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My Town Inagi 2022 Shingen Kozono

Updated: November 21, 2022

Runner-up in the All Japan Run Bike Championship 3-year-old class!

The podium with a smile on the run bike that the family works on!

Shingen Kozono (4 years old), who lives in Hirao, won the second place in the 3-year-old class of the 8th round of the All Japan Run Bike Championship series held on July 31st in Nozawaonsen Village, Nagano Prefecture. A run bike is a bicycle that does not have pedals and is propelled by kicking. There are competitions held all over the country where children from the age of 2 can participate. Kokoro-kun was given a run bike on his second birthday and started riding it. They seemed to be having a lot of fun, so I decided to participate in a smaller competition, and was overjoyed to receive a participation medal! Seeing the top participants receiving trophies, he said, "I want to participate in other competitions!" Now, he belongs to Sagamihara Team Rust-eze with his parents and older sister, Komari, and has begun to enjoy running bikes as a sport in earnest. I was. In addition to practicing and training with my family for 1.5 to 2 hours at places such as Inagi Chuo Park and Wakabadai Park, I have also been commuting to outside Tokyo several times a month to participate in team practice, cultivating my skills. .

The All Japan Run Bike Championship, which won the second place this time, is one of the largest run bike competitions in Japan, and many athletes from all over the country participate. In Round 8 of the series, the 3-year-old class, more than 60 top riders battled it out. Looking back on the day, Naoko's mother said, "There was a sense of tension at the venue, and I was very focused." I praise Kokoro-kun's good fight. Kokoro-kun said with a smile, "It was fun."

“I want to win next time!” Future goals and wishes for the spread of safe running bikes

Kokorogen-kun told me about his goal, saying, “I love running. I will continue to practice and participate in competitions, and aim to win the 4-year-old class at the competition next summer, when I will be in the latter half of 4 years old.
On the other hand, Naoko also feels the importance of traffic rules when riding a run bike. For example, it is said that there are traffic rules such as wearing helmets and recommending riding on flat ground. I want it."

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