List of Council Members (as of June 7, 2024)
The number of members is set at 22 by ordinance, and the term is 4 years.
Note: The district name below the address may not be listed at the request of the member.
Seat Number 1 Akiko Isomura
Affiliated Group: Reform Future Group
Affiliated Committee: Chairperson of the Construction and Environment Committee
Legislative History: 2 terms
Address: 2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City (Inagi City Hall 4th Floor, Reform Future Group Office)
Phone: 042-378-2111 (Extension 419)
Email Address:
Seat Number 2 Yukihiro Iwasa
Affiliated Group: Reform Future Group
Affiliated Committees: General Affairs Committee, Vice Chairperson of the Council Steering Committee
Years in Office: 4 terms
Address: Koyodai, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-2111 (Extension 419)
Email Address:
Seat Number 3, Hisaharu Enomoto
Affiliated Group: Reform Future Group
Affiliated Committee: Welfare and Education Committee
Years in Office: 3 terms
Address: 2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City (Inagi City Hall, 4th Floor, Reform Future Group Room)
Phone: 042-378-2111 (Extension 419)
Email Address:
Seat Number 4 Hiroshi Yuya
Affiliated Political Group: Komeito
Affiliated Committee: General Affairs Committee
Term in Office: 1 term
Address: Koyodai, Inagi City
Phone: 090-8386-4837
Email Address:
Seat Number 5 Shinji Sato
Affiliated Political Group: Komeito
Affiliated Committees: Vice Chairperson of the Welfare and Education Committee, Council Steering Committee
Term as Council Member: 2 terms
Address: Omaru, Inagi City
Phone: 090-7285-2309
Email Address:
Seat Number 6 Hiromi Tsunoji
Affiliated Political Group: Komeito
Affiliated Committees: Construction and Environment Committee
Years in Office: 4 terms
Address: 3-7 Nagamine, Inagi City, 2-301, Mori no Yombangai
Phone: 042-331-6448
Email Address:
Seat Number 7 Yoko Murakami
Affiliated Group: Independent
Affiliated Committee: Construction and Environment Committee
Term in Office: 3 terms
Address: 1608-3 Momura, Inagi City, Room 202, Sankoupo
Phone: 042-379-2435
Email Address:
Seat Number 8 Taichi Yamagishi
Affiliated Political Group: Japanese Communist Party
Affiliated Committees: Vice Chairperson of the General Affairs Committee, Council Steering Committee
Years in Office: 3 terms
Address: 2829-4 Yanokuchi, Inagi City
Phone: 080-1061-7881
Email Address:
Seat Number 9 Kiku Tajima
Affiliated Political Group: Japanese Communist Party
Affiliated Committee: Welfare and Education Committee
Legislative History: 2 terms
Address: 153-2 Yanokuchi, Inagi City, Rune Inagi 217
Phone: 042-318-4469
Email Address:
Seat Number 10 Manabu Okada
Affiliated Political Group: Japanese Communist Party
Affiliated Committee: Vice Chairperson of the Construction and Environment Committee
Legislative History: 6 terms
Address: Koyodai, Inagi City
Phone: 090-9348-5915
Email Address:
Seat Number 11, Kensuke Nakajima
Affiliated Group: Toushikai
Affiliated Committee: Construction and Environment Committee
Term in Office: 1 term
Address: Inagi City, Higashi-Naganuma
Phone: 080-4662-9045
Email Address:
Seat Number 12 Norihiro Doi
Affiliated Group: Toushikai
Affiliated Committee: Welfare and Education Committee
Term in Office: 1 term
Address: 2261-11 Yanokuchi, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-2588
Email Address:
Seat Number 13 Ataru Nakata
Affiliated Group: Toushikai
Affiliated Committees: Construction and Environment Committee
Term as Council Member: 4 terms
Address: 3-1-1 Wakabadai, Inagi City, Wakabadai Waltz no Mori F401
Phone: 090-3596-5118
Email Address:
Seat Number 14 Kenichi Kitahama
Affiliated Group: Toushikai
Affiliated Committees: Chairperson
Years in Office: 6 terms
Address: 578-3 Omaru, Inagi City, 5th Floor, Kitahama Building
Phone: 042-378-0862
Email Address:
Seat Number 15 Masanobu Kakuta
Affiliated Group Name: Shinseikai
Affiliated Committee: Welfare and Education Committee
Term in Office: 2 terms
Address: 2284-11 Yanokuchi, Inagi City, Globe Square 609
Phone: 090-7944-0065
Email Address:
Seat Number 16 Watanabe Chikara
Affiliated Group: Shinseikai
Affiliated Committees: Construction and Environment Committee, Council Steering Committee
Term as Council Member: 4 terms
Address: 3-3 Nagamine, Inagi City, 3-202, Mori no Nibangai
Phone: 042-331-8826
Email Address:
Seat Number 17 Eiji Ikeda
Affiliated Group: Shinseikai
Affiliated Committee: Chairperson of the General Affairs Committee
Legislative History: 3 terms
Address: 55-2 Yanokuchi, Inagi City
Phone: 042-379-4090
Email Address:
Seat Number 18 Takefumi Sakata
Affiliated Group: Shinseikai
Affiliated Committees: Vice Chairperson, General Affairs Committee
Legislative History: 4 terms
Address: 2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City (4th floor, Inagi City Hall, Shinseikai Meeting Room)
Phone: 042-378-2111 (Extension 417)
Email Address:
Seat Number 19 Aya Kawamura
Affiliated Group Name: Toushikai
Affiliated Committees: General Affairs Committee, Chairperson of the Council Steering Committee
Legislative History: 2 terms
Address: 2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City (Inagi City Hall 4th Floor, Toushikai Meeting Room)
Phone: 080-8858-6536
Email Address:
Seat Number 20 Suzuki Makoto
Affiliated Group: Toushikai
Affiliated Committees: Chairperson of the Welfare and Education Committee, Council Steering Committee
Years in Office: 4 terms
Address: 2-77-1 Hirao, Inagi City
Phone: 042-207-0120
Email Address:
Seat Number 21 Masahito Takeda
Affiliation: Independent
Committee Membership: General Affairs Committee
Term in Office: 2 terms
Address: 1390-1 Yanokuchi, Inagi City, Lions Grobel Inagi Partir Room 407
Phone: 090-8814-6324
Email Address:
Seat Number 22 Misako Kajiura
Affiliated Group: Independent
Affiliated Committee: Welfare and Education Committee
Term in Office: 5 terms
Address: 2-17-2-101 Wakabadai, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-2111 (Ext. 421)
Email Address:
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Inagi City Council Secretariat
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
Contact the Inagi City Council Secretariat