1st Regular Session of 2004

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City Council Meeting

The schedule for the first Regular Session of the City Council, items for general questions, results of deliberations on proposals, and matters for committee review (investigation) are published. For detailed deliberation content, please refer to the meeting minutes.
The meeting minutes will be available for viewing at the City Hall's first floor administrative information corner, as well as at the city library, second library, third library, and fourth library after mid-May.

Schedule of the 1st Regular Session of the Inagi City Council in 2004

From March 1, 2004 to March 26 (26 days)


Day of the Week

Council Session Hours

Meeting Name


March 1 Monday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting

Mayor's Policy Statement, Explanation of Proposals (excluding initial budget and Supplementary Budget related proposals)

Explanation and Questions on the Supplementary Budget Related Proposals

Establishment and Referral of the Supplementary Budget Special Committee

Initial budget explanation, establishment of the Special Budget Committee, referral

March 1 Monday During the break of the meeting Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee (Mutual Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson)
March 1 Monday After the supplementary budget special session Committee Special Budget Committee (Mutual Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson)
March 2 Tuesday Recess   Bill Review Day
March 3 Wednesday 9:30 AM Committee Special Committee on Supplementary Budgets
March 4 Thursday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting Representative Questions
March 5 Friday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting

Proposals (excluding initial budget and supplementary budget related proposals)

Questions, Referral, Discussion, Vote

Report on Jurisdictional Affairs Investigation

Petition / Submission

March 6 Saturday Recess    
March 7 Sunday Recess    
March 8 Monday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting General Questions (1 to 6)
March 8 Monday After the City Council’s Plenary Session Committee Council Steering Committee (Committee Review Results, Council Member-sponsored Bill)
March 9 Tuesday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting General Questions (No. 7 to No. 12)
March 10 Wednesday 9:30 AM Committee Council Steering Committee (Discussion Notice)
March 10 Wednesday After the Council Steering Committee Meeting City Council Meeting

General Questions (No. 13 to No. 17)

Report, Discussion, and Vote on Supplementary Budget Related Proposals Committee

March 10 Wednesday After the City Council’s Plenary Session Board of Directors Special Budget Committee Board
March 11 Thursday 9:30 AM Committee General Affairs Committee
March 12 Friday 9:30 AM Committee Committee on Social Welfare, Culture, and Education
March 13 Saturday Recess    
March 14 Sunday Recess    
March 15 Monday 9:30 AM Committee Construction and Environment Committee
March 16 Tuesday 9:30 AM Committee Special Budget Committee (General Questions, Establishment of Subcommittees)
March 16 Tuesday After the committee meeting Subcommittee General Affairs Subcommittee (Mutual Election of Chair and Vice-Chair)
March 16 Tuesday After the Subcommittee Subcommittee Welfare and Education Subcommittee (Mutual Election of Chair and Vice-Chair)
March 16 Tuesday After the Subcommittee Subcommittee Construction Environment Subcommittee (Mutual Election of Chair and Vice-Chair)
March 17 Wednesday 9:30 AM Subcommittee General Affairs Subcommittee
March 18 Thursday 9:30 AM Subcommittee Welfare and Education Subcommittee
March 19 Friday 9:30 AM Subcommittee Construction Environment Subcommittee
March 20 Saturday Recess   (Vernal Equinox Day)
March 21 Sunday Recess    
March 22 Monday Recess   (Committee and Subcommittee Report Organization)
March 23 Tuesday Recess   (Committee and Subcommittee Report Organization)
March 24 Wednesday Recess   (Committee and Subcommittee Report Organization)
March 25 Thursday 9:30 AM Committee Special Budget Committee (Subcommittee Report, Vote)
March 26 Friday 9:30 AM Committee City Council Steering Committee
March 26 Friday After the Council Steering Committee Meeting City Council Meeting

Proposals, Petitions and Submissions Committee, Discussion, Voting

Explanation, questions, discussions, and voting on Council Member-sponsored Bill

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General Inquiries (City Council)

List of General Questions

Notification Number


Question Items
1 Chikako Ito
  1. Subsidy for Encouraging the Installation of Fire Alarms in Existing Homes
  2. Further enhancement measures for the parenting environment
  3. Measures to Improve the Utilization Environment of Natural Gas Vehicles and the Conversion of Official Vehicles to Natural Gas Vehicles
  4. Measures in response to the abolition of the Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau's administrative consignment
  5. About Hirao Water Supply Source No. 1 in the Waterworks Project
  6. About Recycling of Resource Waste and Reducing Garbage
2 Masami Ito
  1. Status of Promotion for the Attraction and Construction of Commercial Facilities in the Nagamine and Wakabadai Districts
  2. About the City Hospital and local clinics' operations on holidays, public holidays, and year-end and New Year
  3. About the Self-Defense Disaster Warehouse
  4. Response to emergencies during the mayor's long-term business trips, etc.
3 Mori Hisa Okubo
  1. Promotion of Universal Society Construction
  2. About the Expansion of the Educational Consultation System
  3. About the Installation of Fences at Inagi Dai 7 Elementary School
  4. Promotion of Administrative and Financial Reform
  5. Management and operation of the base for supporting citizen activities
4 Shigeru Harajima
  1. About Long-Term Care Insurance
  2. (Tentative) Regarding Collaboration within the Industry and Volunteer Center
5 Yasuyuki Kawashima
  1. (Tentative Name) About the Construction of the Health Plaza
  2. About the City Hospital
  3. About Long-Term Care Insurance Business
  4. Measures for the five-day school week system including changes to the Term system
6 Hiroshi Sawaki
  1. For Older Adults
  2. About Safe and Secure Community Development
  3. About Educational Issues
  4. About Firefighting Administration
7 Ken Arai
  1. Efforts to Protect the Safety of Citizens' Lives
  2. Regarding the PFI introduction issue of the Central Library
  3. About the Sakahama and Hirao Land Readjustment Project
8 Kenichi Kitahama
  1. Support for Fire Brigade Activities
  2. Community Development Utilizing the System of Water and Greenery
  3. About Environmental Education
9 Shigeo Tanaka
  1. About Safe and Disaster-Resilient Community Development
  2. Publication of Administrative Evaluation
10 Manabu Okada
  1. About Rich Education for Children with Disabilities
  2. About the Designated Manager System
  3. About the National Flag Raising and National Anthem Singing at the Entrance Ceremony
11 Haruko Taro
  1. About Public Assistance Administration
  2. About National Health Insurance
  3. About the Garbage Problem
12 Masashi Fujii
  1. Future Community Development in Inagi Facing an Aging Society
  2. About the Approach to Preventive Care Activities
  3. Creating an educational environment that integrates the community, families, and schools
13 Sueko Kadoshima
  1. About the Enhancement of School Libraries
  2. Enhancing Measures to Prevent Child Abuse
14 Junjiro Tominaga
  1. Soft Landing of the Baby Boomer Generation in the Community
  2. Utilizing Citizens' Perspectives for Safe and Secure Community Development
  3. About the Inagi Network's Initiatives for Watching Over Children
  4. Road Construction in the Okemikansen Kawakita Area
15 Kenji Nakayama
  1. About the Sakahama Hirao Land Readjustment Project
  2. About Improving Citizen Satisfaction
16 Aiko Fujiwara
  1. Enhancing measures to protect children from crime and ensure safety
  2. Regarding the securing of doctors at Inagi City Hospital
  3. Information Disclosure and Citizen Participation through the Use of the Internet
17 Kisaburo Morimoto
  1. About the Land Readjustment Project
  2. Installation of Benches at Circulation Bus Stops
  3. About Bidding and Contracting System

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Proposals Submitted by the Mayor

List of Proposals Submitted by the Mayor
No Mayor's Proposed Bill Contents Deliberation Procedures Date of Resolution Council Resolution Results
1 Proposal No. 5 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Community Disaster Prevention Center Establishment Ordinance General Affairs Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
2 Proposal No. 6 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Regulations on Compensation and Expense Reimbursement for Part-Time Special Staff of Inagi City General Affairs Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
3 Proposal No. 7 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City National Health Insurance High-Cost Medical Expense Loan Fund Ordinance Construction and Environment Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
4 Proposal No. 8 Ordinance to Partially Amend the National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance of Inagi City Construction and Environment Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
5 Proposal No. 9 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Fee Regulations Construction and Environment Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
6 Proposal No. 10 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Ordinance on Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Infants and Young Children in Inagi City Committee on Social Welfare, Culture, and Education March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
7 Proposal No. 16 Fiscal Year 2004 Tokyo Inagi City General Fund Budget Special Budget Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
8 Proposal No. 17 Fiscal Year 2004 Special Account Budget for the National Health Insurance Program of Inagi City, Tokyo Special Budget Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
9 Proposal No. 18 Fiscal Year 2004 Special Account Budget for the Land Readjustment Project in Inagi City, Tokyo Special Budget Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
10 Proposal No. 19 Fiscal Year 2004 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Operations Special Account Budget Special Budget Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
11 Proposal No. 20 Fiscal Year 2004 Tokyo Inagi City Elderly Health Special Account Budget Special Budget Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
12 Proposal No. 21 Fiscal Year 2004 Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Budget of Inagi City, Tokyo Special Budget Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
13 Proposal No. 22 Fiscal Year 2004 Special Account Budget for the Water Supply Business Entrusted to Inagi City, Tokyo Special Budget Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
14 Proposal No. 23 Fiscal Year 2004 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget Special Budget Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
15 Proposal No. 24 (Tentative Name) Inagi City Industrial and Volunteer Center Construction (Building) Contract Construction and Environment Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
16 Proposal No. 27 Regarding the Certification of Inagi City Road Lines Construction and Environment Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
17 Proposal No. 29 Designation of the designated manager for the Inagi City Community Disaster Prevention Center General Affairs Committee March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
18 Proposal No. 30 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Childcare Center Establishment Ordinance Committee on Social Welfare, Culture, and Education March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved
19 Proposal No. 31 Commissioning of work related to the Land Readjustment Project around Inagi-Naganuma Station in the Tama Urban Planning Project (Part 2) contract Immediate Decision March 26, 2004 Original Proposal Approved

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Petition / Submission

Petition and Submission List
No Petition / Submission Contents Examination Methods, etc. Date of Resolution Council Resolution Results
1 Petition No. 1 Petition for Submission of an Opinion Statement Requesting a Review of the Container and Packaging Recycling Law Construction and Environment Committee March 26, 2004 Adopted
2 Petition No. 2 Petition for the realization of 30-student classes in Inagi City Welfare and Education Committee March 26, 2004 Adoption of Purpose
3 Submission No. 2 Submission regarding the implementation of paid general household waste disposal Construction and Environment Committee March 26, 2004 Not Adopted
4 Submission No. 4 Support the enactment of the National Compensation Law for the victims of the Public Order Maintenance Law and request the government to submit an Opinion Statement. General Affairs Committee March 26, 2004 Not Adopted
5 Submission No. 5 Submission regarding the adoption of the Opinion Statement on the establishment of a stable public Pension system (Item 1 and Item 3) Construction and Environment Committee March 26, 2004 Not Adopted

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Representative Questions

There were representative questions from the following factions regarding the mayor's statement of policy.

Change 21 Kenichi Kitahama

  1. Mayor's Remarks on National Policies
    1. Japan's Role in the International Community and Basic Thoughts on Japan-U.S. Relations
    2. Regarding the relationship between the transfer of tax and financial resources between local and national government in the Trinity Reform
  2. Four Features of the New Fiscal Year Budget
    1. Urban infrastructure development requires sufficient consensus with local residents at the planning stage of policies, but regarding that perspective
    2. Regarding community development that considers not only parenting support measures but also countermeasures for declining birthrates within the budget aimed at enhancing welfare and education.
    3. In the budget that focuses on interaction and Collaboration with citizens, we discuss Collaboration and citizen participation from the planning stage of the policies.
    4. In the budget for promoting a safe and vibrant Community Development, it is necessary to advance safe community development together with citizens, but regarding those measures
  3. Policies for Community Development that Enrich the Hearts of Citizens
    1. I believe that further enhancement of the educational exchange program with Memanbetsu Town is necessary, and I would like to discuss future initiatives.
    2. Specific support measures for the establishment and operation of unorganized areas of Neighborhood Associations within the new town
    3. (Tentative Name) Specific Business Plans and Operations for the Citizens' Activity Center Establishment Preparatory Committee
    4. About the location, timing, and future developments of the Inagi City Citizen Festival
    5. Regarding the introduction of a citizen advocacy system for users of the City Hospital, selection and placement of staff with medical experience
    6. System and criteria for verifying appropriate personnel placement
  4. Policies for Community Development that allow for a healthy and secure living with compassion
    1. (Tentative name) Regarding the Health Plaza, we are conducting an internal investigation and will provide specific progress updates.
    2. (Tentative Name) Specific Details on the Establishment of the Inagi City Welfare Rights Protection Center
    3. Awareness and specific measures for citizens targeted by the Limited Liability Intermediate Corporation Tama South Adult Guardianship Center in the context of the need for support measures such as the adult guardianship system.
    4. Specific measures for parenting support through cooperation between families, communities, and the government
  5. Policies related to Community Development that fosters learning and interaction
    1. In the educational settings of Elementary and Junior High Schools, various issues are arising, but it is recognized that further promotion of collaboration among nursery, elementary, and junior high schools will lead to the resolution of these issues. This is about the current situation and efforts being made.
    2. Placement of assistant instructors for small group instruction in arithmetic and mathematics to other subjects
    3. While aiming to improve the environment of the computer classroom with one computer per person, the training of instructors is essential. Regarding the placement of appointed lecturers as a measure to improve the current situation.
    4. Enhancement of educational programs incorporating volunteer activities, nature experience activities, and social experience activities, and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures against bullying and school refusal issues.
    5. Measures to ensure safety during commuting to and from school and at school, taking into account the social environment surrounding students, and to protect against suspicious individuals.
    6. The measures for increasing the number of students at Wakaba Elementary School involve expanding the school building, while Shiroyama Elementary School is experiencing a declining trend, but regarding future initiatives.
  6. Policies for community development that is environmentally friendly, safe, and comfortable
    1. It is stated that a disaster response command vehicle will be established for use by the mayor, but regarding the establishment of a dedicated official vehicle for the mayor within the bounds of common sense.
    2. It specifies the establishment of the Crime Prevention Council, but regarding its specific roles
    3. Methods for implementing and verifying the "Five Considerations and 98 Actions" regarding the environment
    4. Unique initiatives by the city regarding non-smoking etiquette measures
    5. Overview of the ordinance regarding the mini-lots for development activities, focusing on the minimum lot area restrictions
  7. About Community Development Surrounded by Water and Greenery
    1. The Tama New Town project, in response to the privatization of the public corporation, has established its own policy, re-evaluated it, and is about to reconstruct future Community Development.
    2. The connection from Inagi Ohashi to the Chuo Expressway towards Hachioji is essential. For further revitalization of Inagi City, requests to relevant organizations will be more proactive than ever before.
  8. Policies for vibrant Community Development that supports citizens' lives
    1. It is said that the evaluation of the effects of common vouchers on the revitalization of commerce is very strict, but regarding the city's future perspective
    2. The new projects of the Commerce and Industry Association's Industrial Division are specified, but details about those specific projects are needed.
    3. "Hatsuratsu Work Inagi" is an important measure as a solution to the social issue of expanding employment opportunities for Older Adults, but regarding future support measures
  9. Regarding the vision of the Mayor of Inagi City for Community Development as he enters his fourth term as the leader of Inagi.

Komeito Ueno Suetsugu

  1. As a self-generated revenue source, the Municipal Resident Tax is significant for our city. Despite having some income, we are in a tough financial situation, and we are addressing the promotion of projects and responding to citizen requests.
  2. Features of the new fiscal year's budget,
    1. Urban Infrastructure Development,
    2. Enhancement of welfare and education,
    3. Interaction and Collaboration with Citizens,
    4. Safe and Vibrant Community Development
    Within the budget being addressed, the elevation of the Nambu Line is expected to promote the development of commerce, but what are the thoughts regarding this centered around Yanokuchi Station?
  3. Enhancement of Welfare and Education
    1. While the expansion of the eligibility for the free medical care program for infants and young children to those under 2 years old is commendable, regarding the plan to extend it to 3 years old during the mayor's term.
    2. The resolution of waiting children at Nursery Schools will be enhanced, but regarding the resolution of all waiting children.
    3. Regarding the allocation of one computer per student in elementary school, education on website types seen on mobile phones and guidance on the internet
  4. Waste reduction is being pursued with the cooperation of many citizens, and we are working to further promote reduction through the introduction of paid designated bags.
    1. Administrative Leadership Appeal for Waste Reduction
    2. In Chofu City, banners are used to appeal on pedestrian bridges and other locations. We will exchange information about initiatives from other cities and thoroughly inform citizens to gain their understanding.
    3. I think we should plan and incorporate a venue for information exchange starting in October into the schedule, regarding the city's initiatives.
  5. In addition to the implementation of the Employment Support Center and the support of Hatsuratsu Work Inagi, there is also support for the youth.
  6. Policies for Community Development that Enrich the Hearts of Citizens
    1. Regarding the protection of children's rights, it is stated that the Child Support Center will collaborate with related organizations, but what is the actual situation and response?
    2. Regarding the inclusion of nutritional assessments in training from the perspective of employee health management
    3. Introduction of the Administrative Evaluation System and the Implementation Plan for ISO 9001
  7. Community Development that allows for a healthy and secure living with compassion
    1. Measures to distribute action manuals and establish a system to protect Older Adults and persons with disabilities from disasters
    2. Support for women's employment, including those who want to work but cannot enter a Nursery School, lack skills, etc., within the support system for single parents and female households.
  8. Policies related to community development through learning and interaction
    1. Creating an environment is important in enhancing compulsory education. It is desired that local people visit schools and engage in activities such as flower cultivation.

Citizens' Autonomy Advancement Association Aiko Fujiwara

  1. As the Mayor of Inagi City, a municipality that boldly proclaims a peace declaration against the Japanese government's dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces, I believe that we should join forces with the city council and raise our voices for the realization of a non-nuclear and permanent peace regarding this viewpoint.
  2. Is the recognition of a "bottoming out" in the national economic situation a correct assessment, and what is the opinion on this?
  3. Some companies have stated that they have entered a trajectory of increased revenue and profit, but regarding the reality and current situation of Inagi City, which has many small and medium-sized enterprises.
  4. The delegation of tax resources is considered the biggest challenge, and while we hope for the support of the city council and citizens, we are working on the philosophy and practice of collaboration between the administration and citizens.
  5. Regarding the lack of security measures against the crimes that have been occurring frequently in recent years
  6. Policies for Community Development that Enrich the Hearts of Citizens
    1. Efforts by the city's relevant departments on human rights education, as well as initiatives to expand human rights education in the context of school education and Social Education.
    2. The women's consultation project is related not only to domestic violence but also to the prevention of child abuse, hence the need for its expansion.
    3. I would like to eliminate the regulations for unmarried individuals up to 25 years old in the youth exchange with Memambetsu Town. Additionally, there is a request to have the opportunity to perform Yosakoi Soran in Inagi City.
    4. It is stated that guidelines for collaboration with citizens will be established to promote the community, but the creation of these guidelines should involve broad participation from citizens.
    5. Consideration for further legislating the "Guidelines for Collaboration with Citizens"
    6. Regarding the expansion of the information corner on the first floor of the city hall, including the collection of city guidelines and the meeting minutes of the council committees.
    7. Before the introduction of the City Hospital Advocacy System, we utilized a suggestion box, but regarding the necessity of the new system
    8. Regarding the introduction of the administrative evaluation system, I believe it is important to conduct evaluations from the perspective of the citizens, but about the citizens' involvement in the system.
    9. Regarding the concurrent duties in different departments and sections to enhance staff development and the overall vitality of the organization
  7. Community Development that allows for a healthy and secure living with compassion
    1. Health checkups for older adults can be received on their preferred dates, such as birthday checkups, to enhance opportunities for early detection.
    2. (Tentative name) Health Plaza is not merely a base for health promotion; it is recognized that there is a concept of a 'Comprehensive Health Welfare Center,' and regarding the establishment of a citizen participation review committee.
    3. The barrier-free access at the main entrance of the City Hospital has been implemented, but comprehensive improvements from the perspective of hospital users are needed.
    4. In order to respond to high-quality medical services and medical needs, it is necessary not only to enhance equipment but also to secure physicians.
    5. In formulating the Inagi City Health and Welfare Comprehensive Plan, a workshop approach will be adopted, and the public recruitment framework will be expanded to enhance citizen participation and awareness.
    6. Although specific measures for the adult guardianship system are being implemented, there is a need for prompt responses regarding the situation after the parents' passing.
    7. Although it is stated that "the implementation of the project effect verification of the support fund system" will be conducted, the reason for not mentioning this matter this time is.
    8. Regarding the enhancement of welfare for low-income earners, I believe it is necessary to establish an emergency loan system and expand the living expense framework, but what are the efforts being made in this regard?
  8. Policies related to Community Development that fosters learning and interaction
    1. School openings will be held at Nagamine Elementary School, followed by Wakabadai, Second, and Fourth Elementary Schools, but what is the situation with other elementary schools in the city?
    2. The specific content of the "Inagi Network for Watching Over Children" and its relationship with the previous community education discussion meetings.
    3. Regarding special support education, I would like to start individual plans for children with LD, ADHD, and high-functioning autism, and I hope that in the new fiscal year, projects that utilize the city's approach will be promoted as a model district.
    4. Regarding the improvement of the usage hours of the Comprehensive Gymnasium and the application system for tennis courts, which serves as a base for projects that allow all citizens to enjoy sports and recreation.
    5. Not only the citizens' festival, but also the provision of a venue for the presentation of everyday cultural and artistic activities
    6. What is a virtual local museum?
  9. Policies for community development that is environmentally friendly, safe, and comfortable
    1. It is stated that the mayor's vehicle is also a disaster response command vehicle, but regarding the benefits of its functionality and dual use
    2. Traffic safety and crime prevention measures involve creating a system to enhance traffic safety and crime prevention awareness in citizens' lives, not just by calling for participation in events, but by establishing discussion meetings involving citizens, the police, and community officers.
    3. As a measure against abandoned bicycles, it is planned to establish a bicycle parking lot in front of Inagi Station, but regarding the basic policy for bicycle parking lots as a city.
    4. Improvement of the Keio Inagi Station Bicycle Parking and Alignment with Better Community Development around Inagi Station
    5. Regarding the reduction of ambulance arrival time in the Hirao area
  10. Policies for Community Development in a tranquil town surrounded by water and greenery
    1. We will begin the development of the Nambu Line elevated section and the area around Inagi-Naganuma Station, and we will establish a committee to consider the appropriate development for the central area of Inagi.
    2. Regarding the Momura Land Readjustment Project, it aims to achieve a certain level of development, but there are concerns about its consistency with the original land readjustment.
    3. Regarding the responsible response of Tokyo and the attitude of maintaining the initiation of the Sakahama Hirao Land Readjustment Project
    4. Regarding the Land Readjustment Project in the Minamiyama Eastern Area, a review addressing the subsidence underground
    5. The Tama New Town project is progressing discussions for completion in the 17th fiscal year, but regarding the pending issue of convenience facilities for daily life, when and in what form will it be resolved?
    6. The Minami-Tama Ridge Line requires sufficient explanation and understanding from local residents, as well as attitudes towards the residents of the surrounding areas, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and the public corporation.
    7. Regarding the maintenance and repair of sidewalks, it is based on universal design.
    8. About the extension of the circular bus service to Hirao and related efforts
    9. Initiatives Utilizing the Green Fund for the Maintenance of Parks and Green Spaces
    10. Early Revision of the Ordinance on the Protection of the Natural Environment and the Restoration of Greenery in Inagi City
    11. Regarding the request for more proactive business development in health promotion and agricultural support at the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation
  11. Policies for vibrant community development that supports the vitality of citizen life
    1. Management and Operation Methods for Chipping Pruned Branches
    2. Utilizing waste cooking oil as fuel for vehicles in conjunction with the chipping of pruned branches, and conducting this project in collaboration with welfare services.
    3. Specific initiatives for promoting commerce, industry, and construction, such as PR methods, brochure creation, and corporate attraction.

Shinseikai Etsuo Harada

  1. Regarding the impact on financial management and securing financial resources due to the national three-tier reform and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's second fiscal reconstruction plan, as well as the cost reduction of management and operation expenses that increase with the construction of large facilities.
  2. Child Rights Protection and Specific Measures for Child Abuse Response
  3. Fostering a heart that respects the love for the country, the national flag, and the national anthem, in order to enhance the spirit of wishing for world peace.
  4. New measures for further community exchange among residents of Memanbetsu
  5. Considerations for support in hardware and software for the Neighborhood Association and incorporating local opinions regarding the renovation of the Omaru Community Center.
  6. There have been reports of possible intrusions from experiments conducted in municipalities that do not connect to the resident registry network, regarding measures for electronic information security.
  7. The advocacy system of the City Hospital is introduced in recognition of complaints, grievances, and dissatisfaction. Regarding enhancing reliability without a system
  8. Management and Operation System of the Former No. 8 Elementary School Complex Facility Friend Hirao
  9. The second administrative reform has its final year in 2005, and starting from the new fiscal year, an administrative evaluation system will be introduced, but regarding the acceleration of further administrative reforms.
  10. Measures for the collection and organization of unpaid taxes
  11. What facilities are being considered for the promotion of intergovernmental wide-area collaboration?
  12. About the scope of electronic procurement and other operations jointly managed by the municipalities of Tokyo
  13. (Tentative name) Health Plaza, to what extent it has been refined, regarding information provision to citizens
  14. The management of hospitals, even public hospitals, aims for independent hospital management.
  15. (Tentative name) Inagi City Welfare Rights Protection Center's business content and operational form
  16. Results of the fall and fracture prevention project and the preventive effects of strength training using newly introduced machines
  17. Regarding the usage of the Tamaminami Adult Guardianship Center and the balance with privacy protection
  18. Regarding the opening period of the branch of Daiichi Nursery School, the staff structure, and the outlook for waiting children
  19. Building a support network with parenting-related organizations centered around the Child and Family Support Center
  20. Summary of Inagi IC College's past and future initiatives
  21. Measures for Computer Instruction by Teachers
  22. Regarding the expansion of Wakabadai Elementary School and the review of the annual plan
  23. Activities on weekends have been conducted at three schools through collaboration between families, schools, and the community, and this is about the results and future support measures.
  24. Opportunities for learning and information provision for fostering public spirit and moral values at home
  25. Four new tennis courts will be established at Wakabadai Park, regarding the understanding of citizens' needs for sports facilities.
  26. Regarding the utilization of the results of disaster prevention training conducted by local disaster prevention organizations in each region for the implementation of comprehensive disaster prevention training
  27. There are doubts about the dual use of the disaster response command vehicle as the mayor's vehicle. The mayor is the face representing Inagi, and regarding the purchase of the mayor's official vehicle
  28. Status of streetlights and security lights maintenance
  29. Proactive efforts to impose certain responsibilities on railway business operators as a measure against abandoned bicycles
  30. Active efforts for the relocation of the Yanokuchi Police Box under the Nambu Line elevated track
  31. Consideration of the establishment of daytime ambulance standby stations at Hirao, Cultural Center, etc.
  32. Efforts for Waste Recycling and Reduction through Shredding
  33. The Sakahama Hirao Land Readjustment Project is an initiative to hold the Tokyo Metropolitan Government accountable, even though it is not visible to the public.
  34. Methods to avoid municipal burdens in the disposal of residential land in Tama New Town
  35. Progress of the land acquisition and other projects for the completion of the second phase of the Nambu Line elevated project in fiscal year 2010
  36. About the Route of the Circular Bus Operation on Sakahama Tsurukawa Road
  37. Regarding the establishment of large agricultural product sales locations, such as roadside stations, to promote urban agriculture
  38. The location of the consumer room is inconvenient, and regarding the relocation to the Industrial Volunteer Center

Japanese Communist Party Haruko Tarao

  1. Rather than discussing the strengthening of Japan-U.S. relations that impose war and oppression and international order on the world, we should analyze the living conditions of Inagi City residents and reflect their demands in the budget formulation.
  2. The Impact of the Trinity Reform on City Finances and Citizen Services
  3. Fundamental Review of Urban Infrastructure Development Projects from the Perspective of Finance, Respect for Resident Opinions, and Environmental Protection
  4. Budget for Enhancing Welfare and Education
    1. The free Medical Expenses for Infants and Young Children will not be limited to 2 years old and will be further expanded.
    2. Current Recognition of the Long-Term Care Insurance System and Specific Improvement Initiatives
    3. Investigation and Consideration of Small Group Instruction Initiatives
    4. Tokyo Metropolitan Government has included a plan to restructure the subsidy for promoting private social welfare facility services in the budget, but regarding expressing opinions to the government to avoid reductions.
  5. Regarding the "sharing of information with citizens," we have not been able to stand on the position of thorough information disclosure and resident participation.
  6. Regarding the budget for Community Development focused on safety and vitality
    1. Under the movement of the National Protection Law, there are concerns about the participation of the Self-Defense Forces in comprehensive disaster prevention training. What kind of training is it?
    2. Understanding the Employment Situation of Young People and Initiatives
  7. Regarding the revision of the policy of increasing burdens, such as partial charging for garbage collection fees and the rise in national health insurance costs, under the name of administrative reform.

Voice of the Democratic Citizens - Izumi Iwasa

  1. About the financial situation of the national and local governments
    1. Regarding the basis for the view that the current Japanese economy is in "deflation" rather than "stagflation"
    2. Aiming for sustainable economic growth led by private demand through the promotion of creative business activities and the revitalization of the local economy
  2. About the revenue forecast for the city's initiatives
    1. How we are considering future population forecasts
    2. Review of the Financial Framework of the Third Long-Term Comprehensive Plan and the Possibility of Advancing the Plan
    3. Reflection of Citizens' Voices in Determining the Priority of Projects
  3. Aiming for a 5% reduction in expenditures, but regarding budget formulation with a higher reduction target
  4. About the Basic Plan
    1. Awareness and countermeasures regarding bullying of children that has been delayed
    2. Building a system as a city that can respond quickly to domestic violence through women's consultation
    3. Basic stance of the city regarding reports from citizens on the prevention of child abuse
    4. The follow-up on the educational exchange program with overseas cities through Tamagawa University
    5. Implementation and Analysis Methods of the Citizen Awareness Survey
    6. There are staff members wearing sandals and holding toothpicks, but this is about the response to the awareness reform of the staff.
    7. The City Hospital is advancing secondary prevention through equipment maintenance, but regarding the future enhancement of cancer treatment
    8. Notification to Citizens about the Limited Liability Intermediary Corporation Tama Southern Adult Guardianship Center's Operations and Profit Distribution
    9. Basic considerations regarding the extension of hours for sick child care and after-school care
    10. The installation of heating and cooling in the library and the continuation of school library organizers are important facilities, but how they were evaluated and abolished.
    11. Teachers smoking lacks persuasive power in guiding children and students about the health risks of smoking and drugs. Some cities have a complete smoking ban on school grounds, but there are responses to consider.
    12. Specific measures for collaboration and linkage between the "Inagi Network for Watching Over Children" and "University Collaboration"
    13. Evaluation of the Children's Center Information Paper Activities and Reasons for Discontinuation
    14. Removal and collection of abandoned bicycles, and promotion of recycling in collaboration with local bicycle retailers.
    15. There are few designated parking spaces for motorcycles. With the issue of illegal parking and abandonment of motorcycles becoming a problem, the city's awareness on this matter.
    16. Specific measures to prevent blockage of sewer pipes
    17. I believe we should proceed with the preparation of the housing master plan. I think the basic plan for Older Adults' housing should also be included in this, but regarding the timing and methods of implementation.
    18. Basic Concept of New Town Management and Resident Support after the Independent Corporation of Urban Infrastructure Development Agency
    19. Issues and Priorities of Related Projects After the End of the New Resident Law in Fiscal Year 2005
    20. Expectations are rising for agricultural products that allow consumers to see the faces of local producers. Measures to establish the "Inagi Brand".
    21. While there is support for young people in employment, the presence of part-time workers and freelancers is essential, especially in the service industry, but there are issues regarding recognition and measures.
    22. The Industrial Volunteer Center functions as a base for citizen activities such as NPOs, along with the establishment of financial support for activities.

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General Affairs Committee (7 Members)

  • Chairperson Kadoshima Sueko
  • Vice Chairperson Harada Etsuo
  • Committee Members: Aiko Fujiwara, Shigeo Tanaka, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Suetsugu Ueno, Kizaburo Morimoto
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
February 17, 2004
  1. About the new name of the former Inagi City Municipal Inagi Eighth Elementary School
  2. About the Public Personal Authentication Service
  3. About the Designated Manager System
  4. Regarding the Expansion of the Inagi City Disaster Information Email System
  5. About the Full Implementation of Holiday Office Hours
  6. Future of Municipal Firefighting
March 11, 2004
  1. Bill No. 6: Regarding the Partial Amendment of the Ordinance on the Compensation and Expense Reimbursement for Part-Time Special Staff of Inagi City
  2. Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Community Disaster Prevention Center Establishment Ordinance No. 5
  3. Proposal No. 29 Regarding the Designation of the Administrator for the Inagi City Community Disaster Prevention Center
  4. Submission No. 4 Supporting the Establishment of the National Compensation Law for Victims of the Public Order Maintenance Law and Requesting the Government to Submit an Opinion Statement
  5. Regarding the Dispatch of Committee Members During the Recess
  6. Request for Continued Investigation During Council Recess

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Welfare, Culture, and Education Committee (7 Members)

  • Chairperson Taro O Haruko
  • Vice Chairperson Tominaga Junjiro
  • Committee Members: Masami Ito, Shigeru Harashima, Mihoko Nakamura, Kenichi Kitahama, Hiroshi Sawaki
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
January 14, 2004
  1. (Tentative) Progress Status of the Inagi City Central Library Construction and Operation Plan
  2. About the Construction of the New Cultural Center
February 16, 2004
  1. (Tentative) Progress Status of the Inagi City Central Library Construction and Operation Plan
  2. About the Construction of the New Cultural Center
March 12, 2004
  1. Bill No. 10: An Ordinance to Partially Amend the Ordinance on Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Infants and Young Children in Inagi City
  2. Bill No. 30: Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Childcare Center Establishment Ordinance
  3. Petition No. 2: Petition for the realization of 30-student classes in Inagi City
  4. Request for Continuation of Investigation During Recess

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Construction and Environment Committee (7 members)

  • Chairperson Iwasa Izumi
  • Vice Chairperson Nakayama Kenji
  • Committee Members: Masashi Fujii, Morihisa Okubo, Manabu Okada, Ken Arai, Chikako Ito
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
January 16, 2004
  1. About the bicycle parking lot in front of Inagi Station
  2. Usage of the Nambu Line Elevated Underpass
February 3, 2004
  1. Regarding the Additional Designation of Production Green Zones
March 12, 2004
  1. Regarding the Dispatch of Committee Members Currently in Session
  2. Bill No. 9: Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Fee Ordinance
  3. Proposal No. 27 Regarding the Designation of Inagi City Road Lines
  4. Bill No. 7: Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City National Health Insurance High-Cost Medical Expense Loan Fund Ordinance
  5. Bill No. 8: Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance
  6. Proposal No. 24 (Tentative) Contract for Construction Work of Inagi City Industrial and Volunteer Center (Building)
  7. Petition No. 1: Petition for Submission of an Opinion Statement Requesting a Review of the Container and Packaging Recycling Law
  8. Submission No. 2: Submission Regarding the Implementation of Paid General Household Waste Collection
  9. Submission No. 5 - Submission regarding the adoption of an Opinion Statement on the establishment of a stable public Pension system (Item 1 and Item 3)
  10. Request for Continued Investigation During Council Recess

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Council Steering Committee (7 members)

  • Chairperson Arai Ken
  • Vice Chairperson Ueno Suetsugu
  • Committee Members Masami Ito, Mihoko Nakamura, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Manabu Okada, Etsuo Harada
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
January 16, 2004 About the next Regular Session and council operations (Heisei 16 First Extraordinary Session)
January 27, 2004 Notice and Order of Discussion
February 10, 2004 About the Efficiency of Council Operations
February 23, 2004 About the schedule and operation of the next Regular Session
March 8, 2004
  1. Request for Correction of Statement
  2. Request for Continued Investigation During Council Recess
March 10, 2004

Request for Withdrawal of Statement

March 26, 2004
  1. Notice and Order of Discussion
  2. Regarding Additional Proposals
  3. About the Council Member-sponsored Bill
  4. Submission
  5. Regarding the Dispatch of Councilors During the Recess
  6. Request for Continued Investigation During Council Recess

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Special Budget Committee (21 members)

  • Chairperson Aiko Fujiwara
  • Vice Chairperson Kenichi Kitahama
  • Committee Members: Masashi Fujii, Junjiro Tominaga, Haruko Tarao, Morihisa Okubo, Sueko Kadoshima, Shigeo Tanaka, Kenji Nakayama, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Manabu Okada, Masami Ito, Shigeru Harashima, Mihoko Nakamura, Suetsugu Ueno, Hiroshi Sawaki, Chikako Ito, Kizaburo Morimoto, Izumi Iwasa, Etsuo Harada, Ken Arai

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