Omaru Wild Plant Association

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Page ID 1005349 Update Date January 31, 2025

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Activity Overview

Activity Location

Shiroyama Park Wildflower Garden (South side of Central Library)
Planting area along City Road No. 436

Photo: Shiroyama Park Wildflower Garden
View of the Shiroyama Park Wildflower Garden
Photo: Condition of the planting area along City Road No. 436
Condition of the planting area along City Road No. 436

Activity Details

Shiroyama Park is responsible for the management and cleaning of the wildflower garden, etc.
The planting area along City Road No. 436 is for flower replanting and cleaning, etc.

Number of Participants

11 people

Introduction of the Association

At the meeting of the Omaru Women's Tea Ceremony Circle, there was a discussion that "recently, wildflowers for tea have become scarce." At that time, the development of Tama New Town was approaching in this area, so the 25 people who gathered said, "This cannot continue. We must protect the wildflowers." Since most of them did not know the names of the familiar wildflowers, they started by learning the names, created a wildflower garden, painted old materials received from a carpenter, and attached name tags. They also visited various natural habitats and wildflower gardens, and continued to study by inviting instructors, becoming captivated by the charm of wildflowers, and officially established the "Omaru Wildflower Association" in April 1982, two years later.
They participated in various events, exhibited and sold potted wildflowers, served wildflower tempura, and offered tastings of wildflower tea, fostering exchanges with visitors about the importance of the environment where wildflowers grow. In 1991, they received the Minister of Construction Award, and in 1994, the Prime Minister's Award.
In 1991, they replanted at Shiroyama Park in Inagi City, and currently, over 150 species of wildflowers delight us with their lovely appearances throughout the seasons.
In 2002, they registered for the Adopt-a-Park program, managing and cleaning the wildflower garden at Shiroyama Park, as well as planting flowers and cleaning along City Road No. 436.
We will continue to strive to make this a place of relaxation for everyone.

Photo: Gathered Members
Group photo of members

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Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-9719
Contact Inagi City Urban Environment Management Department Greenery and Environment Division