1st Extraordinary Session of 2019

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Page ID 1009591 Update Date Reiwa 6, December 16

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This page includes the schedule, elections, results of bill deliberations, and committee review (investigation) matters for the first extraordinary session of the Inagi City Council in the first year of Reiwa.
Session Period
May 15, 2019 (Wednesday) (1 day)

Council Personnel

1. Elections and Their Results

Election Results List
Election Classification Election Methods Name of the Candidate Number of Votes Result of Selection
Chairperson Election Vote Chikara Watanabe 15 Elected
Vice Chair Election Vote Tsunoji Kanbi 15 Elected
Tamagawa Sanitation Association
Council Member Election
Nomination Tsunoji Kanbi
Kita Hama Kenichi
Murakami Yoko
Yamagishi Taichi
Tokyo Metropolitan Three City Revenue Business Association
Council Member Election
Nomination Makoto Suzuki
Kenji Nakayama
Minami-Tama Station Funeral Hall Association
Council Member Election
Nomination Eiji Ikeda
Kikuko Tajima
Tokyo Tama Wide Area Resource Recycling Association
Council Member Election
Nomination Hisaharu Enomoto Elected
Inagi-Fuchu Cemetery Association Council Member Nomination Hisako Ichinose
Takefumi Sakata
Aya Kawamura

2. Others

  1. Appointment of Permanent Committee Members
    • General Affairs Committee (7 members)
      Suzuki Makoto, Yamagishi Taichi, Isomura Akiko, Arai Ken, Masanobu Kakuta, Sato Shinji, Nakayama Kenji
    • Welfare and Education Committee (7 members)
      Yoko Murakami, Kikuko Tajima, Ataru Nakata, Yukihiro Iwasa, Hisako Ichinose, Takefumi Sakata, Misako Kajiura
    • Construction and Environment Committee (7 members)
      Eiji Ikeda, Masahito Takeda, Hisaharu Enomoto, Manabu Okada, Aya Kawamura, Hiromi Tsunoji, Kenichi Kitahama
  2. Appointment of Council Steering Committee Members
    • Council Steering Committee (7 members)
      Kenichi Kitahama, Hisako Ichinose, Akiko Isomura, Hisaharu Enomoto, Ataru Nakata, Taichi Yamagishi, Takefumi Sakata
  3. Establishment of the Special Committee for the Long-Term Comprehensive Plan
    • Special Committee for the Long-Term Comprehensive Plan (10 members)
      Kenichi Kitahama, Hisaharu Enomoto, Masahito Takeda, Ataru Nakata, Manabu Okada, Aya Kawamura, Eiji Ikeda, Hiromi Tsunoji, Takefumi Sakata, Misako Kajiura
  4. Chairperson's Resignation from the Standing Committee - Approved
  5. Results of the Mutual Election for the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
    • General Affairs Committee Chairperson Suzuki Makoto Vice Chairperson Yamagishi Taichi
    • Welfare and Education Committee Chairperson Yoko Murakami Vice Chairperson Kikuko Tajima
    • Construction and Environment Committee Chairperson Eiji Ikeda Vice Chairperson Masahito Takeda
    • Council Steering Committee Chairperson Kenichi Kitahama Vice Chairperson Hisako Ichise
    • Long-Term Comprehensive Plan Review Special Committee Chairperson Kenichi Kitahama Vice Chairperson Hisaharu Enomoto
  6. Tokyo Late-Stage Elderly Medical Care Wide Area Union Council Member Election Candidate Recommendation Masahito Takeda

If you would like to view the proposal documents for the first extraordinary session of the first year of Reiwa, please click the title below.

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Proposals Submitted by the Mayor

List of Proposals Submitted by the Mayor
No Bill Number Agenda Title Deliberation Procedures Date of Resolution Council Resolution Results
1 Proposal No. 20 Request for Approval of Special Decision (Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance) Immediate Decision May 15, 2019 Approval
2 Proposal No. 21 Request for Approval of Special Decision (Ordinance to Partially Amend the Inagi City National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance) Immediate Decision May 15, 2019 Approval
3 Proposal No. 22 Appointment of the Audit Committee Members of Inagi City Immediate Decision May 15, 2019 Consent
4 Proposal No. 23 Appointment of Members of the Inagi City Agricultural Committee Immediate Decision May 15, 2019 Consent

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General Affairs Committee (7 Members)

Chairperson Suzuki Makoto
Vice Chairperson Yamagishi Taichi
Members Isomura Akiko, Arai Ken, Masanobu Kakuta, Sato Shinji, Nakayama Kenji

List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
May 15, 2019
  1. Mutual Election of Chairperson
  2. Mutual Election of Vice Chairperson
  3. Regarding Specific Administrative Investigation Matters

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Welfare, Culture, and Education Committee (7 Members)

Chairperson Yoko Murakami
Vice Chairperson Kikuko Tajima
Members Ataru Nakata, Yukihiro Iwasa, Hisako Ichinose, Takefumi Sakata, Misako Kajiura

List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
May 15, 2019
  1. Mutual Election of Chairperson
  2. Mutual Election of Vice Chairperson
  3. Regarding Specific Administrative Investigation Matters

Construction and Environment Committee (7 members)

Chairperson Eiji Ikeda
Vice Chairperson Masahito Takeda
Members Hisaharu Enomoto, Manabu Okada, Aya Kawamura, Hiromi Tsunoji, Kenichi Kitahama

List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
May 15, 2019
  1. Mutual Election of Chairperson
  2. Mutual Election of Vice Chairperson
  3. Regarding Specific Administrative Investigation Matters

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Council Steering Committee (7 members)

Chairperson Kenichi Kitahama
Vice Chairperson Hisako Ichise
Members Akiko Isomura, Hisaharu Enomoto, Ataru Nakata, Taichi Yamagishi, Takefumi Sakata

List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
May 15, 2019
  1. Mutual Election of Chairperson
  2. Mutual Election of Vice Chairperson
  3. Regarding the request for the attendance of non-committee members
  4. Regarding the Resignation of the Chairperson's Permanent Committee Member
  5. Recommendation of Candidates for the Tokyo Metropolitan Late-Stage Elderly Medical Care Wide Area Union Council Election
  6. Tamagawa Waste Management Union Council Member Election
  7. Tokyo Metropolitan Three City Revenue Business Association Council Member Election
  8. Minami-Tama Station Funeral Hall Association Council Member Election
  9. Tokyo Tama Wide Area Resource Recycling Association Council Member Election
  10. Inagi and Fuchu Cemetery Association Council Member Election
  11. Deliberation Procedure for the Proposal
  12. Deliberation Procedure for Additional Proposals
  13. Investigation on Specific Homeroom Duties
  14. Regarding the request for continued investigation during the recess and the term of the Council Steering Committee members
  15. Regarding the Use of Common Names, etc.

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Long-Term Comprehensive Plan Review Special Committee (10 members)

Chairperson Kenichi Kitahama
Vice Chairperson Hisaharu Enomoto
Members Masahito Takeda, Ataru Nakata, Manabu Okada, Aya Kawamura, Eiji Ikeda
Hiromi Tsunoji, Takefumi Sakata, Misako Kajiura

List of Examination (Investigation) Items
Date (YYYY/MM/DD) Review & Investigation Items
May 15, 2019
  1. Mutual Election of Chairperson
  2. Mutual Election of Vice Chairperson

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