spaces
Compassion parking spaces: 2 spaces

Inagi City Hall
Second Parking Lot

24 hours

General Use: 23 units
Disabled Use: 1 unit
Compassion Parking Space: 1 unit

Inagi City Hall
Third Parking Lot

24 hours

General use: 36 spaces
Disabled use: 1 space
Compassion parking space: 1 space

Parkable Vehicles

Standard passenger car (length 5 meters or less, width 2 meters or less, height 2.1 meters or less)

For those coming from Tama City

For those coming from Tama City, the first parking lot cannot be accessed by turning right from Tsurukawa Street, so it is convenient to use the second and third parking lots.
If you are using the first parking lot, please take the detour as shown in the following diagram.

Map: Surrounding Map of City Hall Parking Lot
Guide map for using the "City Hall Parking Lot" from Tama City

Parking Fees

  • Free for less than 1 hour
  • For 1 hour to 2 hours: 200 yen
  • If it exceeds 2 hours, add 100 yen for each hour up to 200 yen.
  • Maximum fee per 24 hours: 1,200 yen (If exceeding 24 hours, an additional 100 yen will be added for each hour beyond 1,200 yen)

Example of Parking Fees

  1. If parked for 45 minutes → Free
  2. If you park for 1 hour and 45 minutes → 200 yen
  3. If parked for 2 hours and 45 minutes → 200 yen + 100 yen = 300 yen
  4. If parked for 3 hours and 45 minutes → 200 yen + 100 yen + 100 yen = 400 yen

About Reduction and Exemption of Parking Fees

If your city procedures or consultations take more than one hour, parking fees will be waived (free), so please bring the "Parking Service Ticket" issued at each counter (responsible department) and come to the "Parking Ticket Service Counter."
Additionally, depending on the usage, you may be eligible for a reduction or exemption of parking fees. For details, please see the page below.

Location of the "Parking Ticket Service Counter"

  1. City Hall: General Information Counter, Property Management Division (Nighttime and Holidays [including holiday opening days] at the Duty Officer's Room)
  2. Central Cultural Center: Reception Desk
  3. Community Promotion Plaza: Reception Desk
  4. Fire Department: Fire Administration Division

Note: If you wish to receive a discount after using the second parking lot, it is necessary to issue a parking ticket at the payment machine.

About General Use of City Hall Parking Lot

The City Hall parking lot is available for public use on closed days and at night, so please make use of it.

Those arriving by bicycle or motorcycle (motorized bicycles, motorcycles)

For those arriving by bicycle or motorcycle (motorized bicycles, motorcycles), the available parking areas differ, so please check the following table before use.

Bicycle Parking Lot List
Name Eligible Users Notes
A Bicycle Parking Lot Motorcycle Only  
B Bicycle Parking Lot Bicycle Only  
C Bicycle Parking Lot Bicycle Only With Roof
D Bicycle Parking Lot Bicycle Only  
E Bicycle Parking Lot Bicycles, Motorcycles With Roof
F Bicycle Parking Lot Bicycles, Motorcycles With Roof

G Bicycle Parking Lot

Bicycles, Motorcycles  

The pathways inside the area are pedestrian priority, and bicycles and motorcycles should be pushed while moving.
Also, please do not drive through the parking lot.

Photo: A Bicycle Parking Lot
Bicycle Parking Lot Conditions

For those using the City Hall bicycle parking

Bicycles that have been confirmed to be left unattended for more than two weeks after parking will be moved to another location by the Property Management Division. Additionally, after being moved, they will be stored for a certain period before disposal. Please note that we will not be responsible for any damage or dirt that may occur during the removal process.

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