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Nagamine Fureai Hall (Nagamine district)

Updated: January 23, 2020

due date

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Q&A overview

Contents of question Answer
[Installation of security cameras]
Last year, at this town meeting, we requested assistance from the city for the installation of security cameras, and the system was realized, allowing us to use it as a neighborhood association. We are very grateful for that.
-Based on the suggestions we received last year, starting this year we have established a system in which the city will subsidize a portion of the installation costs when a neighborhood association takes the initiative to install security cameras.
・In addition to asking about local issues at town meetings, you can also report them to the relevant department at city hall or to your local city council member.
・Although we have limited financial resources, we would like to listen to the opinions of citizens and consider possible measures.
[Usage status of Nagamine Oasis]
One and a half years have passed since Nagamine Oasis opened in April 2018, and I would like to report on the usage status.
The total number of users exceeds 15,000, with the majority of users being elderly people in the morning and elementary and junior high school students in the evening.
Additionally, the federation has requested the provision of wheelchairs as a budget request for next year. Please consider this.
Regarding budget requests, we will compile requests from each neighborhood association, carefully examine them, and then prioritize them to consider how to respond.
[Watching the Olympic bicycle road race]
During the summer test event, a children's priority area was set up, which I thought was a good idea, but when I arrived there late, I couldn't cross the road due to traffic restrictions and couldn't make it.
For the actual event, it would be good if the regulations were relaxed so that as many people as possible could watch the event.
・The course regulations will be stricter than the test event in order to prevent interference with the runners and terrorism. This is unavoidable, so please gather early on the day.
- Although it is still in the consideration stage, we are planning events, such as public viewing, during the actual Olympics, and will let you know as soon as they are decided.
・I hope that many people will enjoy the Olympic cycling races.
[Road lighting in Nagamine district]
The street lights in the Nagamine area are dark. I would like to see street lights installed that illuminate the sidewalks.
・In the past, when the Nagamine district was developed by UR, the town was created with the concept of ``a town where you can see the stars,'' and darkness was one of its selling points. Some people live there and like it, so it would be difficult to increase the brightness of the lighting.
・In addition, the city's new town district was built during the bubble period, so very high-grade custom-made materials are used, and the disparity with established urban areas is an issue.
- Regarding brightness, there are various opinions, including ``I want it to be bright for crime prevention'' and ``I don't want it to be too bright.'' It is necessary to take time to build consensus within the region and consider how to respond.
[Housing guide sign in Nagamine area]
There is one near the bus stop next to Nagamine Oasis, but the housing information signs in the Nagamine area are old and difficult to read, so I would like them to be updated.
The city is aware of the deterioration of the signboards. The signboards in the Nagamine area were installed by UR during the bubble economy, and although it would be hard to imagine them now, they were custom-made and of high quality.
・The deterioration of signboards is an issue not only in the new town but throughout the city, and the same grade as the original cannot be maintained. We would like to consider gradually addressing this issue by changing the type of signboards so that they can be replaced if they deteriorate.
[Nichidai Ground Lighting]
The night game lighting at the Nihon University ground is extremely bright even when I'm inside my house, making me feel uncomfortable as if people can peek into my room. Sometimes it stays on all night, probably because I forget to turn it off.
Did the city ask them to turn on those night game lights?
- The night game lights at Nihon University Ground are for the university's athletic club activities, and are not commissioned by the city.
・We have previously received feedback regarding the lighting for night games at the Nihon University Grounds, and have submitted a request to Nihon University through the relevant city department.
As an association, we have received several opinions from residents. We would like to receive a response at a later date.
(1) Measures to deal with loopholes (2) Measures to deal with the damage caused by stray cats’ droppings (3) Improvement of bus services and increase in the number of i-bus services (4) Restrictions on open burning
・We will respond to you individually at a later date.
(1) Countermeasures against loopholes In the Nagamine area, many cars drive through residential areas at high speeds to avoid traffic lights and are dangerous. I want the city to take measures. [Answer from the management department later]
・Regarding countermeasures for passing vehicles from Nagamine Chuo Dori to Nagamine Nishi Dori, we received a request from the Nagamine Nishi District Neighborhood Association on June 5th of this year, and on June 18th, we held discussions with the Tama Chuo Police Station regarding measures. Ta.
・During the same discussion, we received a proposal from the Tama Chuo Police Station regarding speed control measures to install guide lines (broken line stop lines) at intersection entrances, and the installation work was completed on July 30th. We would like to confirm this and discuss countermeasures with the Tama Chuo Police Station.
(2) Measures against stray cat droppings I would like to know what measures the city is taking against stray cats (droppings, etc.). I would like to know if there are any examples of local initiatives. [Answer from the Environment Division later]
・Cats are defined as ``protected animals'' under the ``Animal Welfare and Management Act,'' and it is prohibited to stop feeding or watering them without reason.
・When the city receives complaints or consultations about feeding stray cats or feces that cause a nuisance to the surrounding area, such as leaving food unattended, staff members go to the scene and conduct interviews to find out the actual situation. In order to improve the inappropriate feeding of the people who are actually feeding the food, there is a ``prohibition of leaving food and feeding dishes unattended,'' and if they are feeding on their own premises, is taking measures such as requesting the establishment of ``restrooms''.
(3) I would like to see more bus services, more i-bus services, and more services on the Minami-Tama route (private buses).
・I would like to see more i-buses. (C course every hour, increased frequency of each course)
・I would like to see a new i-Bus service that would take us from the Nagamine area to City Hall more quickly. (The current A course takes 1 hour to get to City Hall)

[Answer from the management department later]
・The city requested bus operators to increase the number of route buses connecting Minami-Tama Station and Wakabadai Station, and in April 2019, one round-trip bus service was increased. We have heard from bus operators that they would like to consider increasing the number of buses in the future based on the situation. I would like to continue making requests in the future.
・In addition, the current i-Bus routes were discussed at the Inagi City Regional Public Transportation Council, which is made up of representatives from each neighborhood association and civic group, the police, bus operators, etc., and held 32 meetings. After holding 26 public information sessions, operation began on March 27, 2017. At that time, we have added one bus to the service, and there are currently no plans to increase the number of buses any further. We would like to report this at the review meeting and utilize it for future i-Bus operations.

(4) Regulation of field burning There is also field burning in places other than Seinokami. I would like the city to take measures to prevent open burning. It is difficult for residents to warn each other directly.

[Answer from the Environment Division later]
・Open-air incineration (open-air burning), in which waste is incinerated without the use of incineration equipment, is prohibited by the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act); The Ordinance stipulates that ``the incineration of waste that is unavoidable for the purpose of carrying out agriculture, forestry, etc.'' is an ``exception to the incineration ban,'' similar to ``Sainokami.''
・When the city receives a complaint about smoke, odor, etc. regarding open burning, staff first check the site and respond in accordance with the law, but even if there is an exception to the burning ban, We ask that you be considerate of neighboring residents.
In addition, we would like to take advantage of new publications such as the "Garbage/Recycling Calendar" that will be seen by many citizens, and educate more citizens about the prohibition of open burning.

[Crime prevention information email]
Recently, it seems that burglaries have been occurring in the city. I would like the city to send out information about the damage via email.
・Basically, when crime-related information is sent through the city's email service, the city reprints the information received from ``Mail Keishicho'' and distributes it.
・Inagi was originally a farming village, and until a few years ago, there was a laid-back culture where people didn't lock their doors. However, he was targeted by thieves, and a weekly magazine reported that ``Inagi is a burglary paradise.''
・Based on this, the Inagi City Safe and Secure Town Development Promotion Council was launched, and through various activities, the city is currently being evaluated as a safe town with low crime rates.
  [Results of take-home study]
・Based on the opinions received, we held discussions with the Tama Chuo Police Station.
・In this discussion, it was decided that if a crime such as a burglary occurs in the city, the police will request the city to provide information, and the city will distribute the information via the city's email distribution service.
[Long-term comprehensive plan]
At the beginning, there was an explanation of the next long-term comprehensive plan and the distribution of materials, but I think the SDGs perspective is important as we move towards 2030. There is also the idea of ​​backcasting, which involves setting goals first and creating a plan. The statement ``The city will do...'' stands out, but apart from that, I think it would be good to include the perspective of ``the role of residents'' in the plan and bring it to the forefront.

・I received a very important suggestion.
・There was a time when people worked hard to earn a salary and pay taxes, leaving all administrative services to government offices during the period of high economic growth.The government also had ample tax revenue and was able to steadily develop housing and infrastructure. .
-However, we are now in an era of declining population and declining tax revenues, and we are now facing a phase where we must respond to diversifying administrative needs and maintain the infrastructure we have developed in the past.
・In order to promote sustainable administrative and financial management, it is natural that some administrative services will have to be reduced. The time has come to shift our thinking about what services should continue to be funded by taxes, and what should be abolished.
・As we enter a phase of reduction in administrative services, it is very important to consider the role that citizens should play, which goes beyond ``cooperation with citizens,'' and as you have just proposed, it is very important to consider the role that citizens should play. I think it should be done.
-Recently, in formulating the next long-term comprehensive plan, we received recommendations from the Citizens' Council for "Inagi in 2030." When I looked at the content of the recommendations, I was very impressed to see that they included the viewpoints of ``citizens should work independently'' and ``let's take charge ourselves,'' rather than ``the government should do everything for us.''
・We would like to proceed with the creation of a plan that incorporates such viewpoints.

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City General Affairs Department Secretary Public Relations Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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