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Bicycle navigation mark

Updated: May 2, 2018

The Metropolitan Police Department is promoting the installation of a "bicycle navigation mark" on the left side of the roadway in order to encourage safe bicycle traffic. 

At the Inagi City Hall, we will install this "bicycle navigation mark" on the main roads and routes connecting the main roads in the city while consulting with the Tama Central Police Station.
Roads with this bicycle navigation mark have the effect of preventing bicycles from going backwards.

Meaning of bicycle navigation mark

  • It clearly indicates the part where the bicycle should pass and the direction in which it should proceed .
  • Bicycles should proceed in the direction of the arrow . (Reverse is not possible.)

Note: This sign is not a statutory sign and does not mean to designate a new traffic method by itself. (Regarding how to pass, you will have to comply with legal regulations or traffic regulations such as road signs.)

Metropolitan Police Department homepage (traffic rules for bicycles) (external link)

Example of bicycle navigation mark installation and bicycle traffic method
Installation examples of bicycle navigation marks and how to pass bicycles

To all bicycle users

Precautions when riding on roads marked with a bicycle navigation mark

The "bicycle navigation mark" does not mean "bicycles have priority".
Even if you are traveling on a road with a "bicycle navigation mark", please be very careful of cars and pedestrians.
Also, when avoiding parked vehicles on the road, please make sure there are no vehicles coming from behind.

If you can ride a bicycle on the sidewalk

As a general rule, bicycles must ride on the road, regardless of whether a bicycle navigation mark is installed or not.
However, the Road Traffic Act stipulates that you can use the sidewalk in the following cases:

  • When there is a sign that says "Ordinary bicycle sidewalks are allowed" (if there is a sign on the right)
  • When a person under the age of 13 or over the age of 70 rides a bicycle (elementary school students or younger and the elderly)
  • When a disabled person rides a bicycle
  • When walking on the sidewalk is unavoidable for safety reasons (dangerous due to road construction or parked vehicles on the roadway)

Precautions when driving on sidewalks

Pedestrians have priority on sidewalks, and bicycles are allowed on the sidewalks only exceptionally.
When riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, please ride slowly and on the side of the road.
If there are many pedestrians on the sidewalk, or if there is a risk of obstructing pedestrian traffic, get off the bicycle and push it.
If pedestrians are unaware of the cyclist, instead of ringing the bell, simply say, "Excuse me, I'll pass."

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Management Section
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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