Frequently Asked Questions (School Education)
QuestionI would like to know about the transfer procedures for public Elementary and Junior High Schools.
When moving to Inagi City from outside the city or relocating within the city
Please complete the resident registration transfer (moving in or relocating) at the Citizen Affairs Division. After that, please proceed with the school transfer procedures at the Academic Affairs Division. A "Notice of Admission" will be issued, so please bring it along with the "Certificate of Enrollment" and "Textbook Provision Certificate" issued by the previous school to the new school you will be attending.
When moving outside the city
Please complete the resident registration transfer (moving out) procedures at the Citizen Affairs Division.
Also, please obtain the "Certificate of Enrollment" and "Textbook Provision Certificate" from the school you are currently attending, and complete the transfer procedures at the municipality you are moving to.
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Inquiries about this page
Inagi City Department of Education Academic Affairs Division
〒206-8601 2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-379-3600
Contact Inagi City Department of Education Academic Affairs Division