Inagi City

Protection and Disclosure of Personal Information

Last updated: February 26, 2024

Revision of the Personal Information Protection Law (enforced in April 2023)

In 2003, the city enacted the "Inagi City Personal Information Protection Ordinance" (former ordinance), stipulating basic rules regarding the handling of personal information, and striving for the appropriate collection, storage, and use of personal information. We have operated a system (disclosure request system) that allows anyone to request disclosure of their own personal information to the city.
Due to the revision of the national law, the domestic rules related to personal information protection have been integrated into the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (Personal Information Protection Law), and the overall jurisdiction is the Personal Information Protection Commissioner, a national institution. It was decided to unify the meeting.
In this way, personal information protection law of country is applied directly in city according to the next figure from April, 2023.

Image diagram

In response to this revision of the law, the city has abolished the old ordinance and newly enacted the "Inagi City Personal Information Protection Law Enforcement Ordinance" so as not to lower the level of personal information protection and citizen services. increase.
The personal information protection law of Japan and the rules based on the new city ordinance do not differ greatly from the rules based on the old ordinance, so the handling of personal information by the city will not change. It does not affect the procedure to be performed. In addition, the disclosure request system will continue.
The city will continue to properly handle your personal information, protect the rights and interests of individuals, and ensure the proper and smooth operation of municipal administration.

Self-information disclosure request system

Anyone can request disclosure of their own personal information (personal information created or acquired by staff in the course of their duties and held by the city for organizational use).

Billing method

  1. Please fill in the necessary items on the Request for Disclosure of Retained Personal Information ( application form download: related to information disclosure and personal information protection ) and submit it to the Document and Legislation Section, Document and Legislation Division. Bills are also available at the Documents and Legislation Section of the Documents and Legislation Section on the 5th floor of City Hall.
  2. When making a claim, it is necessary to present identification documents. In addition, when requesting disclosure of personal information including My Number, please enter your My Number on the request form and present the documents confirming your My Number.
  3. When making a request, it is necessary to specify as much as possible the administrative document containing your personal information. If you have any questions, please contact the Document and Legal Affairs Section of the Document and Legal Affairs Division in advance.
  4. Requests can also be made by a legal representative or a voluntary representative using a power of attorney on behalf of the person himself/herself ( power of attorney download: information disclosure, personal information protection related ). In addition, in the case of a request made by a voluntary representative, we will confirm the intention of the person concerned by mail, etc.
  5. Please note that in order to protect the important information of the individual, we cannot make a request by phone or verbal.

Identity verification documents

Depending on the type of identity verification document, it is divided into those that require the presentation of one (Category A) and those that require the presentation of two (Category B).

Division Document type
ah A document with a photograph of the face issued by a public office (1 point to be confirmed)
My number card (personal number card), driver's license, driving history certificate (issued after April 1, 2012), passport, basic resident register card (B card with photo), Physical Disability Certificate, Mental Disability Certificate, Rehabilitation Certificate, Resident Card, Special Permanent Resident Certificate, Official ID Card of Public Office, etc., or equivalent documents
stomach Documents proving that you are the person other than a (2 points confirmation)
Health insurance card, long-term care insurance card, various pension certificates (note book or basic pension number notification), basic resident register card (A card, no photo), public assistance recipient card, or any of these equivalent document

Note: Identity verification documents with an expiration date are limited to those within the expiration date.

My number (personal number) confirmation documents

Reception date and time

From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. of the open agency day


Based on the Personal Information Protection Law, we will disclose the following information except for the following information.

  1. Information that may harm the life, health, livelihood, or property of the person
  2. Information related to an individual other than the individual that can identify a specific individual, or information that cannot identify a specific individual but whose disclosure may harm the rights and interests of an individual
  3. Information about corporations or other organizations, the disclosure of which may harm the competitive position or other legitimate interests of that organization
  4. Information for which there are reasonable grounds for recognizing that disclosure may interfere with the prevention, suppression or investigation of crimes, maintenance of prosecution, execution of sentences, or maintenance of public safety and order.
  5. Information related to deliberations, considerations, or consultations within or between city agencies, etc., the disclosure of which may unreasonably impair the neutrality of frank exchange of opinions or decision-making, or may unreasonably affect a specific person. Things that may give benefits or cause disadvantages
  6. Information related to affairs, etc., carried out by city agencies, etc., and disclosure of which may interfere with the execution of proper affairs, etc.
  7. Information voluntarily provided by a third party on the condition that it is not disclosed

Deadline for Disclosure Decision

By ordinance, the city makes a decision on disclosure within 14 days from the day following the billing date, which is shorter than the decision deadline set by the Personal Information Protection Law.
However, based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, if the amount of personal information subject to retention is large, the period may be extended within 30 days.

Disclosure method

When the disclosure is ready, the staff will contact the claimant. Please read or receive a copy at the information disclosure corner on the 5th floor of the city hall. Copies can also be delivered by mail (in principle, it will be mailed by "simple registered mail" or "simple registered mail + limited receipt").


There is no handling fee, but if you wish to have a copy issued or mailed, you will be asked to pay the actual cost of the copy and shipping fee using the payment slip.
In the case of mailing, we will mail the payment slip together with the notification of the disclosure decision, and after the payment is confirmed, we will mail a copy.

Request for Correction and Suspension of Use of Retained Personal Information

Correction request

If you believe that your personal information disclosed based on the decision to disclose personal information is not true, you can request correction.

Suspension request

You can request suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision on the grounds that your personal information disclosed based on the decision to disclose personal information was not obtained legally.

Relief system, etc.

If it is decided that the requested administrative information cannot be disclosed, and if you are dissatisfied with the decision, you can file a request for reconsideration.
When a request for review is made, the Inagi City Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Review Committee, a third-party organization, examines the matter, and the executing agency makes a decision based on the results.

Efforts of the city regarding protection of personal information

Efforts of the executing agency

The city's implementing agencies (mayor, board of education, election management committee, audit committee, agriculture committee, fixed asset evaluation review committee, fire chief, and Inagi City Hospital business manager), as efforts to protect personal information, Based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, we properly collect personal information, limit its possession, clarify the purpose of use, ensure accuracy, take safety control measures, and limit the use and provision of personal information.

Personal Information Protection Management Council

In order to ensure the proper operation of the personal information protection system, the city has established the Inagi City Personal Information Protection Management Council, and when it tries to establish operational rules and manuals regarding the handling of personal information, it seeks specialized knowledge. When it is deemed particularly necessary to listen to the opinions based on the above, the council will be consulted.

Personal information file book

Based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, we publish a "Personal Information File List" that records matters related to the status of personal information held. "Personal information file book" clarifies the existence and outline of personal information files (databases that allow personal information to be searched) held by the city, and allows individuals to more accurately understand the actual use of their own personal information. It is a ledger maintained for the purpose of being able to recognize

organization name Personal information file name Reference number
Planning Department Planning Policy Division Special fixed benefit administrator file 1-1-1 (PDF: 108KB)
General affairs department General Affairs and Contract Division I (Ai) Town Inagi Support Donation (Furusato Tax Payment) Donor Management File 2-1-1 (PDF: 104KB)
civic department Citizen's Division Basic Resident Register 3-1-1 (PDF: 116KB)
Seal registration ledger 3-1-2 (PDF: 99KB)
Individual number card issuance management book 3-1-3 (PDF: 113KB)
Personal number card issuance reservation ledger 3-1-4 (PDF: 134KB)
Traffic Accident Mutual Aid Member Ledger 3-1-5 (PDF: 133KB)
Basic Resident Register card issuance management book 3-1-6 (PDF: 133KB)
Family register computer system 3-1-7 (PDF: 144KB)
Insurance and Pension Division national pension system 3-5-1 (PDF: 137KB)
National Health Insurance personal information file 3-5-2 (PDF: 143KB)
National Health Insurance Personal Information File (Specific Health Checkup) 3-5-3 (PDF: 134KB)
Latter-stage elderly medical insurance personal information file 3-5-4 (PDF: 140KB)
Latter-stage elderly medical insurance personal information file (Late-stage elderly medical examination, etc.) 3-5-5 (PDF: 140KB)
Taxation Division Individual municipal tax tax ledger 3-10-1 (PDF: 210KB)
Light vehicle tax tax ledger 3-10-2 (PDF: 146KB)
Fixed asset tax ledger 3-10-3 (PDF: 184KB)
Storage Division Collection reconciliation/delinquency arrangement manager file 3-15-1 (PDF: 140KB)
Industrial Culture and Sports Department Sports Promotion Division Inagi City public facility user registration (personal) file 4-15-1 (PDF: 136KB)
Inagi City public facility user registration (group) file 4-15-2 (PDF: 136KB)
Elementary and junior high school student marathon participant file 4-15-3 (PDF: 136KB)
Welfare Department Life and Welfare Division Counseling support organization business support tool output data 5-1-1 (PDF: 149KB)
Welfare case ledger 5-1-2 (PDF: 137KB)
Temporary Special Benefits Manager File 5-1-3(PDF:111KB)
Emergency Assistance Benefits Administrator File 5-1-4 (PDF: 140KB)
Elderly Welfare Division Long-term care insurance system 5-5-1 (PDF: 150KB)
Nursing care support volunteer register 5-5-2 (PDF: 136KB)
List of Survey Subjects Concerning Watching Over the Elderly 5-5-3 (PDF: 140KB)
Nursing care certification software 5-5-4 (PDF: 136KB)
Disability Welfare Division Physically Disabled Person's Handbook/Ai no Techo System 5-10-1 (PDF: 133KB)
Health and Welfare System for the Mentally Disabled 5-10-2 (PDF: 134KB)
Independence Support Nursing Care Benefit System 5-10-3 (PDF: 134KB)
Welfare allowance system for the physically and mentally disabled 5-10-4 (PDF: 135KB)
Person with a disability medical expense subsidy system 5-10-5 (PDF: 137KB)
Physically and mentally handicapped persons (children) automobile fuel expenses and taxi fare benefit system 5-10-6 (PDF: 136KB)
Health Division Health management system 5-15-1 (PDF: 136KB)
dog management system 5-15-2 (PDF: 137KB)
Child Welfare Department Children and Youth Division Afterschool club management system 6-1-1 (PDF: 137KB)
After-school club entry/exit/holding list 6-1-2 (PDF: 135KB)
Child care support section child allowance system 6-5-1 (PDF: 136KB)
Child Rearing Allowance System 6-5-2 (PDF: 138KB)
child rearing allowance system 6-5-3 (PDF: 137KB)
Notification of child allowance status 6-5-4 (PDF: 137KB)
Notification of Child Rearing Allowance Status 6-5-5 (PDF: 138KB)
Report of child upbringing allowance present situation 6-5-6 (PDF: 135KB)
Infant Medical Expense Subsidy System 6-5-7 (PDF: 138KB)
Medical expenses subsidy system for compulsory school children 6-5-8 (PDF: 139KB)
Medical expenses subsidy system for single-parent families 6-5-9 (PDF: 139KB)
Mother and Child Father and Child Women's Welfare Loan System 6-5-10 (PDF: 134KB)
2021 single-parent household benefits system 6-5-11 (PDF: 137KB)
2022 low-income child-rearing households (other than single-parent households) benefit system 6-5-12 (PDF: 137KB)
Temporary special support business system for 2021 child-rearing households 6-5-13 (PDF: 136KB)
2021 single-parent household benefits system 6-5-14 (PDF: 137KB)
2021 low-income child-rearing households (other than single-parent households) benefit system 6-5-15 (PDF: 137KB)
2020 Parenting Household Temporary Special Benefits File 6-5-16 (PDF: 136KB)
2020 Single Parent Household Temporary Special Benefits File 6-5-17 (PDF: 136KB)
Educational childcare, etc. certified benefits file 6-5-18 (PDF: 135KB)
Use adjustment file for nursery schools, etc. 6-5-19 (PDF: 135KB)
Childcare fee file 6-5-20 (PDF: 136KB)
Non-licensed Childcare Service User Fee Supplementary File 6-5-21 (PDF: 138KB)
Child-rearing Facility Use Benefits File (current system kindergarten) 6-5-22 (PDF: 139KB)
Parental burden reduction supplementary file for private kindergartens, etc. 6-5-23 (PDF: 142KB)
Medical expenses subsidy system for high school students, etc. 6-5-24(PDF:107KB)
Single-parent household benefit system for FY2020 6-5-25(PDF:106KB)
FY2020 low-income child-rearing households (other households) benefit system 6-5-26(PDF:106KB)
Children and Families Support Center Division short stay file 6-10-1 (PDF: 136KB)
Oyako Comprehensive Support Center Division Health management system (maternal and child health) 6-15-1 (PDF: 141KB)
Open space of play, open space visitor list of business trip play 6-15-2 (PDF: 137KB)
Childcare support helper business user list 6-15-3 (PDF: 140KB)
city construction department Administration Division Bicycle helmet subsidy project applicant list 7-20-1(PDF:102KB)
Department of Urban Environment Sewer Division Sewer usage fee exemption target person file 8-15-1 (PDF: 134KB)
Sewer beneficiary contribution target person file 8-15-2 (PDF: 135KB)
Sewer usage fee collection process list 8-15-3 (PDF: 133KB)
accounting department Financial accounting system (creditor information) 9-1-1 (PDF: 140KB)
Fire department headquarters Defense Division Emergency Medical Notification File 10-5-1 (PDF: 137KB)
Ambulance appearance list file 10-5-2 (PDF: 137KB)
Emergency dispatch activity report file 10-5-3 (PDF: 138KB)
Disaster activity report file 10-5-4 (PDF: 136KB)
First aid course student list file 10-5-5 (PDF: 132KB)
Prevention Division Files related to inspection ledger 10-10-1 (PDF: 136KB)
Department of Education Education General Affairs Division School physical education facility opening user list 11-1-1 (PDF: 133KB)
School Affairs Division school age book system 11-5-1 (PDF: 136KB)
School Attendance Support/Enrollment Encouragement File 11-5-2 (PDF: 137KB)
School lunch fee management system 11-5-3 (PDF: 140KB)
Lifelong Learning Division Inagi City public facility user registration file 11-15-1 (PDF: 134KB)
Library Division Personal Loan Registration File 11-25-1 (PDF: 134KB)
Book start business target person list 11-25-2 (PDF: 138KB)
Election Administration Committee Secretariat election system 12-1-1 (PDF: 135KB)
electoral roll 12-1-2 (PDF: 137KB)
Municipal Hospital Administration Department Medical Affairs Division Comprehensive medical information system

14-10-1 (PDF: 134KB)


In the event that an employee of the city, a person entrusted with the handling of personal information by the city, or a person engaged in the management of public facilities managed by a designated manager, etc., illegally provides personal information are subject to penalties under the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law.

Obligations of business operators handling personal information

Businesses that handle personal information (including non-profit organizations such as community associations) are subject to the Personal Information Protection Law. Regarding the handling of personal information, we must specify the purpose of use and use it within that scope, manage it safely to prevent leakage, etc., obtain the consent of the person in advance when providing it to a third party, and If there is a request for disclosure, we will be obligated to respond to this.
The protection of personal information seeks a balance between "protection of individual rights and interests" and "usefulness of personal information." Therefore, it is important to understand the laws and regulations correctly, manage personal information appropriately, and use it well.
For reference, please see the Government Public Relations Online , the website of the Personal Information Protection Commission , and the website of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government .

Comprehensive information such as information disclosure by national government agencies

Information on the national information disclosure system and personal information protection system is provided at the General Information Center for Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications .

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, General Affairs Department, Document and Legislation Division Tel: 042-378-2111