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Temporary handling of personnel standards, etc. due to changes in the position of the new coronavirus infectious disease under the Infectious Disease Law

Updated: May 11, 2023

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has issued administrative communications from the 1st to the 27th reports (corona special administrative communications) regarding the temporary handling of personnel standards for nursing care service establishments related to the new coronavirus infection. (as per the link "Attachment 1" below).

In order to consolidate the contents of these corona special administrative notices, a notice has been issued regarding "response after changing the status of new coronavirus infectious diseases under the Infectious Diseases Act" from May 8, 2023 ( As per the following link "Attachment 2").

Regarding the temporary handling of the corona special administrative notice shown in "Attachment 1", we will respond by classifying it as "continued", "partially revised (standards, etc.)", "partially revised (training)", and "finished". , so please check the contents.

Related information

Link to external site Opens in a new window.About correspondence to new coronavirus infectious disease in nursing care facilities (to Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare homepage)

[See "6. Matters concerning temporary handling of personnel, facilities, equipment, and management standards of care service establishments, etc."]

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