Facility Guide (Certified Childcare Center)
Kindergarten-type certified children's garden Children's Forest Child Care Center(external link)
- Location
- 206-0812
1759 Yanokuchi, Inagi City
- Phone
- 042-370-2880
Kindergarten Type Certified Children's Garden Children's Forest Yano Kuchi Kindergarten (Long-term Care)(External Link)
- Location
- 206-0812
1753 Yanokuchi, Inagi City
- Phone
- 042-377-7654
Kindergarten-type certified children's garden Aoba Kindergarten(External link)
- Location
- 206-0812
645 Yanokuchi, Inagi City
- Phone
- 042-378-1217
Certified Childcare Center with Integrated Early Childhood Education - Southern Hills Childcare Center(External Link)
- Location
- Postal Code 206-0804
1461 Momura, Inagi City
- Phone
- 042-401-5133
Kindergarten-type certified children's garden Rika Kindergarten(External link)
- Location
- 206-0811
392 Oshitate, Inagi City
- Phone
- 042-377-6807
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Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Child Welfare Department Child Care Support Division