Wooden House Seismic Diagnosis Subsidy

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Page ID 1002968 Update Date Reiwa 7, February 5

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In Inagi City, we are supporting the promotion of seismic resistance in wooden houses by providing assistance through seismic diagnosis and renovation subsidy projects, taking lessons from past earthquakes.
If you live in a wooden house built before 1981, please take this opportunity to check the seismic resistance of your home.

Note: The application period for the seismic diagnosis and renovation subsidy for wooden houses for the fiscal year 2024 has ended. If you are considering applying for the fiscal year 2025 and beyond, please consult the Community Development Renewal Division.

Wooden House Earthquake Resistance Diagnosis Subsidy Brochure

Subsidized Housing

The following conditions must all be met.

  1. Private wooden houses or wooden apartment buildings located within the city
  2. Buildings constructed before May 31, 1981 (including those constructed after June 1, 1981, for which building confirmation was obtained before May 31 of the same year) and currently inhabited residences.
  3. If a single building is used for multiple purposes, more than half of the total floor area of that building must be allocated for residential use.

Eligible Recipients

The following conditions must all be met.

  1. Currently, you must have ownership of the housing eligible for assistance. However, if the housing eligible for assistance is a shared property, you must have representative authority based on the agreement of all co-owners.
  2. All owners of the subsidized housing (if the subsidized housing is a shared property, all co-owners) and all residents living in the subsidized housing (excluding occupants living in collective housing) must not be in arrears on Municipal Tax.

Grant Amount

We will subsidize the lower amount between the cost required for the seismic diagnosis (excluding tax) or 100,000 yen.

Proxy Receipt System

The proxy receipt system is a system in which the diagnostic institution receives the subsidy on behalf of the applicant.
By using this system, you can conduct seismic diagnosis by only paying the difference between the seismic diagnosis cost and the subsidy to the diagnostic institution.

Diagnostic Institution

Shall apply to any of the following individuals.

Architectural offices belonging to the Southern Branch of the Tokyo Architects Association

i. Architectural offices registered as seismic diagnosis offices based on the Guidelines for the Registration System of Wooden House Seismic Diagnosis Offices in Tokyo (September 1, 2006, 18 City Building and Planning No. 68)

(u) Among those belonging to business establishments with their main office located within the city, individuals who have completed earthquake resistance training conducted by the Japan Architectural Disaster Prevention Association (limited to first-class architects, second-class architects, or wooden architects as defined in Article 2 of the Architect Act (Law No. 202 of 1950)).

Note: We have also confirmed that the colored contractors in the city have completed the training for the fiscal year 2023.

Types of Seismic Diagnosis Eligible for Subsidy

The types of diagnoses eligible for assistance are as follows.

  1. General Diagnosis = Diagnosis to determine if seismic reinforcement is necessary
  2. Precision Diagnosis = Diagnosis with Reinforcement Design in Mind

Note: Diagnosis based solely on drawings (simple diagnosis) is not eligible for assistance.

Grant Guidelines, Important Points, Application Process

Related Forms

Submission Deadline

Application Form

Please submit the Application Form by Friday, December 13, 2024.
Note: Even within the deadline, if the budget amount is exceeded, you may be asked to apply in the next fiscal year.
In addition, to receive the grant, you must apply for the grant to the city before contracting for the seismic diagnosis, so if you are considering receiving the grant, please consult the city in advance.

Completion Report

Please submit the report by February 7, 2025 (Friday).
Note: Even if it is within the deadline, please submit the completion report promptly once the seismic diagnosis is completed.

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Inagi City Department of Urban Development Community Development Rebirth Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-9719
Contact Inagi City Department of Urban Development Community Development Rebirth Division