Recruitment of Acceptance Organizations for Business Operators
We are continuously recruiting institutions to accept caregiving support volunteers.
Designated Requirements
- Activities that take place at facilities or locations within Inagi City.
- This is an activity related to Long-Term Care Insurance.
- This is not a substitute for the tasks to be performed in home help services.
- It is not a substitute for the original duties that the business or facility should perform.
- As a result of the activities, it is expected that there will be certain effects of preventive care for the volunteers themselves.
Designated Facilities and Offices
The facilities and offices that can be designated as receiving institutions are as follows.
- Long-Term Care Insurance Facilities
- Community Support Project (Preventive Care Project) commissioned by Inagi City
- Fureai Center
- Older Adults Dining Meetings, etc.
Target Business
Currently, the activities targeted are as follows. If there are activities not included that you would like to request volunteers for, please contact City Hall.
- Guidance and support for participation in recreational activities
- Assistance with serving tea, meal service in the cafeteria, and clearing tables
- Operating Assistance for Cafes and Similar Establishments
- Assistance for walking, going out, and moving within the facility
- Assistance with events such as stalls, venue setup, user mobility support, and performances
- Conversation Partner
- Minor and supportive activities carried out with facility staff (e.g., mowing, organizing laundry, changing sheets, etc.)
- Others (e.g., garbage disposal for Older Adults households, etc.)
Note: Physical assistance and activities within the homes of Older Adults are not permitted.
Flow until Acceptance
1. Submission of Designated Application Form
Please submit the "Care Support Volunteer Designation Application Form" to the Senior Welfare Division, Senior Welfare Section.
2. Designation Decision
Once decided, a "Notification of Designation/Disapproval of Care Support Volunteer" and a stamp will be sent from City Hall.
3. Start of Acceptance from Pre-adjustment
Volunteer recruitment is conducted by the Social Welfare Council of Inagi City. If there are individuals who wish to volunteer, arrangements will be made to provide guidance on visiting the receiving organization and the activities involved. After that, if the individuals wishing to volunteer wish to continue their activities, the official acceptance will begin.
4. Stamp imprint and date entry from activities
Volunteers use the "Health Worry-Free Notebook (Care Support Volunteer Notebook)". After the activity, please stamp the notebook and record the activity date before returning it to the volunteer.
Note: One stamp is given for each hour, with a maximum of two stamps per day.
Other Topics
Once a year, we conduct a survey and a discussion meeting for all receiving institutions. We will send out an announcement when the time comes, so we appreciate your cooperation.
Contact Information
- Registration and system details
Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division Senior Welfare Section
Phone: 042-378-2111 (Extension 222) - Regarding Volunteer Recruitment
Inagi City Social Welfare Council Community Welfare Division (Volunteer Center)
Phone: 042-378-3800
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Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division
〒206-8601 Tokyo, Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma 2111
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact Inagi City Welfare Department Senior Welfare Division