Admission and Room Consultation

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Page ID 1002824 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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This refers to consultations for children who wish to attend the resource classes (for language disabilities and hearing impairments) at Koyodai Elementary School and the special support classrooms available at all Elementary and Junior High Schools.
Additionally, resource classes are for students who are enrolled in their local school and attend the resource class once a week on a designated day (and time).

Do you have any of these concerns?

Behavioral Characteristics

  • It's difficult to control my feelings. I feel restless.
  • Concentration is very low. There are many careless mistakes. There are many forgotten items.

Language Aspect

  • There is a mistake in pronunciation.
  • I am at a loss for words.
  • The number of words is small.

Learning Aspects

  • There are some partial difficulties in learning. (Reading, writing, calculation)
  • Misreading or misspelling specific characters.
  • Due to the above, the motivation to study is low.

How to Apply

If you wish to enroll based on the above information, please fill out the application form for enrollment in the special needs classand submit it to your enrolled school, or contact the Special Needs Education Consultation Room by phone and submit it.

  • Reception hours: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
  • Consultation Location: Special Needs Education Consultation Room
  • Address: Postal Code 206-0823, 1-9-1 Hirao, Inagi City, 4th Floor, Friend Hirao Complex
  • Phone number: 042-331-7302
  • Fax: 042-331-7303
  • Email:

[We only accept applications via email. Please provide your name, contact information, and the times you can be reached (Monday to Friday, from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM). We will call you back.]

Flow of Admission Consultation for Language Disabilities and Hearing Impairment Special Classes (Target: Elementary School Students)

  • Note 1: Interview by a psychologist.
  • Note 2: Interviews by teachers of language classrooms and hearing classrooms or speech-language pathologists.
  • Note: Even if you wish to enroll in a class for language disorders or hearing impairment, you may be placed in a special support classroom.
  • Note: The Special Support Education Consultation Room also accepts inquiries regarding enrollment from the school of attendance.

Flow of Consultation for Admission to Special Support Class

Note: Even if there is an application for a special support classroom, it may result in admission to a language disorder class.

Inagi City Special Support Class

Koyodai Elementary School (Language Disorder)
Koyodai Elementary School (Hearing Impairment)

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Inagi City Department of Education Guidance Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-379-3600
Contact Inagi City Department of Education Guidance Division