Frequently Asked Questions (Environment)
- I would like to request grass cutting and other maintenance for the land managed by the city. (If you do not know the department responsible for land management)
- I am troubled by the vacant lot next door being overgrown with weeds.
- Is it okay to have a bonfire?
- Is there a subsidy system for creating hedges?
- Where can I contact the city regarding noise and vibration from demolition and construction work?
- Please tell me the disposal method and fees for computers.
- What should I do when photochemical smog occurs? How will I be informed?
- Oil is leaking into the nearby river. Where can I contact for assistance?
- I am troubled by being threatened or attacked by crows.
- I found a crow's nest, and I would like it to be removed.
- What should I do if I see a chick that has fallen from its nest or an injured crow?
- I want to remove a bird's nest that is on my property (such as on the balcony). What should I do?
- I am having trouble with a beehive being formed.
- I am having trouble with mice and insects.
- There is a snake in the yard. Please remove it because it is scary.