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Note : All consultations are free.

Maternal and child health consultation

Midwives, registered dieticians, and public health nurses provide individual consultations and body measurements for expectant and nursing mothers and infants. Please use it as a place to check your child's growth.

women consultation

Comprehensive counseling on issues such as partner violence, marriage/divorce, marital/parent-child relationships, work/workplace relationships, child-rearing and nursing care issues. A professional counselor will give you personal advice.

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Consultation on developmental characteristics

Inagi City Developmental Support Center Lespo Inagi offers consultation on developmental characteristics.

Educational consultation

The Educational Counseling Room is a place where you can work with psychology and education experts to find solutions to your worries and concerns at home and school. Parents can be consulted over the phone or face-to-face in the consultation room, and children can be consulted through storytelling and play.

School consultation

When children with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities enter elementary school or junior high school, what kind of educational environment is suitable and what kind of educational support is necessary in order to fully develop their abilities. Think with parents and consult to decide where to go to school.

Consultation window for welfare living

Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems in your life or if you have any concerns.
Example of consultation "I want to find a job"
"I'm worried about work after a long absence"
"I'm in trouble with a lot of debt"
'I'm struggling with relationships'
"I have a family that can't stand on its own."

Tokyo Hikikomori Support Net

In addition to conventional telephone and email consultations, the "Tokyo Metropolitan Hikikomori Support Net" is conducting a project to visit families with hikikomori problems and provide consultations. In the city, we are accepting visit consultations for the "Tokyo Metropolitan Hikikomori Support Net". Visit consultation is free and can be received up to about 5 times per person. A professional counselor will respond, so please do not worry alone or try to do something with your family.

Single parent family counseling consultation

A psychological counselor will provide consultation on mental worries for single-mother families, single-father families, and foster families living, working, or attending school in the city.

Consultation for every concern

We listen to your worries and concerns that you do not know where to consult, and introduce you to the necessary consultation counters. Advance reservations are not required.

Consultation/medical calendar

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