Youth Committee

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Page ID 1004633 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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The Youth Committee of Inagi City was established in 1965 and plays a central role in Sound Youth Development mainly through leisure guidance for youth.

Overview of the Youth Committee

About Duties

  • Matters concerning leisure guidance for youth
  • Matters concerning the development of youth organizations
  • Assistance for Youth Leaders
  • Matters concerning mutual communication between government offices, schools, and youth organizations
  • Other matters related to the promotion of youth activities

About Appointment

Inagi City appoints individuals with a proven track record in directly engaging in youth leisure guidance and the development of youth organizations.

About the Number of Members

The number of committee members is 16. Currently, 11 people are active as committee members.

30th Term Youth Committee Member (Term: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2025)

  • Mr. Katsuyasu Miyajima (Sakahama)
  • Mr. Osamu Enomoto (Sakahama)
  • Etsuko Sakano (Omaru)
  • Mr. Yuu Endou (Higashi-Naganuma)
  • Shunji Chiba (Wakabadai)
  • Mr. Tomoaki Ishidera
  • Ms. Keiko Tani (Hirao)
  • Mr. Nobutaka Suzuki (Nagamine)
  • Mr. Kenta Hashi (Koyodai)
  • Mr. Shotaro Nagamatsu (Higashi-Naganuma)
  • Yosa Kitamura (Sakahama)

Photo: 30th Term Youth Committee

Activities of the Youth Committee

Regular Session

We are planning and examining projects such as youth leader training programs and reporting on the activities of each committee member in the community.
Held: Year-round (once a month)

Tokyo Youth Committee Federation

Organized by the youth committees of various wards, cities, and towns in Tokyo, we aim to promote youth committee activities and contribute to the advancement of Sound Youth Development.

General Meeting

Implementation Period: May
Content: About the activity plan and budget, such as lectures

Representative Meeting

Implementation Period: Year-round
Content: Information exchange, training session reports, discussion of operational policies, etc.

Tokyo Youth Committee Conference

Implementation Period: February
Content: Award Ceremony, Training Session

Tama Area Youth Committee Liaison Council

The purpose is to promote the activities of the Youth Committee in the Tama region, to strengthen the collaboration among committee members, and to enhance the quality of the members.

General Meeting

Implementation Period: May
Content: Activity policy and budget, case presentation meeting, etc.

Board of Directors

Implementation Period: Year-round
Content: Block training sessions, Tama area newsletters, etc.

Block Training Session

We hold an annual event aimed at spreading the achievements and practices being carried out in each region through交流, and enhancing each other.
Inagi City belongs to the first block, which consists of Higashimurayama City, Mitaka City, Hino City, Machida City, Fuchu City, and Komae City.

Youth Leader Training Program

The Inagi City Youth Committee conducts Junior Worker Seminars and Youth Worker Seminars as part of its youth leader training program.

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Child Welfare Department Children and Youth Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Child Welfare Department Children and Youth Division