October 15, 2022 Issue (No. 1385)
Page 1: 21st I-nagi City Citizen Festival (mp3 3.3MB)
Page 2: Inagi City Citizens Festival (Schedule) (mp3 2.0MB)
Page 3: Inagi City Citizen Festival Event Information (mp3 2.8MB)
Page 4: User Recruitment Family Farm (mp3 7.1MB)
Page 5: Application for use of Licensed Childcare Center, Home Daycare Provider, etc. (mp3 7.7MB)
Page 6: Participant Recruitment Preventive Care Exercise Class (mp3 8.0MB)
Page 7: 39th Station Front Abandoned Bicycle Clean Campaign (mp3 8.4MB)
Page 8: Scopedog Monument Red Light Up (mp3 4.3MB)
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2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Planning Department Secretarial and Public Relations Division