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Application for land readjustment project

Updated: April 1, 2022

It is application about land readjustment project of city enforcement (Enokido district, Yanoguchi station area, Inagi Naganuma station area, Minamitama station area). Please notify the Land Readjustment Division on the 3rd floor of Inagi City Hall.
Please note that the examination of each application will take about 1 week (other than previous land building) and 2 weeks (for previous land building).
Please refer to each union office for land readjustment of union enforcement.

From April 1, 2020, it will be necessary to present identification documents of the notifier when applying and receiving. In addition, in the case of a corporation, it is necessary to present a document that shows the affiliation (employee ID card, business card, etc.) in addition to the identity verification document.

In addition, with this, sealing to various application forms (Article 76 permission application form, temporary substitute land certification application, etc.) is unnecessary.

Notification of Article 76 of the Land Readjustment Law

When we perform construction act or road exclusive use in land readjustment business area, permission is necessary beforehand.

[When drawing water, gas, etc. into the site, or when removing]

Required documents

  • permission application form
  • Guide map, floor plan, sectional view, etc.


  • Please submit one copy of the original and one copy.

[When constructing a new house, etc.]

Required documents

1 When building on a temporary replotting site

  • permission application form
  • A copy of the confirmation application form attached to the building confirmation application form (pages 1 to 6)
  • guide map
  • Layout plan [1/500 scale or more]
  • Each floor plan [1/200 scale or more]
  • Elevation view (2 or more) [1/200 scale or more]
  • Cross-sectional view (2 pages or more) [1/200 scale or more]
  • Materials showing grounds for site and building area
  • Power of Attorney (when applying by someone other than the owner of the building) Remarks: The form is free.
  • Land use consent form (when the building owner and land owner are different) Remarks: The format is free.

2. When building on the previous land (please consult with the Land Readjustment Division in advance)

  • permission application form
  • A copy of the confirmation application form attached to the building confirmation application form (pages 1 to 6)
  • guide map
  • Layout plan [1/500 scale or more]
  • Each floor plan [1/200 scale or more]
  • Elevation view (2 or more) [1/200 scale or more]
  • Cross-sectional view (2 pages or more) [1/200 scale or more]
  • Materials showing grounds for site and building area
  • Power of Attorney (when applying by someone other than the owner of the building) Remarks: The form is free.
  • Letter of Assurance (There are two types of letter of assurance, one for when the applicant resides and one for when the applicant does not reside.)
  • Land use consent form (when the building owner and land owner are different) Remarks: The format is free.


  • Please submit one original and one copy. (Some items will not be returned, so if you need a copy, please prepare a copy in advance.)
  • Separate notification is required for areas where a district plan has been established.
  • If you fall under the Inagi City Residential Land Development Guideline, a separate notification is required.
  • As you discuss individually when you do new construction in former land (land before maintenance), please talk with land readjustment section beforehand.
  • Please assume contents such as lot numbers to list in Article 76 application, confirmation application, district planning the same notation.
  • We ask that rainwater be treated by infiltration inside the house. Please inquire at the window for rainwater storage and infiltration facility standards.

Land Readjustment Act Article 76 related application form

Temporary replacement lot designation certificate

Required documents

  • Temporary replacement lot designation certification application
  • Power of Attorney (when applying by someone other than the landowner) Remarks: The format is free.


  • A fee of 300 yen is required for each issuance.

Temporary replacement lot designation certification related application form

reservation certificate

Required documents

  • Application for certificate of reservation
  • Power of Attorney (when applying by someone other than the landowner) Remarks: The format is free.


  • A fee of 300 yen is required for each issuance.

Reservation certificate-related application form

About rate revision of provisional substitute lot designation proof and reservation place proof

From April 1, 2020, "(1) Sustainable administrative management", "(2) Appropriate burden on users and non-users", "(3) Responding to consumption tax rate hike We have revised various usage fees and fees from the perspective of achieving
In the application for the land readjustment project implemented by the city (Enokido area, Yanoguchi station area, Inagi Naganuma station area, Minamitama station area), the fees for provisional land designation certification and reservation land certification were revised from 200 yen to 300 yen. have become.
Please refer to the link below for various usage fees and fee reviews.
I would like understanding and cooperation of citizen's everybody.

Various usage fees and fees have been revised from April 1, 2020

Application for issuance of coordinate results by land determination (calculation) survey

Required documents

  • Application for issuance of coordinate results by land determination (calculation) survey
  • Power of Attorney (when applying by someone other than the landowner) Remarks: The format is free.


  • Issuance is free.

Coordinate result application form by land determination (calculation) survey

Available date and time

From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. of open agency day

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Improvement Department Land Readjustment Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-378-9719

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Inagi city official mascot Nashinosuke Inagi
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
Copyright (C) Inagi City. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C)K.Okawara・Jet Inoue. All rights reserved.
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