Audit Committee and Audit Office
The Audit Committee members and the Audit Office staff conduct audits from an independent position from the Mayor to ensure that various projects carried out by the city and those of organizations receiving financial assistance from the city are being conducted appropriately and efficiently, as well as to verify that financial accounting operations are being performed correctly.
The appointment of Audit Committee members, the establishment of support staff for the office, and the types of audits are stipulated in the Local Autonomy Law. Regarding the appointment of Audit Committee members, the Mayor appoints individuals with excellent insight into administrative operations and among the council members, with the consent of the council.
In Inagi City, a total of two members are appointed: one individual with expertise and one council member. These two Audit Committee members, along with three support staff, carry out audits and related activities.
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Inagi City Audit Office
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-9719
Contact Inagi City Audit Office