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About the foster parent system

Last updated: May 21, 2024

Foster Parents Wanted

Approximately 4,000 children in Tokyo live in orphanages, infant homes, foster homes, etc. due to parental illness or abuse.
More foster parents are in demand, as foster parents can spend time in a home-like environment.

  • Requirements for becoming a foster parent include those who are motivated by the best interests of the child, those who are not financially deprived, and those who have suitable home and housing conditions.
  • There is no age limit when applying for foster care. About 60% of foster parents are over the age of 50.
  • The retention period varies from a few days to a long period.
  • There are types such as “adoptive foster parents” that connect special adoptions and “nursing foster parents” that do not connect.
  • Child support will be paid for the duration of the “Foster Parent” placement.

briefing session

Tamaforce (Tama Fostering Agency), which is in charge of the foster care system, regularly holds information sessions (explanation of the system, stories from foster parents, individual consultations for those who wish to do so, etc.).
Anyone can participate, including those who wish to become foster parents, those who are interested in the system, and those who have participated before.
Application: Tamaforce (Tama Fostering Agency)

Image Satopen
Tokyo's PR character "Satopen"

Online briefings and on-site lectures

In addition to online information sessions, Tamaforce is holding on-site lectures for local companies, schools, and local organizations in Inagi City.
Application: Tamaforce (Tama Fostering Agency)

Foster parent experience presentation

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government holds a foster parent experience presentation every year and posts a collection of presentations on its website.
She talks about why she decided to become a foster parent, the worries she faces while raising foster children, and the wonders of child-rearing that only being a foster parent can offer.
About the foster parent system (Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Welfare and Health/External link)
About the foster parent system (Children and Families Agency/External link)

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