Inagi City

About acquisition method of my number card (personal number card)

Last updated: November 12, 2021

How to get my number card

Inagi City has two methods of obtaining a certificate: the “approach to the agency method at the time of issuance” and the “apply to the agency” method.
Both methods require you to visit the agency at least once.

It takes about one and a half months (approximate) from application to receipt of My Number Card.
If you do not receive a notification even after two and a half months have passed since your application, we will check the status of issuance here, so please contact us.

At the time of issuance, come to the agency method

You can apply using your smartphone, computer, or by mail, and then come to the city hall to pick up your card once it is completed.
You can apply without coming to City Hall.
Click here if you would like to apply using the “Visit the Office Method”

At the time of application, come to the agency method

When applying, you can visit City Hall or the Hirao/Wakabadai branch office, and once the card is completed, you can pick it up at your home (resident registration place). The card will be sent by the post office via "Registered Mail" or "Registered Mail."
Click here if you are applying using the "Visit the Office Method"

Comparison of application methods

 At the time of issuance, come to the agency methodAt the time of application, come to the agency method
ConditionsThose who have a government-issued identification document (driver's license, passport, etc.) with a face photo

Application place

anywhere such as your home

City Hall Hirao Branch Office Wakabadai Branch Office

Pick-up location

City Hall

Your home (where you registered as a resident)


・You can apply anywhere, 24 hours a day. ・If you take a picture with a smartphone or digital camera and apply with a smartphone or computer, there is no photo fee.

・You can apply at a branch office near you.


・You need to come to the city hall to receive your My Number Card ( Branch offices do not issue My Number Cards )
・If you use the service (application assistance) that helps you apply online at the city hall or the Hirao/Wakabadai branch office, you will need to visit the office twice, at the time of application and at the time of issuance.

It is necessary to bring a photo taken with an ID camera, etc.
・If you have a notification card, basic resident registration card, or My Number card, it will be returned at the time of application, and you will not have the various cards by the time you receive your My Number card. ・Once your My Number card is ready, it will be mailed to your home. However, if you do not receive it within the storage period of the post office, you will need to come to the city hall to receive it.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Citizens Division, Citizens Division Phone: 042-378-2111