Fire Brigade Deployment Area Designation

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Page ID 1002468 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Yanokuchi Area

First Dispatch

First Division

Second Dispatch

Second, Fourth, and Seventh Divisions

Third Dispatch

Third, Fifth, and Eighth Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

Higashi-Naganuma District

First Dispatch

Second Division

Second Dispatch

First, Third, and Seventh Divisions

Third Dispatch

Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

Omaru District

First Dispatch

Third Division

Second Dispatch

First, Second, and Fourth Divisions

Third Dispatch

Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

Momura District

First Dispatch

Fourth Division

Second Dispatch

Second, Third, and Fifth Divisions

Third Dispatch

First, Seventh, and Eighth Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

Sakahama District

First Dispatch

Fifth Division

Second Dispatch

Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth Divisions

Third Dispatch

First, Second, and Third Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Seventh Division

Hirao District

First Dispatch

Sixth Division

Second Dispatch

Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Divisions

Third Dispatch

First, Second, and Third Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Seventh Division

Oshitate District

First Dispatch

Seventh Division

Second Dispatch

First, Second, and Third Divisions

Third Dispatch

Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

Koyodai District

From Block 1 to Block 3

First Dispatch

Fourth Division

Second Dispatch

Second, Third, and Eighth Divisions

Third Dispatch

First, Fifth, and Seventh Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

From 4th to 6th District

First Dispatch

Third Division

Second Dispatch

Second, Fourth, and Eighth Divisions

Third Dispatch

First, Fifth, and Seventh Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

Nagamine District

First Dispatch

Eighth Division

Second Dispatch

Second, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions

Third Dispatch

First, Third, and Sixth Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

Wakabadai Area

First Dispatch

Fifth and Eighth Divisions

Second Dispatch

Second, Fourth, and Sixth Divisions

Third Dispatch

First and Third Division

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

Minamiyama District

First Dispatch

First and Second Divisions

Second Dispatch

Third, Fourth, and Seventh Divisions

Third Dispatch

Fifth and Eighth Divisions

Waiting and Transition

Sixth Division

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Inagi City Fire Department Disaster Prevention Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0802(Inagi Fire Station)
Phone number: 042-377-7119 Fax number: 042-377-0119
Contact Inagi City Fire Department Disaster Prevention Division