Lifelong Learning Information from the National and Metropolitan Governments

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Page ID 1003825 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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In this era of transformation where societal changes are becoming more severe, it is necessary to continue learning even after graduating from school and becoming a working adult, through re-learning at university and training at the workplace to acquire new knowledge and skills.
Additionally, in response to life stages such as childbirth and Parenting, as well as the arrival of the 100-year life era, and considering the changes in economic and industrial structures due to the global spread of COVID-19, the promotion of "re-learning for working adults (recurrent education)" has become increasingly important.

Mana Pass

This is a site that provides information on learning for working adults, aiming for a society where anyone can learn anytime, anywhere. It is a portal site for working adults that disseminates information on re-learning courses at universities and information on re-learning support systems. (Operated by Maruzen Yumoto Co., Ltd.)

Tokyo Recurrent Navi

Recurrent education refers to the "relearning of working adults." It is a portal site where you can find various learning opportunities when you think, "I want to acquire the knowledge necessary for my job and improve my skills," "I want to change my career with new learning," or "I want to relearn to enrich my life, such as through Lifelong Learning." (Operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Government)

"Digital Community Center" Kasumigaseki Knowledge Square (KK2)

This is a site that provides a digital learning platform where anyone can learn anytime, anywhere. (Operated by the AVCC Foundation)

Study at Nearby Universities - Open Lectures and More -

In the vicinity of Inagi City, various universities are scattered, practicing "contribution of universities to the community and society" and "opening the knowledge of universities to the community," providing learning opportunities for people of all ages to continue their education throughout their lives.

Komazawa Gakuen, Tama Art University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, University of Electro-Communications, Tamagawa University, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, etc.
Reference: Search keywords "○○ University Open Course" etc.

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Inagi City Department of Education Lifelong Learning Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-377-2121 Fax number: 042-379-0491
Contact the Inagi City Department of Education Lifelong Learning Division