About beehive removal
Updated: January 24, 2023
Bee activity increases from early spring to autumn. Please be aware that paper wasps and wasps may build nests under the eaves of your house or on the branches of garden trees.
For public facilities, we carry out bee hive extermination at City Hall. For private land, we ask the owner to take action.
Since wasps are highly aggressive and dangerous, we recommend entrusting them to an exterminator.
Rental of protective clothing for exterminating bee hives
The Living Environment Division of City Hall offers free rentals of protective clothing and insecticide spray (not for wasps) to exterminate beehives.
Please use this if you want to remove the beehive yourself.
Living Environment Division Environmental Conservation Section Note: Please bring your driver's license or other ID and come to City Hall during business hours.
- Protective clothing is available in limited quantities. To be sure, you can check the rental status by phone in advance.
- If you wish to borrow or return protective clothing at night, on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays, prior arrangements are required. Please contact the Environmental Conservation Section of the Life Environment Division during opening hours.
- Even if you are wearing protective clothing, you should still be mindful of safety and do not push yourself if you feel unsafe.
Introduction of beehive extermination companies
Tokyo Pest Control Association (Public Interest Foundation) Tel: 03-3254-0014
(This is a public interest organization established by specialists who control harmful sanitary animals. They can introduce you to an extermination company near your home.)
Note: There is a fee for professional extermination. Please be sure to clearly explain the location and condition of the nest and confirm the cost in advance.
About bee hive removal in public facilities
If you find a beehive in a public facility, please contact the facility manager (department) of each facility.
Beehive removal Q&A
Bee nest removal Q&A (PDF: 254KB)
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions regarding bee hive removal in Q&A format. please refer.
Avoid unnecessary removal
Bees are also living creatures. They also serve as beneficial insects for humans, feeding on flies, spiders, caterpillars, etc. Bees mostly attack out of defensive instinct.
Paper wasps in particular are docile species, and they rarely attack unless you poke at the nest or brush the bees away with your hands.
If a nest has been created in a place that is not frequented by people and is not a hindrance or danger to daily life, please refrain from removing the nest unnecessarily.
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Inquiries regarding this page
Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781