Recruitment of External Instructors for Junior High School Club Activities!

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Page ID 1004406 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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Would you like to support junior high school club activities?

The Inagi City Board of Education is recruiting external instructors for club activities as "paid volunteers."
We need your support to continue the club activities for junior high school students!
We welcome experienced individuals in both sports and cultural clubs.

Recruitment Details

  • Activity Content Technical guidance for municipal junior high school club activities after school and on holidays
  • Qualifications Individuals aged 18 and over with experience in sports or culture (high school students not allowed)
  • Compensation 1300 yen per hour; in principle, technical guidance will be provided for less than 120 hours per year; no transportation expenses will be reimbursed.
  • Registration Period Updated annually
  • Others We will contact you if there is a request from the school after the application form is received. There may be cases where there is no contact.

Application Method

Please scan the QR code below and apply through the form.

QR Code: Application Form for External Instructors for Junior High School Club Activities

List of Schools Recruiting

  1. Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School Postal Code 206-0804, 23 Momura, Inagi City, Tokyo
  2. Inagi Dai 2 Junior High School Postal Code 206-0822, 5-1-1 Sakahama, Inagi City, Tokyo
  3. Inagi Dai 3 Junior High School, Postal Code 206-0812, 3043 Yanokuchi, Inagi City, Tokyo
  4. Inagi Dai 4 Junior High School, Postal Code 206-0811, 1768 Oshitate, Inagi City, Tokyo
  5. Inagi Dai 5 Junior High School Postal Code 206-0803, 3-1-1 Koyodai, Inagi City, Tokyo
  6. Inagi Dai 6 Junior High School, Postal Code 206-0824, 3-11 Wakabadai, Inagi City, Tokyo

List of Main Recruitment Categories

1. Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School

Girls Volleyball Club

2. Inagi Dai 2 Junior High School

Currently no recruitment

3. Inagi Dai 3 Junior High School

Boys Volleyball Club

4. Inagi Dai 4 Junior High School

Soccer Club, Baseball Club, Girls' Volleyball Club, Boys' Basketball Club, Girls' Basketball Club, Brass Band

5. Inagi Dai 5 Junior High School

Soccer Club, Baseball Club, Hard Tennis Club, Women's Volleyball Club, Men's Basketball Club, Women's Basketball Club, Brass Band Club

6. Inagi Dai 6 Junior High School

Boys Basketball Club, Girls Basketball Club, Brass Band Club

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Department of Education Guidance Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-379-3600
Contact Inagi City Department of Education Guidance Division