Inagi City

Application documents regarding the use of the name of Board of Education support

Last updated: August 22, 2024

The Inagi City Board of Education supports projects that contribute to the spread and improvement of education, science, culture and sports in Inagi City.
Please check the following before applying.

What is Sponsorship

For projects sponsored by organizations other than the Inagi City Board of Education, the Inagi City Board of Education agrees with the purpose and approves the use of the name "Inagi City Board of Education".
However, please note that this does not incur expenses, clerical work, or personnel.

Organizations doing business

Organizations that fall under any of the following: a. government agencies b. public interest corporations and other public organizations c. Clear contact information.
(b) Establish articles of incorporation, bylaws and other rules;
(c) Have a track record of continuous activities and be recognized as having sufficient business performance capabilities.

Remarks 1: The organization must meet the following requirements for projects that have used the name of sponsorship in the past.
(1) The plan has not been changed. Or, when the plan is changed, etc., notification is made. (Regulations, Article 6)
(2) Never had its approval revoked. (Regulations, Article 7)
(3) Reporting the results within the deadline stated in the approval notice or promptly after the completion of the project. (Regulations, Article 8)
Note 2: For organizations from a to d, if the event is held outside of Tokyo, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, sister city or friendship city, the office, place of business, or main place of activity of the organization concerned. etc. is in Inagi City, a sister city, or a friendship city.


Those that meet the following requirements: a. Those that contribute to the spread and improvement of education, science, culture and sports in Inagi City.
(a) Not have religious or political overtones.
C. It must not be for the purpose of profit.
D. The venue shall have sufficient facilities for public health and disaster prevention, and necessary measures shall be taken.
E. It must not violate laws or public order and morals.
F. Organizations and other related organizations (hereinafter referred to as "organizations, etc." in G) shall not make donations or signature activities for themselves.
G. Do not solicit to organizations, etc., or projects conducted by organizations, etc.

Application method

Attach the attached documents (no seal required) listed in the "Board of Education Supporter Name Use Application Form" and submit it to the Education General Affairs Division Education General Affairs Section.
It takes about two weeks for approval, so please pay attention to the timing of the application.
The period of use of the sponsorship name is limited to 6 months in principle, from the date of approval until the end of the project.
Once approved, we will mail you an approval letter.

Conditions of approval

1 If there is a change in the plan, etc., promptly notify and obtain approval.
When you make 2 handbills, posters, etc., after having submitted to education general affairs section beforehand, perform notice, distribution.
When we distribute leaflet to 3 elementary and junior high schools (1) Receive permission of leaflet distribution to each school beforehand.
(2) Sort flyers by grade and class, and attach a request for distribution to schools.
(3) Delivery to each school should be carried out by the sponsoring organization.
4 If it is found to violate the Inagi City Board of Education Business Sponsorship Name Usage Rules, the Board of Education will immediately cancel the approval of the sponsorship, and will not approve it in the future.
5. Promptly submit a support performance report after the end of the project. At that time, attach a business photo etc. as much as possible.

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Inagi City Board of Education Business Sponsorship Name Usage Rules

Please see this page for the Inagi City Board of Education business supporter name usage rules.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Education Department Education General Affairs Division Telephone: 042-378-2111