Cooperating Organizations

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Page ID 1011658 Update Date Reiwa 7, February 20

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Cooperating Organizations

In creating the Inagi City Digital Archives, we would like to introduce the citizen groups that are cooperating with us in the creation of materials and the photography of cultural properties through collaboration with citizens.

Photo Cultural Property Cooperation Member
--------Mayor of Inagi City Cultural Property Cooperation Members--------
We are cooperating mainly as a contact point for the opening of the local materials room on weekends.
In the digital archives, we have received assistance in the creation of materials related to "folklore" and "archaeology."

Photo: Inagi Landscape Recording Association
------Inagi Landscape Recording Association------
We are mainly focusing on fixed-point photography at various locations in Inagi City. We have received cooperation in the creation of materials for "publications, etc. (fixed-point photography)" in the digital archives.
Photo: Exciting Exploration Team Subarunokai
----- Exciting Exploration Team Subarunokai -----
We are receiving support from people during the public opening of the old folk house in Hirao.
In the digital archives, you have cooperated in the creation of materials on "folklore".

Photo Komazawa Women's University
-----------Komazawa Women's University----------
Interpretation and research of ancient documents by experts
and writing for the bulletin, contributing to Inagi
City's cultural heritage administration in various ways.
In the digital archives, we received cooperation in the
creation of materials such as "designated cultural properties" and "history".
Photo Inagi City Outdoor Museum
---------Inagi City Outdoor Museum---------
In addition to the management and operation of exhibits related to natural history within Hirao, we also cooperate in the "Inagi Insect Exhibition" held at the SHIROYAMA EXPERIENCE STUDY INSTITUE during the summer.
In the digital archives, we received assistance in the creation of materials on "insects."
Photo Inagi City Digital Archives Citizens' Meeting
-Inagi City Digital Archives Citizens' Meeting-
It is composed of members of existing cultural property protection and promotion collaboration organizations and planners, and it is the organization that plays a central role in the launch of this site and the creation of the web database data.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Local History Room
1-9-1 Hirao, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-0823
Phone number: 042-331-0660 Fax number: 042-331-0660
Contact the Lifelong Learning Division, Department of Education, Inagi City