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FY2020 Administrative Policy

Update date: March 14, 2024

At the first regular meeting of the city council in 2024, we will state our administrative policy and ask for the understanding and cooperation of the city council and all citizens.
Note : This is an oral presentation and may differ from the original manuscript.


Looking back at the international situation last year, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been prolonged, the military conflict between Israel and the Islamic organization Hamas has deepened the humanitarian crisis, and Turkey has caused more than 60,000 deaths.・It was a year in which we were exposed to the threat of natural disasters, such as the Syrian earthquake and the large-scale wildfires on Maui, Hawaii.
On the other hand, it was also a year in which generative AI suddenly came into the spotlight. AI can learn data patterns and relationships and generate a variety of content in response to simple instructions.It has higher accuracy than before and has rapidly become popular, but concerns about safety have also arisen around the world. Discussions regarding regulation have also become more active.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has lifted the "international public health emergency" regarding the new coronavirus, which was first confirmed to be infected in Japan in January 2020, and there are no infectious diseases in Japan. The legal classification has been lowered to "Class 5", the same as seasonal influenza. The global coronavirus crisis, which lasted for more than three years, has switched to a peacetime system and social and economic activities are heading toward normalization.
Now, in the "Economic Outlook for FY2020 and Basic Stance on Economic and Fiscal Management," the government has announced that, along with the progress of comprehensive economic measures, the government will improve the income environment, including wage increases through public-private collaboration, and increase companies' appetite for capital investment. It is expected that economic growth led by private demand will be realized as a result of the support provided by the government. Although there are various challenges ahead, I hope that a virtuous cycle of prices and wages will emerge and the Japanese economy will regain its strong growth potential.
Japan's general account budget for fiscal year 2020 is set at 112 trillion yen, a 1.6% decrease from the previous year, as a budget to take on challenges that cannot be postponed in response to changes in the times and grasp the flow of change amidst a historical turning point. The total amount was 571.7 billion yen. Although the initial budget is lower than the previous year's budget for the first time in 12 years, it is the second largest on record, and the fiscal situation continues to be severe, with more than 30% of financial resources relying on government bonds.
In terms of expenditures, in addition to implementing policies based on the Children's Future Strategy and strengthening defense capabilities in response to the diplomatic environment, we will protect the lives of those affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and implement measures to restore and rebuild the affected areas. Although thorough fiscal measures have been taken to ensure that the situation can be met, general expenditures decreased by 6.8% from the previous fiscal year to 67,776.4 billion yen due to reductions in contingency funds and other factors.
In addition, the deficit in the primary balance, which is an indicator of fiscal health, was 8,816.3 billion yen, a decrease of 1,945 billion yen from the previous fiscal year.
Next, regarding the initial budget of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the general account budget increased by 5.1% from the previous year to 8,453 billion yen, setting a record high for the third consecutive year. Metropolitan tax will increase by 3.0% from the previous fiscal year to 6,386.5 billion yen, which is expected to be the highest amount ever recorded, same as the national tax revenue. General expenditures related to policy expenses include seamless support for everyone from children to the elderly, efforts to quickly establish a strategic framework that generates innovation, and resilience to respond to all threats such as large-scale earthquakes. Due to initiatives aimed at realizing a vibrant capital city, Tokyo, the total amount increased by 7.3% from the previous fiscal year to 6,370.2 billion yen.

Our city's efforts

Our city is still in the middle of urban infrastructure development, and even though it is difficult to predict the future of the financial environment, we cannot stop moving forward. We also need to respond accurately to changes in social conditions and the diversifying needs of citizens, and continuously develop projects that are directly connected to citizens' lives. Although the city has been in a difficult situation to secure financial resources, it has steadily promoted planned projects and achieved results by optimizing staff allocation and improving operations.
In FY2020, as measures against the new coronavirus infection that have been in place for the past few years have come to an end, we will continue to respond flexibly to changes in the socio-economic situation, such as by eliminating income limits for the medical expenses subsidy system for compulsory education-aged children and high school students. In addition to ensuring the necessary level of administrative services, we will further thoroughly review administrative operations, strive for efficient and effective administrative and financial management, and steadily advance the Fifth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan of Inagi City, which is now in its fourth year. You are required to go.
With this in mind, when formulating the budget for FY2020, we have worked on the following basic points.
First, while maintaining sound finances with an eye on the future, we will promote various measures listed in the basic plan in order to realize the future city image stipulated in the basic concept of the 5th Long-term Comprehensive Plan of Inagi City. Strive for administrative and financial management.
Second, we must accurately grasp economic trends such as price increases and changes in the social situation in the post-corona era, and flexibly address issues related to diversifying needs.
Third, we must continue to systematically engage in disaster prevention and mitigation measures, placing the safety of citizens as our top priority.
Based on the above three points, the city's budget proposal for FY2020 has a general account of 42.08 billion yen, which is 2.885 billion yen, or 7.4% of the previous year's original budget. There has been an increase in
Regarding revenue, city tax, which is the core of the city's independent financial resources, amounted to 16,437,980,000 yen, a decrease of 233,940,000 yen, or 1.4% compared to the original budget for the previous fiscal year. Personal municipal tax revenue has decreased due to the end of temporary measures associated with the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the impact of fixed tax reductions.Among fixed asset taxes, regarding land, there has been a review of the assessed value due to revaluation, and reserved land in land readjustment areas. We are forecasting an increase in revenue due to factors such as disposal and cancellation of production green space, but a decrease in revenue for houses due to the significant impact of depreciation of existing houses due to revaluation.
In addition, national treasury disbursements increased by 244.72 million yen due to an increase in education and childcare benefit costs for children, and metropolitan government disbursements increased by ¥444.72 million due to an increase in subsidies for projects to reduce the burden on multi-child households using nursery schools, etc. We anticipate an increase in revenue of 19.16 million yen.
In addition, the amount of municipal bonds is expected to increase by 643.9 million yen due to an increase in land readjustment project bonds, elementary school special classroom air conditioning equipment installation project bonds, Inagi Fire Department air conditioning equipment renovation project bonds, etc. will be used as a financial resource for ordinary construction projects, while taking into consideration the future financial burden.
Expenditures are estimated based on the "budget formulation policy" instructed in August last year.
Mainly, the amount paid out increased by 1,003.41 million yen due to an increase in the amount paid out from the special account for land readjustment projects and the special account paid out for medical care for the elderly.
Property costs increased by 914.6 million yen due to increases in system standardization-related costs, community comprehensive support center business commission fees, childbirth and childcare support gift business commission fees, and garbage collection and transportation commission fees.
Aid expenses will increase by 593.43 million yen due to an increase in education and childcare benefits for children, operating commission fees for private daycare centers, disability nursing care benefits, and medical expenses subsidies for compulsory education for children attending school.
Ordinary construction project costs increased to 569.42 billion yen due to increases in special classroom air conditioning equipment installation work contract costs, private nursery school promotion subsidies, land purchase costs for Phase 1 kitchen, and Inagi Station south exit square improvement work contract costs, etc. An increase of 10,000 yen.
Personnel costs increased by 280.59 million yen due to an increase in the number of employees, salary revisions, and the start of payment of diligence allowances for employees appointed in the fiscal year.
Public debt expenses decreased by 19.22 million yen due to the completion of redemption of temporary financial measures bonds issued in FY2003.
Subsidy expenses, etc. have decreased by 111.82 million yen due to a reduction in benefits for use of facilities for raising children and incentives for attracting companies.
Below, I will explain the characteristics of the FY2020 budget in accordance with the system of measures in the long-term comprehensive plan.

Details of measures

1. Inagi, a city where everyone can shine through child-rearing, education, and culture

Regarding the enrichment of the environment in which children are raised and nurtured, as part of our initiatives for the healthy development of children after school, we will newly privatize the Shiroyama Cultural Center Children's Center and the Shiroyama Elementary School After-School Club, and in 2020, we will privatize the Fourth Cultural Center Children's Hall and the Fourth Cultural Center Children's Club. We will proceed with preparations for the privatization of the Four Culture Center Afterschool Club.
In response to increased demand for the Nanzan Elementary School After-School Club, we will be operating the club with additional classes and increased capacity.
In addition, in the public nursery school operation project, we will carry out waterproofing renovation work on the roof of the fifth nursery school in order to cope with the aging of the nursery school building.
Regarding the enhancement of the support system for child-rearing households, we will subsidize the transportation expenses of Family Support Center activity members and activity expenses through the Family Support Meister project, thereby enhancing the support system for child-rearing support in the local area. We will try to do so.
Regarding the enhancement of consultation and support systems for nurturing and nurturing, Maruko (compulsory education-going child medical expenses subsidy project) and Maruo (medical expenses subsidy project for high school students) will be established as an additional measure unique to the city in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government system. We will support the child-rearing generation by abolishing the current income restrictions and subsidizing the medical expenses of all children under high school age.
Regarding the first birthday support project, we will expand the distribution amount of childcare packages to 60,000 yen for families raising children who will turn one year old after April 2021, in an effort to reduce the financial burden and burden of childcare. I will continue to do so.
In addition, with the opening of the Educational Counseling Office branch from April 2020, we will increase the number of educational counselors and work to enhance the counseling system.
Regarding the enhancement of educational content, we will publish the Board of Education newsletter in order to enhance public relations regarding educational measures, etc.
Regarding the enrichment of the content of compulsory education, we will hold the ``World Conference on Children's Future Supporting the United Nations'' for elementary school students to discuss and disseminate information about the future of Inagi, targeting elementary school students. By doing so, we will promote the development of the ability to create the future and survive.
In addition, in junior high schools, as part of our international understanding education, we will work to improve communication skills in English through interactions with international students at universities.
Regarding the enhancement of the educational environment, we will reduce the administrative burden on Inagi City elementary and junior high school vice principals, allowing them to focus on school management such as responding to teacher consultations and assisting the principal, thereby strengthening school management functions. We will assign Type 1 fiscal year appointed staff to assist the principal in his duties.
In addition, due to the prolonged rise in resource prices, etc., food costs continue to rise, making it necessary to revise school lunch fees.In order to reduce the burden on parents of children, Inagi City School Lunch Prices will continue to rise. The city has created an emergency measures temporary burden subsidy, and the city will cover the increased portion revised after July 2020 for a limited time, and will continue to provide safe and secure school lunches that maintain nutritional balance, quantity, and quality. We will continue to provide it.
Regarding the development of school facilities and equipment, in order to cope with the increase in the number of children, construction work will be carried out to improve regular classrooms at Inagi Daini Elementary School and Hirao Elementary School, as well as design work for expanding the school building of Inagi Daini Elementary School. We will continue to do so.
In addition, in order to address the aging of the school building, we will carry out waterproofing renovation work on the roof of Inagi Daishi Junior High School.
Next, in order to ensure a safe and comfortable educational environment, we will install air conditioning in special classrooms such as the arts and crafts room and home economics room at the elementary school.
Additionally, we will be working to install barrier-free toilets in the gymnasium of Shiroyama Elementary School, which is designated as an evacuation center in the event of a disaster.
Regarding the enhancement of school lunches, we will acquire land for the second phase of land use construction for the first school lunch joint kitchen.
In addition, in response to the aging of the kitchen equipment in the second kitchen of the school lunch communal kitchen, we will be updating the automatic fryer.
Regarding the promotion of lifelong learning, we will formulate the 4th Inagi City Children's Reading Activities Promotion Plan (tentative name) with a planning period from 2020 to 2021.
Regarding facilities that will serve as places for lifelong learning activities for citizens, we will carry out renovations to waterproof the roof of the Third Cultural Center and to renovate the air conditioning equipment of the Third Cultural Center. In addition, we will update the pottery kiln in the No. 4 Community Center, which is extremely old.

2. Health, medical care, and welfare Inagi, a city where everyone can live a healthy life in the community

Regarding the enhancement of the local medical system, we will work to improve the system on Sundays, holidays, New Year's holidays, etc. with the cooperation of the Inagi City Medical Association as a holiday emergency medical treatment project.
Regarding the development of community welfare, we will implement a multi-layered support system development project in order to respond to the increasingly complex and diverse support needs of local residents and strengthen comprehensive support systems in each area of ​​welfare.
Regarding the enhancement of welfare for the elderly, we will increase the opening days of the Home Medical Care/Nursing Care Coordination Support Center and enhance its consultation functions.
Furthermore, in order to realize a cohesive society, we are implementing a brain health measurement project on a trial basis, promoting the dissemination of correct knowledge about dementia, raising awareness of brain health, and promoting prevention and improvement of dementia progression through early detection. I'm coming.
In addition, in order to respond to the increasing demand for services due to the aging population in the New Town area, we will support the relocation of the office of the Regional Comprehensive Support Center Koyodai to the former site of the Kiraboshi Bank Koyodai Branch.
Regarding the long-term care insurance system, we will revise the long-term care insurance premiums based on the 9th long-term care insurance business plan, which covers the period from 2020 to 2020, and will work to ensure the smooth operation of the system. .
Regarding the enhancement of the welfare of people with disabilities and children with disabilities, in order to enhance the developmental support system, we will open a branch office of the Inagi City Developmental Support Center, which is a unique initiative of the city. It also includes the functions of a child development support center based on the Child Welfare Act, and as the core of regional development support, we will provide seamless developmental support from early childhood.
At the same time, we have opened a daycare center for children with severe mental and physical disabilities and children with disabilities who require medical care, with the aim of securing a place for daytime activities and enhancing support for community life. I will continue to do so.
In addition, we will provide private power generators and other equipment to people with disabilities who use ventilators at home to maintain their lives in the event of a large-scale power outage due to a disaster, etc., to ensure the safety and security of home treatment.
Regarding the promotion of public medical insurance and the pension system, we will revise the National Health Insurance tax rate, etc. to ensure stable operation of the National Health Insurance system.

3. Environment/Economy/Sightseeing Surrounded by water and greenery, Inagi is a bustling city full of vitality.

In order to improve the appeal of water, greenery, and parks, we will continue to hold workshops at Yoshikata Park with the participation of local residents, as well as carry out the implementation design as an inclusive park.
Regarding the promotion of sustainable urban agriculture, the pruned branch crushing vehicle introduced in 2004 will be updated in 2020 in order to improve the efficiency of processing pruned branches of pears, grapes, etc. and reduce the environmental burden. We will continue to make preparations for this.
Regarding the revitalization of commerce and industry, we will expand the target area of ​​the current subsidy project for opening stores near stations to cover the entire city, and aim to create an attractive commercial space.
Regarding the promotion of sports and recreational activities, we will work toward the formulation of the Second Inagi City Sports Promotion Plan (tentative name) so that all citizens can enjoy a rich sports life throughout their lives.
In addition, we will further promote support in line with the name change of the Inagi City Sports Association, which is responsible for promoting sports and recreational activities.
Regarding the sports facilities, we will be implementing construction to change the lighting to LED lighting at the Friends Hirao Complex Facility, in order to make it safe and comfortable to use, and to make it an environmentally friendly facility.
Regarding the promotion of town development for tourism by creating hustle and bustle, we will promote initiatives for regional revitalization through public-private collaboration with Tokyo Verdy and the Yomiuri Giants, whose hometown is this city, and will lead to further fostering of civic pride. .
Additionally, we will promote citizen exchanges by providing assistance to the ``tourism projects to domestic sister and friendship cities'' planned by the Inagi City Tourism Association.

4. Urban infrastructure development, firefighting, crime prevention Inagi, a city where everyone can live safely and comfortably

Regarding the promotion of planned and appropriate land use, we will continue to work toward the establishment of the Inagi City Town Development Ordinance (tentative name) in 2021, in order to create a system that can promote town development by citizens, businesses, and the government. Masu.
Regarding urban development, we will promote land readjustment projects in order to create a pleasant living environment and develop and improve public facilities.
Regarding the Enokido area, which is being implemented by the city, we aim to complete the project as soon as possible, and will complete the relocation of all buildings within the area, as well as carry out road construction work, etc., in order to move forward with the project.
Regarding the area surrounding Yanoguchi Station, in addition to relocating structures on the north side of the station, we will also consider relocation plans for the former Super Embankment Section C, etc.
Regarding the area surrounding Inagi-Naganuma Station, in addition to relocating buildings, we will continue to discuss with the local community the effective use of land around the station plaza in order to create hustle and bustle and improve its appeal.
In the area surrounding Minamitama Station, we will relocate buildings and construct roads and waterways.
Regarding the Minamiyama Eastern District, where the union is in operation, we aim to open the Yomiuri Land Line and Inagi Minami-Tama Line, the main arterial roads in the district, in conjunction with the opening of the new Giants Stadium. In addition, we will continue to provide further support and guidance to the association so that we can continue to develop housing land and expand the disposal of reserved land and the start of revenue from use.
Regarding the promotion of road network development, we will continue to request the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to promote the development of the Minami-Tama Ridge Trunk Line and Tsurukawa Kaido in order to facilitate intercity transportation.
In addition, we will continue to acquire land and provide compensation for property relocation for the section of the Yomiuri Land Line, which is contracted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, from the Inagi City Fire Department First Branch Station to the border of the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Project Area. We will carry out road improvement work. Furthermore, in areas bordering prefectures, we will acquire land and provide compensation for property relocation, as well as carry out detailed road designs.
Next, we will carry out road construction and other construction work on Tama City Planning Road No. 7, 5, and 3 Shukuenokido Line from Kawasaki Kaido to Tsurukawa Kaido.
Next, regarding the maintenance of roads that are closely related to daily life, in collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, in line with the progress of the construction of the Hyakumura section of the Tsurukawa Kaido, the city will acquire land and provide property relocation compensation for City Road No. 456, which connects to the Tsurukawa Kaido. We will implement the following.
Next, regarding the section from Shin Kisaragi Bridge to Naka Bridge, which is positioned in the Sakahama Nishi District District Plan, we will acquire land and provide property relocation compensation in order to develop a side road in line with Tokyo's Misawa River improvement plan. Masu.
In addition, we will continue to work on improvements to eliminate narrow roads.
In order to improve the transportation environment (mobility), we will review the existing layouts of Inagi Station South Exit Station Square and Keio Yomiuriland Station South Exit Station Square to improve safety and convenience for station users and citizens, as well as improve urban infrastructure. In addition to adding more bus stops, we will also carry out improvements to Inagi Station's south exit plaza and a detailed design of Keio Yomiuriland Station's south exit plaza to ensure safe passage for buses, taxis, and general vehicles.
In addition, regarding the i-Bus business, as urban infrastructure development progresses in the eastern part of Nanzan, etc., we will conduct a survey on the actual usage of the current operating routes, verify the current operating routes, and hold the "Inagi City Regional Public Transportation Conference" etc. As part of this, we will consider reviewing the city's public bus transportation routes.
Regarding the promotion of comprehensive flood countermeasures, we will improve flood control and safety by improving waterways and ordinary rivers by repairing the Sugabori bank, and by properly maintaining and managing the facilities by repairing the generator at the Oshidatebori drainage pump station. We will continue to strive to improve.
Regarding flood countermeasures, in line with the progress of the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Project, public sewerage and rainwater facilities will be developed, as well as rainwater trunks in the downstream area, and the rainwater drainage area will be expanded to prevent flooding damage. We will strive to
Furthermore, in order to protect the lives and property of citizens from frequent flooding damage caused by increased rainfall due to climate change caused by global warming and progress in urbanization, we will conduct a survey based on a map of areas expected to be inundated by inland water flooding. In addition to evaluating the current status of development, we will establish an effective phased development policy, including reviewing the target development level in light of climate change and utilizing the regulation pond in the eastern part of Nanzan, which has been newly designated as a public sewerage facility. We will formulate a comprehensive stormwater management plan.
Regarding the enhancement of the firefighting system, with the aim of creating a safe and secure town, we are proceeding with the formulation of the 4th Inagi City Firefighting Basic Plan (tentative name) in order to enhance and strengthen the firefighting system in the city from 2020 onwards. Masu.
Regarding the promotion of local disaster prevention activities, we will strive to align with the Tokyo Metropolitan Regional Disaster Prevention Plan and revise the local disaster prevention plan based on the lessons learned from earthquakes and storm and flood disasters that have occurred in various places in recent years. Additionally, we will install more automatic earthquake lock boxes at designated evacuation shelters and strive to improve disaster prevention facilities.

Five. Citizens/Government Inagi

Regarding fostering a sense of mutual respect, we will work toward the formulation of the Fifth Inagi City Gender Equality Plan (tentative name).
Regarding community development support, we will subsidize the operating costs of security cameras installed by neighborhood associations.
Regarding the promotion of intercity and multicultural exchange, we will collaborate with the Inagi City Sister Cities and Friendship City Exchange Association to promote new intercity exchanges in sister cities and friendship cities, thereby promoting exchanges between citizens and increasing the number of people. We will create opportunities for cultural exchange.
Regarding the sharing of information between citizens and the government, we will conduct a citizen awareness survey in order to understand citizens' lifestyle awareness and intentions and requests for city administration, and use this information as reference material for future city administration.
In addition, in light of the diversifying characteristics of information media, we will completely revamp the city's website in order to create a system that can accurately convey administrative information to citizens and actively disseminate information.
Regarding sound administrative and financial management, as a disaster countermeasure for Inagi City Hall, we will carry out a design for renovation work on the power reception and substation facilities of the city hall in order to expand the area where business can continue in the event of a power outage.
In addition, regarding the air conditioning equipment at the Inagi Fire Department, there are some problems due to deterioration of the equipment, and since it is a base for activities during large-scale disasters, we are making efforts to improve the air conditioning equipment so that it can operate during power outages due to earthquakes or wind and flood damage. We will carry out renovation work.
Regarding the improvement of administrative services using information systems, in order to improve the convenience of users and improve the efficiency of facility management operations, we will update the public facility reservation system, and in addition to online reservations, usage fees will be increased at physical education facilities. We will add new functions so that payment and key lending can be done online.
In addition, regarding the introduction of generative AI, we will utilize interactive generative AI to improve work efficiency and digital literacy of employees.

As mentioned above, I have stated the administrative policy in line with the system of measures in the 5th Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Plan.
In the new fiscal year, we will promote each project of the 5th Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Plan and promote sustainable administrative and financial management with the understanding and cooperation of the city council members and citizens. increase.

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Inagi City Planning Department Planning Policy Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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