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Accident report at nursing care service office

Updated: November 8, 2022

In the event of an accident during the provision of nursing care services

In the event of an accident during the provision of long-term care services, the long-term care insurance designated business operator shall take appropriate measures to protect the user's life and body, as well as support the user's family and the in-home long-term care support office for the user. etc., and to record and report to the insurer the situation and response to the accident.

Accident report flow

  1. Accident occurred
  2. Contact the user's family and the in-home care support business contracted with the user
  3. Submit an accident report in writing to the Nursing Care Insurance Section, Elderly Welfare Division, Inagi City within about five days (However, in the case of an emergency or serious accident such as a fatal accident, promptly make a telephone report and submit the accident report. submitted)
  4. If the municipality where the business operator or facility is located and the insurer of the user is other than Inagi City, also report to the municipality
  5. Submit the final accident report when all of the relevant accident procedures have been completed (however, this is not required if the accident procedures have been completed at the time of the first report)

Note 1 Documents should be submitted in paper form, by mail, or electronically .
Note 2 When submitting electronic data, please notify the following address that an accident report has occurred. (Please include the name of the person concerned, telephone number, and email address of the office. Do not attach the accident report to the email .) After that, we will send you the URL and password for uploading the electronic data of the accident report, so please upload the electronic data of the accident report to the specified URL.
Elderly Welfare Division E-mail address:

Subject of accident report

  1. In the event that the user dies or is injured due to an accident during the provision of the service (including medical treatment within the facility, accidents during pick-up and drop-off, hospital visits, etc., going out without permission (departure)).
  2. Food poisoning, infectious diseases (Categories 1 to 5 of those stipulated in the "Law Concerning Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases" (excluding category 5 sentinel-monitored infectious diseases), new strains of influenza, etc. disease, designated infectious diseases, and new infectious diseases), etc.
  3. When the provision of services is affected by a disaster at the business office or a machine failure
  4. When occurrence of pica, aspiration, medication error, etc. is observed
  5. If there is an impact on the treatment of users due to illegal acts or scandals (loss of personal information, loss of deposits, etc.) by staff
  6. Other cases deemed necessary

Note Please report regardless of the operator's negligence and liability.

Items that do not require an accident report

  1. For relatively minor injuries such as abrasions and bruises
  2. Natural death due to old age or disease

Note: Even in the above cases, a report is required if Inagi City has requested a report.

Matters to be reported

According to the attached accident report (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare notification dated March 19, 2021 (Nursing care insurance latest information Vol.943) "Regarding the report format for accidents at nursing care insurance facilities", a new report format was shown Along with that, Inagi City also created a new form based on the accident report form recommended by the country, so please download it from the link below and use it. Please make sure that there are no omissions in the items of the person in charge, contact information, location of the medical institution, and administrator name .)

Note 1 Please fill in all the items of the report including the undecided items.
Note 2 Regarding "Future measures to prevent recurrence", please discuss the prevention of recurrence at a meeting attended by the facility manager or administrator of the business establishment, and write down the results of that consideration.
Note 3 Please fill in the blanks.
Note 4 The person in charge may inquire about the contents of the report.

Download various forms (for businesses)

Overview of 2021 Accident Report Aggregation

  • The number of accident reports in FY2021 was 195, an increase of 59 from the previous year .
  • The top number of reports by service type was 52 for "paid nursing homes" (up 3 from the previous year), 40 for "special nursing homes" (up 17 from the previous year), and 34 for "dementia group homes." (an increase of 19 over the previous year).
  • The top reported causes of accidents were “physical disabilities” with 94 cases (up 46 cases from the previous year), “staff carelessness” with 55 cases (up 12 cases), and “infectious diseases, etc.” ” was 31 cases (an increase of 24 cases).
  • Of the 55 cases of "carelessness of staff, etc.", 33 cases of "wrong medication/medication omission" and 31 cases of "infectious disease, etc." were all coronavirus infections.

Wrong medication/medication omission

The number of reports of “wrong medication/medication omission” is increasing. The main factors are lack of confirmation by the staff, prejudice, and impatience that overlaps with other duties. In the worst case, “wrong medication or medication omission” can lead to fatal accidents. In addition to striving to prevent accidents, if an accident does occur, be sure to take measures to prevent recurrence at a meeting attended by the facility manager or manager of the business establishment.

The following are good examples of recurrence prevention measures, so please refer to them.

  • Do not leave the patient until confirmation of swallowing is completed.
  • Adjustments have been made so that multiple staff members can double-check the date and timing of taking medications, such as morning and evening.
  • Instead of verbal confirmation of the type of medicine, use the instruction manual, etc., and if the problem cannot be resolved, ask the nurse or facility manager.
  • Changed work assignments so that employees who are relatively less fatigued immediately after coming to work are in charge, instead of employees who have not left work.
  • The checklist should be filled out for each user, rather than all at once.
  • Confirmation before administration and after administration will be performed by two staff members, creating a system that allows for double checks and cross checks.
  • Staff who are on medication do not provide other assistance, and when the need for other assistance arises, they request support from other staff.

Inquiries about this page

Elderly Welfare Division, Welfare Department, Inagi City
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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