Pension Living Support Benefit System

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Page ID 1002744 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The Pension Living Support Benefit is provided to support the living of pension recipients whose income from public pensions and other sources is below a certain standard. It is paid in addition to the pension. A claim form must be submitted to receive it. You will be eligible for payment starting from the month following your application.

Eligible Individuals

Those who are receiving the Old Age Basic Pension and meet all of the following requirements

  1. Aged 65 and over
  2. All members of the household of the person being billed are exempt from the Municipal Resident Tax.
  3. The total amount of pension income and other income from the previous year is as follows
    • Persons born on or after April 2, 1956
      • Support Benefits for Elderly Pension Recipients ... Below 789,300 yen
      • Supplementary Old-Age Pension Living Support Benefit ... exceeding 789,300 yen and below 889,300 yen
    • Persons born before April 1, 1956
      • Support Benefits for Elderly Pension Recipients ... Below 787,700 yen
      • Supplementary Old-Age Pension Living Support Benefit ... exceeding 787,700 yen and below 887,700 yen

Those who are currently receiving Disability Basic Pension or Survivor's Basic Pension and whose income from the previous year is below "4,721,000 yen + number of dependents × 380,000 yen (note)"

Note: For dependents who are 70 years or older or elderly dependents, the amount is 480,000 yen. For specific dependents or dependents aged 16 to under 19, the amount is 630,000 yen.

Billing Procedure

Those who can newly receive the Pension Living Support Benefit will be sent a notification from the Japan Pension Service indicating that they can make a claim. Please fill out the enclosed postcard (Pension Living Support Benefit Claim Form) and return it. Those who are starting to receive their pension should complete the claim process along with the pension application procedures.

  • Note: Those who are already receiving the Pension Living Support Benefit do not need to take any action.
  • Note: Even if you do not qualify due to income requirements, if there are changes in household composition or adjustments in income that meet the eligibility criteria, you can receive the Pension Living Support Benefit by submitting a new application form.
  • Note: For details, please visit the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website or contact the "Benefit Payment Dedicated Dial" or the Fuchu Pension Office.

Contact Information

Dedicated Benefits Hotline

Phone: 0570-05-4092 (Navi Dial)
Note: If you are calling from a number starting with 050, please dial 03-5539-2216

Fuchu Pension Office

Postal Code 183-8505
Address 2-12-2 Fuchucho, Fuchu City
Phone 042-361-1011

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Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Insurance and Pension Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Department of Citizen Affairs Insurance and Pension Division