Let's eliminate grass fires
Update date: March 16, 2022
To prevent grass fires
The winter season is a time when the air is dry and dry grass fires are more likely to occur. Hay fires can be prevented by everyone being careful. Be careful of the following to avoid starting a grass fire.
- Never throw away cigarettes.
- Do not use open flames outdoors on windy or dry days.
- When using fire outdoors, be sure to prepare to put out the fire and do not leave the area until the fire is extinguished.
- Owners and managers of vacant lots should cut down dead grass as early as possible to prevent dry grass fires.
Inquiries regarding this page
Inagi City Fire Department Headquarters Prevention Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi-shi, Tokyo (Inagi Fire Department)
Phone: 042-377-7119 Fax: 042-377-0119