2020 Opinion Statement and Resolution
Opinion Statement requesting financial support for public hospitals whose management situation has deteriorated due to the acceptance of COVID-19 patients (PDF 127.0KB)
Submission to: Prime Minister, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Governor of Tokyo
Decision date: December 16, 2020 -
Opinion Statement Requesting Strengthening Measures Against Defamation on Social Media (PDF 275.5KB)
Submission to: Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Date of Resolution: September 29, 2020 -
Request for Special Financial Support for Municipalities with Public Hospitals Responding to COVID-19 Measures (PDF 284.8KB)
Submission to: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Governor of Tokyo
Date of Resolution: June 16, 2020 -
A resolution expressing respect and gratitude to medical professionals, including doctors, who are working diligently while facing the risk of COVID-19 infection, as well as those involved in related jobs (PDF 291.1KB)
Decision date: June 16, 2020 -
Opinion Statement on COVID-19 Measures (PDF 280.4KB)
Submitted to: Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Governor of Tokyo
Decision Date: March 2, 2020
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