4th Regular Session of 2014

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Page ID 1009620 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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This page includes the schedule of the 4th Regular Session of the Inagi City Council in 2014, general questions, results of bill deliberations, and matters for committee review (investigation).

Inagi City Council Secretariat, Meeting Section (Extension 415)

If you would like to view the proposal documents for the 4th Regular Session of 2014, please click the title below.

Schedule of the 4th Regular Session of 2014

From November 26, 2014 to December 15, 2014 (20 days)


Day of the Week

Council Session Hours

Meeting Name


November 26 Wednesday 9:30 AM Committee City Council Steering Committee
November 26 Wednesday After the Council Steering Committee Meeting City Council Meeting

Administrative Reports, Bill Explanations

Establishment of the Supplementary Budget Special Committee

Supplementary Budget (excluding immediate decisions) submitted

November 26 Wednesday After the City Council’s Plenary Session Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee (Mutual Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson)
November 27 Thursday (In Recess)   Bill Review Day
November 28 Friday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting

Referral of bills, immediate voting on bills

Report on Jurisdictional Affairs Investigation

November 29 Saturday (In Recess)    
November 30 Sunday (In Recess)    
December 1 Monday 9:30 AM Committee Special Committee on Supplementary Budgets
December 2 Tuesday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting General Questions (No.1 to No.5)
December 3 Wednesday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting General Questions (No. 6 to No. 10)
December 3 Wednesday After the City Council’s Plenary Session Committee City Council Steering Committee
December 4 Thursday 9:30 AM City Council Meeting

General Questions (No. 11 to No. 15)

Supplementary Budget Special Committee Report, Vote

December 5 Friday 9:30 AM Committee General Affairs Committee
December 6 Saturday (In Recess)    
December 7 Sunday (In Recess)    
December 8 Monday 9:30 AM Committee Committee on Social Welfare, Culture, and Education
December 9 Tuesday 9:30 AM Committee Construction and Environment Committee
December 10 Wednesday (In Recess)   Committee Report Summaries
December 11 Thursday (In Recess)   Committee Report Summaries
December 12 Friday (In Recess)   Committee Report Summaries
December 13 Saturday (In Recess)    
December 14 Sunday (In Recess)    
December 15 Monday 9:30 AM Committee City Council Steering Committee
December 15 Monday After the Council Steering Committee Meeting City Council Meeting

Committee Report on the Bill, Adoption

Immediate Resolution Proposal Explanation, Adoption

Submission Committee Report, Discussion, Adoption

Adoption of Council Member-sponsored Bill

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General Inquiries (City Council)

List of General Questions

Notification Number


Question Items (15 people, 80 items)


1 Chikako Ito
  1. Measures for Vacant Houses
  2. Child Poverty
  3. Serious Side Effects of the Cervical Cancer Vaccine
  4. Health Damage from BCG Vaccination
  5. Ordinance on Harmonious Coexistence Between Humans and Animals
  6. Safety Measures at Hirao Outer Ring Road Intersection
  7. Seismic Reinforcement of Water Supply Pipelines
  8. Expansion of Emergency Medical Technician Procedures
  9. About Electronic Picture Books
  10. Establishment of Integrated Elementary and Junior High Schools
  11. About Bullying
  12. About the Board of Education
2 Tsunoji Kanbi
  1. Promotion of Route Buses in the New Town Area
  2. Residents' Requests for Land Use in Nagamine District
  3. About the streetlights in Nagamine District
  4. About the Reading Promotion Project
  5. Further Enhancement of the After-School Children's Program
  6. Lane division at the intersections in the Koyodai area
3 Machiko Ikawa
  1. Local Issues
  2. About the Installation of Dog Runs
  3. Further Initiatives for Marriage Activity Support
  4. About the My Number System
4 Tatsuya Watanabe
  1. About the Installation of Dog Runs
5 Hiroshi Sawaki
  1. Regarding appropriately responding to the increasing needs for medical care and home healthcare
  2. About the Sports Day of Elementary and Junior High Schools in the City
  3. Future of Tourism Administration
  4. About the Elderly Appreciation Gathering
6 Mori Hisa Okubo
  1. Dispatch of school guide helpers and others for support of children with disabilities attending special support classes in elementary and junior high schools
  2. About establishing an environment to support people with epilepsy and their families
  3. Improving User Services through Further Privatization of Public After-School Childcare Programs
  4. Further Support for Reading Aloud During the Infants and Young Children Period
  5. Education Utilizing the Natural Environment of Minamiyama Elementary School
  6. About School Librarians
  7. The relationship between the number of classes in Elementary and Junior High Schools and the types of collections in school libraries
  8. Support for Temporary Staff and Part-time School Faculty and Staff at Municipal Elementary and Junior High Schools
  9. Regarding the formulation of the District Plan for disaster prevention in small community units
  10. Review of Vehicle Traffic Regulation Hours on Sanchu Street
  11. Strengthening Traffic Safety Measures on the School Route of Inagi Dai 7 Elementary School Centered Around Nitta Bridge
  12. Conservation of the Green Space on the West Slope of Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School
7 Manabu Okada
  1. Improvement and enhancement of iBus
  2. Construction Plan Issues for Nagamine's "Asuka Souken Inagi Office"
  3. About the Renovation of the Central Community Center Hall
  4. About i Plaza
  5. Eliminate the waiting list for licensed Nursery Schools
  6. About Citizen Farms
  7. Installation of benches along the Misawa River
8 Kuniko Endo
  1. Support for the early installation of MCA disaster prevention administrative radio systems at authorized Nursery Schools and other facilities, excluding secondary evacuation sites, to maintain communication with the government during disasters.
  2. Improvement of Library Facilities in Elementary and Junior High Schools in the City
  3. Regarding the measures for the Comprehensive Support Project for those requiring support levels 1 and 2 due to the revision of Long-Term Care Insurance services
  4. Measures to Protect the Lives and Health of Children from Radiation
9 Yukihiro Iwasa
  1. About the Comfortable and Attractive Urban Development in Nagamine District
  2. About the Infrastructure Management Plan
  3. About the Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Drill
  4. About the i-Bus Issues
10 Ataru Nakata
  1. About Food Stockpiling in the Event of a Major Disaster
  2. Status of Disaster Medical System Development
  3. Concepts Regarding Facility and Infrastructure Development
11 Misako Kajiura
  1. Guidelines for Public Signage and Development of Plans
  2. Further development of rainwater drainage in the new town area due to heavy rainfall and measures against flooding damage in the existing urban area
  3. (Tentative) Introduction of Inagi City Waste Separation App
  4. Promotion of health education to disseminate knowledge about reproductive health/rights, including prevention of fractures due to amenorrhea in female students and girls, and the aging of oocytes.
  5. Future utilization of unused plots in the Wakabadai area: 4-30 Wakabadai (north side of Wakabadai Park Hills), 4-6 Wakabadai (site of Wakabadai Elementary School Nakayoshi building), and vacant land at 3-12 Wakabadai.
  6. Installation of a water fountain and restroom in the circular plaza of Wakabadai Park
12 Yasuyuki Kawashima
  1. About the New System for Children and Parenting Support
  2. Medical and Nursing Care Services
13 Mihoko Nakamura
  1. Measures Against Child Poverty
  2. Support System for People in Need
  3. Support for Caregivers
14 Ken Arai
  1. About the situation and response after the review of the i-bus
  2. Strengthening the city's efforts to enhance community power to solve various issues, including the prevention of solitary deaths.
  3. One of the pillars of the new Long-Term Care Insurance system, including the advancement of collaboration between nursing care and medical services, regarding the strengthening of the regional medical system in the city
  4. Support from the city regarding the redevelopment issues of Hirao subdivision housing
  5. Efforts related to issues corresponding to the progress of Community Development in Minamiyama East and Upper Hirao
  6. City's response to the issue of corporate expansion regarding the Nagamine attraction facility site
  7. Installation of Security Cameras in Hirao Neighborhood Park and Other Areas
15 Makoto Suzuki
  1. About the city's initiatives related to disaster prevention in Inagi City
  2. Progress of the Land Readjustment Project in Ue Hirao and Odaryo Areas
  3. Maintenance of traffic signals, sidewalks, stairs, and street trees in the Hirao area for safety assurance
  4. Regarding the Exchange of Opinions with Residents on the Installation of Nuisance Facilities
  5. About the School and Social Education System in Inagi

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Proposals Submitted by the Mayor

List of Proposals Submitted by the Mayor


Bill Number

Agenda Title

Deliberation Procedures

Date of Resolution

Council Resolution Results

1 Proposal No. 74 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance General Affairs Committee December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
2 Proposal No. 75 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Ordinance Concerning the Salaries of General Employees of Inagi City Immediate Decision November 28, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
3 Proposal No. 76 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City National Health Insurance Ordinance Construction and Environment Committee December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
4 Proposal No. 77 Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Fire Prevention Ordinance General Affairs Committee December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
5 Proposal No. 78 Supplementary Budget (No. 4) for the General Fund of Inagi City, Tokyo for the 2014 fiscal year Immediate Decision November 28, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
6 Proposal No. 79 Supplementary Budget (No. 5) for the General Fund of Inagi City, Tokyo for the 2014 fiscal year Special Committee on Supplementary Budgets December 4, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
7 Proposal No. 80 Supplementary Budget (No. 2) for the National Health Insurance Program Special Account of Inagi City, Tokyo for the 2014 fiscal year Special Committee on Supplementary Budgets December 4, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
8 Proposal No. 81 Fiscal Year 2014 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) Immediate Decision November 28, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
9 Proposal No. 82 Supplementary Budget (No. 1) for the Special Account of Sewerage Operations in Inagi City, Tokyo for the 2014 fiscal year Immediate Decision November 28, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
10 Proposal No. 83 Supplementary Budget (No. 1) for the Late-Stage Elderly Medical Care Special Account of Inagi City, Tokyo for the 2014 fiscal year Special Committee on Supplementary Budgets December 4, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
11 Proposal No. 84 Partial Amendment to the Regulations of the Tokyo Metropolitan Three City Revenue Business Association Immediate Decision November 28, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
12 Proposal No. 85 Recommendation of Candidates for Human Rights Advocates Immediate Decision November 28, 2014 Consent
13 Proposal No. 86 About the Abolition of Inagi City Road Lines Construction and Environment Committee December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
14 Proposal No. 87 Contract for Large-Scale Renovation and Other Construction Work of Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School Building Committee on Social Welfare, Culture, and Education December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
15 Proposal No. 88 Contract for Large-Scale Renovation and Other Construction (Electrical) of Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School Building Committee on Social Welfare, Culture, and Education December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
16 Proposal No. 89 Contract for Large-Scale Renovation and Other Works (Mechanical) of Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School Building Committee on Social Welfare, Culture, and Education December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
17 Proposal No. 90 Request for Approval of Special Decision (Supplementary Budget for the General Fund of Inagi City for Fiscal Year 2014 (No. 3)) Immediate Decision November 28, 2014 Approval
18 Proposal No. 91 (Tentative) Change of the Contract for the Construction of Inagi City Public Minamiyama Elementary School and (Tentative) Inagi City Minamiyama After-School Childcare Program Immediate Decision December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
19 Proposal No. 92 (Tentative) Change of the Contract for the Construction of Inagi City Public Minamiyama Elementary School and (Tentative) Inagi City Minamiyama After-School Childcare Program (Electrical) Work Immediate Decision December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
20 Proposal No. 93 (Tentative) Change of the Contract for the Construction of Inagi City Public Minamiyama Elementary School and (Tentative) Inagi City Minamiyama After-School Childcare Program (Mechanical) Immediate Decision December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
21 Proposal No. 94 Regarding the change of the construction contract for the old building of Inagi Dai 1 Elementary School and the renovation of the Inagi City After-School Childcare Program branch. Immediate Decision December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
22 Proposal No. 95 Regarding the change of the contract for the construction work (electrical) of the old building of Inagi Dai 1 Elementary School of Inagi City Public Schools and the renovation of the Inagi City After-School Childcare Program branch. Immediate Decision December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved

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Council Member-Proposed Bill

List of Council Member-sponsored Bills


Bill Number

Agenda Title

Deliberation Procedures

Date of Resolution

Council Resolution Results

1 Proposal No. 8 Opinion Statement on the Expansion of Local Tax Revenues Immediate Decision December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved
2 Proposal No. 9 Opinion Statement Requesting a Review of Worker Protection Rules and Employment Stability Immediate Decision December 15, 2014 Original Proposal Approved

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Submission List


Acceptance Number

Submission Name

Deliberation Procedures

Date of Resolution

Council Resolution Results

1 Submission No. 11 Submission of the Opinion Statement demanding that our government take appropriate measures regarding the comfort women issue General Affairs Committee December 15, 2014 Adoption of Purpose

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General Affairs Committee (7 Members)

  • Chairperson Tatsuya Watanabe
  • Vice Chairperson Ataru Nakata
  • Members Ken Arai, Chikako Ito, Hiroshi Sawaki, Shigeru Harashima, Etsuo Harada
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
October 2, 2014
  1. Future of Public-Private Partnerships in Inagi City
October 23, 2014
  1. Future of Public-Private Partnerships in Inagi City
November 4, 2014
  1. Future of Public-Private Partnerships in Inagi City
November 10, 2014
  1. Regarding the formulation of the Inagi City New Influenza and Other Measures Action Plan
December 5, 2014
  1. Bill No. 74: Ordinance to Partially Amend the Municipal Tax Ordinance of Inagi City
  2. Proposal No. 77: Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Fire Prevention Ordinance
  3. Submission No. 11: Submission for the Adoption of the Opinion Statement "Requesting the Government of Our Country to Take Appropriate Measures Regarding the Comfort Women Issue"
  4. Regarding the Request for Continued Review During the Recess

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Welfare, Culture, and Education Committee (7 Members)

  • Chairperson Okubo Morihisa
  • Vice Chairperson Iwasa Yukihiro
  • Committee Members Endo Kuniko, Nakamura Mihoko, Watanabe Chikara, Ikawa Machiko, Tanaka Shigeo
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
October 6, 2014
  1. Expansion of UNESCO Schools and ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)
October 27, 2014
  1. Expansion of UNESCO Schools and ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)
November 11, 2014
  1. Regarding the Formulation of the 6th Long-Term Care Insurance Business Plan
  2. Regarding the conclusion of the "Basic Agreement on Cooperation and Collaboration among the Three Cities in the Minami-Tama Health Center Area for the New Influenza and Other Measures Action Plan"
  3. About User Burden Amounts in the New Child and Parenting Support System
  4. Regarding the decision of the Business Operators for the After-School Childcare Program at Daiichi Elementary School and Minamiyama Elementary School
  5. About the Second Inagi City Children's Reading Activity Promotion Plan
  6. Expansion of UNESCO Schools and ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)
December 8, 2014
  1. Proposal No. 87: Contract for Large-Scale Renovation and Other Construction Work for Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School Building
  2. Proposal No. 88: Contract for Large-Scale Renovation and Other Construction Work (Electrical) for Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School
  3. Proposal No. 89: Contract for Large-Scale Renovation and Other Construction Work (Mechanical) for Inagi Dai 1 Junior High School
  4. Regarding the Request for Continued Review During the Recess

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Construction and Environment Committee (7 members)

  • Chairperson Kenichi Kitahama
  • Vice Chairperson Manabu Okada
  • Members Misako Kajiura, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Takefumi Sakata, Makoto Suzuki, Hiromi Tsunoji
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
October 16, 2014
  1. Basic Policy (Draft) Regarding the Management and Operation of the Inagi and Fuchu Memorial Park and the Financial Management of the Inagi and Fuchu Cemetery Association
  2. Basic Research and Formulation of Biodiversity Regional Strategy (Interim Report)
  3. Draft River Improvement Plan for the Misawa River Basin
  4. Efforts for regional revitalization utilizing Inagi City's official image character "Inagi Nashinosuke"
November 14, 2014
  1. Report of Damage to Agricultural Products Due to Hail and Other Causes
  2. Trial Introduction of Departure Melody at Yanokuchi Station on the JR Nambu Line
  3. About the Installation of Dog Runs
  4. Efforts for regional revitalization utilizing Inagi City's official image character "Inagi Nashinosuke"
December 9, 2014
  1. Regarding the Dispatch of Committee Members Currently in Session
  2. Proposal No. 86 Regarding the Abolition of Inagi City Road Lines
  3. Proposal No. 76: Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City National Health Insurance Ordinance
  4. Request for Continued Investigation During Council Recess

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Council Steering Committee (7 members)

  • Chairperson Shigeru Harajima
  • Vice Chairperson Kajiura Misako
  • Committee Members Kuniko Endo, Tatsuya Watanabe, Chikara Watanabe, Ataru Nakata, Machiko Ikawa
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
November 19, 2014
  1. About the schedule and operation of the next Regular Session
  2. Other Topics
November 26, 2014
  1. Deliberation Procedure for the Proposal
  2. About the Schedule
December 3, 2014
  1. About the Council Member-sponsored Bill
  2. Request for Continued Investigation During Council Recess
December 15, 2014
  1. Notice and Order of Discussion
  2. Regarding Additional Proposals
  3. Regarding the Dispatch of Councilors During the Recess
  4. Request for Continued Investigation During Council Recess

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Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)

  • Chairperson Tanaka Shigeo
  • Vice Chairperson Hiromi Tsunoji
  • Committee Members Manabu Okada, Misako Kajiura, Chikako Ito, Tatsuya Watanabe, Takefumi Sakata, Ataru Nakata, Morihisa Okubo, Kenichi Kitahama
List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
November 26, 2014
  1. Mutual Election of Chairperson
  2. Mutual Election of Vice Chairperson
December 1, 2014
  1. Proposal No. 79: Supplementary Budget (No. 5) for the General Fund of Inagi City, Tokyo for Fiscal Year 2014
  2. Proposal No. 80: Supplementary Budget (No. 2) for the National Health Insurance Program Special Account for the Fiscal Year 2014, Inagi City, Tokyo
  3. Proposal No. 83: Supplementary Budget (No. 1) for the Late-Stage Elderly Medical Care Special Account for Fiscal Year 2013 in Inagi City, Tokyo

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2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
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