Citizen Awareness Survey (2004 Edition)

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In Inagi City, we conducted a survey made by hand from the perspective of citizens to understand their awareness of living and their intentions and requests regarding City Administration, with the aim of using this information for future City Administration materials.
This content is a simplified version of the survey results report based on the survey findings.

Overview of the Survey

Survey Area

All Areas of Inagi City
(The district divisions are Yanokuchi, Higashi-Naganuma, Omaru, Momura, Sakahama, Hirao, Oshitate, Koyodai, Nagamine, and Wakabadai, totaling 10 districts)

Survey Participants

Individuals aged 20 and over, both male and female, residing in Inagi City

Number of Samples

2,000 people

Extraction Method

Stratified random sampling based on the basic resident register

Survey Method

Mail Distribution and Mail Collection

Survey Period

From June 16, 2004 to June 30, 2004

Collection Results

Number of Valid Uses

1,054 times

Number of Valid Uses


How to read the tables and graphs in this report

  • The n in the chart represents the total number of respondents (or the number of applicable respondents for the relevant question).
  • The ratio is calculated as a percentage with n set at 100%, rounded to the second decimal place. As a result, the total percentage may be less than or exceed 100%.
  • In questions where one respondent can provide multiple answers, the total ratio may exceed 100%.
  • Figure 0 shows the results of rounding, and - indicates that there are no respondents.
  • In the text and tables, options may be abbreviated or omitted in some cases.

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Inagi City Hall
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781