Recruitment for Banner Advertisements

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Page ID 1010136 Update Date Reiwa 7, February 4

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The city is recruiting advertisers to display banner ads on the top page of the city website.
Let's promote your company or business with a banner ad!

Recruitment Details

Publication Unit

1 month (from the 1st to the last day of each month)
Note: Please be aware that applications cannot be made across fiscal years.

Publication Fee

As of April 1, 2020, the publication fees will be revised as follows
1 month and 2 months 20,950 yen per month
3 months to 5 months 19,900 yen per month
6 months or more 18,850 yen per month
Notes: Payment for advertising publication fees will be made in a lump sum to the account designated by the city by the specified date after the publication decision.

Posted Images

Advertisement images on the city website that direct users to the website specified by the advertiser.


  • 110 pixels up and down × 360 pixels left and right
  • jpg, jpeg, png, gif formats (animated gif not allowed)

Notes: For details, please refer to the Guidelines for Handling Advertisements Posted on the Inagi City Website (available for download below).

Application Method

Please submit the advertisement application form (also available at the Secretarial and Public Relations Division counter) and the necessary documents (advertisement images, documents that explain the business activities).

  • Notes: Documents that clarify the business activities include copies of the business license and certificate of registered matters. If an advertising agency is applying, please submit documents that clarify the business activities of the client (destination of the banner ad link).
  • Notes: Priority will be given to long-term listed applicants and local businesses. Applications for multiple slots (two or more) are not allowed.

Application Deadline

Please apply to the Public Relations and Listening Section of the Secretarial and Public Relations Division at least 30 days before the first day of the desired publication period.

Publication Decision

Decision Method

Candidates will be selected based on the examination according to the guidelines, and the publisher will be determined.

Notification of Decision Dispatch

We will send a notification about two weeks after the application.
Note: At the beginning of the fiscal year (April), the dispatch of notifications may be delayed due to system input requirements. Thank you for your understanding.


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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division