What is the Address Organization Project?

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Page ID 1009097 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 24

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The current method of displaying addresses and locations in Inagi City uses land numbers known as "chiban."
Chiban were originally established not to identify places of residence, but were primarily assigned to land for tax purposes during the Meiji era.
As a result, every time land is subdivided or roads are developed, the regularity of the numbers is lost, leading to a confusing situation where numbers are skipped, and multiple houses are built on the same chiban.
To resolve this situation, we are working on organizing clearer addresses and location displays.

Effects of Address Organization

Address organization, along with the review of town areas and the establishment of blocks, can improve the convenience and safety of citizens' lives by organizing the display of addresses and locations. Additionally, it allows for the understanding of the number of households in each town area, which can lead to improvements in community activities and also has expected effects on responses during disasters.

Address Organization Methods

There are two methods for address organization: "Town Boundary and Town Name Numbering Organization" which renumbers land parcels, and "Residential Addressing" which assigns addresses based on the location of buildings.

Illustration: Address Organization Methods

Current Situation of Inagi City

Inagi City was established in Meiji 22 when six villages, Yanokuchi, Higashi-Naganuma, Omaru, Momura, Sakahama, and Hirao, merged to form Inagi Village. Later, in Showa 24, the Oshitate District was incorporated, and with the increase in population, it became Inagi Town in Showa 32 and Inagi City in Showa 46. With the progress of the Tama New Town project, the Koyodai District, Nagamine District, and Wakabadai District were created, and together with the previous seven districts, it is now composed of ten districts.
Regarding the organization of addresses, in line with the opening of the Tama New Town area, town boundary and name numbering organization was carried out in the Koyodai District in Showa 62, in the Nagamine District in Heisei 6, and in the Wakabadai District in Heisei 10. Additionally, in the existing urban area, town boundary and name numbering organization was implemented in parts of the Hirao District in Heisei 2 and Heisei 5.

District List

Total: 1,797.0 hectares

District List
District Name Town Name Small Character Count Area (hectares)



17 characters




17 characters




27 characters




16 characters




39 characters




6 characters


Hirao District

District Name Town Name Small Character Count Area (hectares)


Hirao 1-chome




Hirao 2-chome




Hirao 3-chome




Hirao 4-chome



Hirao subtotal: 150.2 hectares

July 1, 1990 - Change of town boundaries, town names, and lot numbers (Establishment of new areas from one to three)
November 15, 1993 - Change of town boundaries, town names, and lot numbers (Part of two)
March 2, 2019 - Change of town names and lot numbers (Establishment of new area four)

Koyodai District

District Name Town Name Small Character Count Area (hectares)


Koyodai 1-chome




Koyodai 2-chome




Koyodai 3-chome




Koyodai 4-chome




Koyodai 5-chome




Koyodai 6-chome



Koyodai subtotal: 94 hectares

Established new town area on July 1, 1987

Nagamine District

District Name Town Name Small Character Count Area (hectares)


Nagamine 1-chome




Nagamine 2-chome




Nagamine 3-chome



Nagamine Subtotal: 66.8 hectares

Established new town area on October 1, 1994

Wakabadai Area

District Name Town Name Small Character Count Area (hectares)


Wakabadai 1-chome




Wakabadai 2-chome




Wakabadai 3-chome




Wakabadai 4-chome



Wakabadai Subtotal: 131.8 hectares

Established new town area on October 1, 1998

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Inagi City Department of Urban Development Community Development Rebirth Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-378-9719
Contact Inagi City Department of Urban Development Community Development Rebirth Division