Inagi City

Bicycle traffic rules

Last updated: April 18, 2023

Current status of bicycle accidents

In Tokyo, the number of traffic accidents involving bicycles is increasing rapidly, accounting for about 46% of all traffic accidents in 2020.
In addition, 30 people died in traffic accidents while riding bicycles, accounting for about 23% of the total number of traffic accident fatalities.
Traffic violations such as ignoring traffic lights and violating stoppages are also common among bicycle-related accidents, and about 64% of accidents are accompanied by traffic violations involving bicycles.

There is a similar trend in the city, and among the 181 traffic accidents in 2022, the number of bicycle-related accidents is 57, accounting for about 31%.
About 40% of bicycle-related accidents are accompanied by traffic violations such as not stopping the bicycle.

A bicycle is a light vehicle

Bicycles are categorized as "light vehicles" under the Road Traffic Law, and are a member of the "vehicles" category.
Bicycles must follow traffic signals and traffic signs, and obey traffic rules, just like automobiles, which are part of the "vehicles."
Observe traffic rules and drive safely to avoid traffic accidents.

Figure : Vehicle Classification for Bicycles

Let's check the passing place

1 In principle, drive on the left side of the road.

Figure : Drive on the left side of the road.

2 What if there is a white line on the left side of the road?

A white line may be drawn on the left side of the roadway.
The line drawn between the roadway and the sidewalk is called the "roadway outer line", and if there is no sidewalk, it is called the "road side strip".
A curb is a space for pedestrians to walk.

Figure : What if there is a white line on the left side of the roadway?

You can pass both inside and outside the roadway line.
However, you cannot drive in the opposite direction because it is left-hand traffic.

Figure: When there is a roadway outside line

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video: When there is a roadway outside line
Commentary video (YouTube link)

The roadside strip is a space for pedestrians to walk, but bicycles can also pass through the roadside strip.
However, since it is stipulated that ``When traveling on the roadside strip, you must proceed at a speed and in a manner that does not interfere with pedestrian traffic.'' will do.
If you are going through the roadside strip, you must pass through the roadside strip provided on the left side of the roadway.

Figure : When there is a side strip

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video: When there is a roadside strip
Commentary video (YouTube link)

Let's keep the "pause"

Bicycles must also stop at stop signs.
Be sure to obey the stop signs, stop before the stop line, and check left and right for safety.
If you cannot check the situation on the left and right from the stop line, slowly move to a place where you can check the safety on the left and right, and check the safety visually.

Figure : Let's keep the pause

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video : Observe the pause
Commentary video (YouTube link)

Figure: Range that can be confirmed from the stop line

Figure : Move to a place where you can check after pausing

Traffic light to follow

1 What traffic light to follow when driving on the road?

When traveling on the roadway, obey the traffic lights for oncoming vehicles.
When the lights are red, stop before the stop line.

Figure : Traffic lights to follow while driving on the road

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video : Traffic lights to obey while passing through the roadway
Commentary video (YouTube link)

2 What traffic light to follow when walking on the sidewalk?

When traveling on the sidewalk, obey the opposite pedestrian traffic light.

Figure : Traffic lights to follow while walking on the sidewalk

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video: Traffic lights to obey while walking on the sidewalk
Commentary video (YouTube link)

How to turn right at an intersection

1 Intersection with a traffic light

When turning right at an intersection with a traffic light,
(1) Follow the green light of the traffic light on the opposite side of the road, go straight as close to the left side of the road as possible, and turn right at the end of the road in the direction you want to turn.
(2) After confirming that the traffic light for the opposite vehicle changes from red to blue, go straight ahead.
Note: You can't turn right like a car.

Figure: When turning right at an intersection with a traffic light

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video: When turning right at an intersection with a traffic light
Commentary video (YouTube link)

2 Intersections without traffic lights

When making a right turn at an intersection without traffic lights, move as close to the left side of the road as possible and go straight, turn at the edge of the road in the direction you want to turn, and go straight again.

Figure: When turning right at an intersection without traffic lights

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video: When turning right at an intersection without traffic lights
Commentary video (YouTube link)

Pedestrian crossing method

1 When passing the crosswalk ahead?

When traveling on the roadway and passing through a pedestrian crossing in front, if there is a pedestrian crossing or about to cross the pedestrian crossing, stop at the stop line of the pedestrian crossing and wait for the pedestrian must not block traffic.

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Figure: When passing the crosswalk ahead

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video: When passing the crosswalk ahead
Commentary video (YouTube link)

2 When crossing a pedestrian crossing?

If there are no pedestrians on the crosswalk or there is no risk of obstructing pedestrian traffic, you can cross the crosswalk while riding.
However, a crosswalk is a place for pedestrians to cross the road.
If there is a risk of obstructing the passage of pedestrians crossing the street, get off the vehicle and push while walking.

Figure : When crossing the crosswalk_when there are no pedestrians

Figure : When walking on a crosswalk_when there are pedestrians

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video: When crossing a pedestrian crossing
Commentary video (YouTube link)

How to pass the left-turning lane

When going straight through an intersection with a left-turning traffic lane as shown in the figure, go straight through the left-turning traffic lane, not the straight-ahead traffic lane.

Figure: How to pass the left-turning lane

Link to external site Opens in a new window. Video: How to pass the left-turning lane
Commentary video (YouTube link)

Rules for riding a child on a bicycle

There have also been tragic accidents in which infants died because they were not allowed to ride bicycles correctly.
Let's check the rules when riding a child on a bicycle.

<When you can ride an infant>

Figure : When infants can ride
One person in front and back seat

Figure : When infants can ride

Figure : When infants can ride
1 person in the front seat, piggyback ride

Figure : When infants can ride
1 person in the back seat, piggyback ride

<When infants cannot ride>

Figure : When infants can ride

Figure : When infants can ride
One person in front and back seat, piggy back

This kind of riding is also prohibited

Figure : This type of riding is also prohibited
2 or more people parallel

Figure : This type of riding is also prohibited
driving with umbrella

Figure : This type of riding is also prohibited
Drunk driving (drunk)

Figure : This type of riding is also prohibited
no lights at night

Figure : This type of riding is also prohibited
Use of mobile phones, etc.

Figure : This type of riding is also prohibited
Use of headphones, etc.

Obligation to make efforts to wear a helmet

Approximately 70% of traffic accident fatalities while riding a bicycle are fatal to the head, and the fatality rate when not wearing a helmet is about 2.3 times higher than when wearing a helmet.
For this reason, the Road Traffic Law has been revised, and from April 1, 2023, it will be obligatory for all ages to wear a riding helmet when riding a bicycle.
If the chin strap is not tightened, the helmet will fall off due to the impact of the accident.
Tighten the chinstrap.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Management Section Telephone: 042-378-2111