Inagi City

About specified quantity

Last updated: March 29, 2022

What is “specified quantity”?

Dangerous materials stipulated by the Fire Service Act have designated quantities, depending on their danger and properties, and these quantities serve as the basis for hazardous materials regulations.
Please note that regulations regarding the amount of hazardous materials stored or handled will change when the specified amount reaches one-fifth or the specified amount.

The specified quantities of the main hazardous materials are as follows:

If you would like to know more about the designated quantities of specific items, please contact the fire department.

When storing or handling multiple hazardous materials in the same location

The quantity of each hazardous material stored or handled at a location is divided by the designated quantity of each hazardous material, and the sum of these values ​​is a multiple of the designated quantity of the hazardous material stored or handled at that location.

If you are storing 20 liters of gasoline and 200 liters of kerosene (1) 20 liters of gasoline stored ÷ 200 liters of gasoline specified quantity = 0.1
(2) Storage amount of kerosene: 200 liters ÷ Designated amount of kerosene: 1,000 liters = 0.2
The total is (1) + (2) = 0.3.
Therefore, since the amount is "more than one-fifth of the designated quantity, but less than the designated quantity," it is subject to regulations as a small quantity hazardous materials storage and handling facility.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Fire Department Prevention Division Tel: 042-377-7119