Our Town Inagi 2016: Yanokuchi District Radio Calisthenics Meeting

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Page ID 1008766 Update DateDecember 16, 2024

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Source of Energy

Photo: Activity Scene 1

In the Yanokuchi area, older adults are taking the initiative in preventive care, one of which is the radio calisthenics class.
The motivation to start this came from receiving instruction in radio calisthenics at a preventive care competition, with the desire to create activities that would energize older adults in the Yanokuchi area. Currently, about 200 participants are registered for the activities. A challenge has been the low participation rate of men in community activities, but the outdoor radio calisthenics class has led to an increase in male participants in community activities.
Almost all participants in the radio calisthenics class feel the benefits of health promotion. Many have also found that their opportunities to go out and converse with friends have increased, making life more enjoyable.
When we spoke with Hiroshi Miyazaki, the representative of the Yanokuchi area radio calisthenics class, he said, "I am happy when the number of participants increases. It is rewarding as the circle expands, so I hope many will join. Participation is voluntary and not mandatory, so I encourage anyone to come and observe casually."

Photo: Activity Scene 2

The Yanokuchi District Radio Exercise Group meets every week from Monday to Friday at 6:30 AM at four locations: Shuku Mitani Park, Yanokuchi Neighborhood Association Hall, Chibikko Fureai Square, and Inagi Dai 7 Elementary School playground. Additionally, during the summer vacation, we hold joint sessions with the Children's Association. Let's promote health and build friendships through radio exercises. If you wish to participate, please come directly to the venue.

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