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Formulation of the "Development Policy for Urban Planning Roads in Tokyo (Fourth Commercialization Plan)"

Updated: March 30, 2016

 The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, special wards, and 26 cities and 2 towns will work together to formulate a "commercialization plan" that specifies the routes that should be developed with priority over a period of about 10 years, in order to systematically and efficiently develop city-planned roads. It has been formulated three times in the past and has worked to promote the business.
"Policy for development of city-planned roads in the ward area (third commercialization plan)" and "Policy for development of city-planned roads in the Tama area (third commercialization plan)" are plans up to 2015. In order to promote efficient road development, the "policy for development of city-planned roads in Tokyo (fourth commercialization plan)" integrates the wards and the Tama area under the cooperation and cooperation of the cities and towns. has been formulated.
In this development policy, we have selected 320 locations of approximately 226km as routes that should be developed preferentially over the next 10 years (FY2016 to FY2025). In addition, we will expand the scope of relaxation of construction restrictions to all routes, which has been targeted so far for routes other than priority development routes. Based on this maintenance policy, we will push forward maintenance of city planning road steadily in future.

 This maintenance policy can be viewed on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government website (external link), the Tokyo Citizens Information Room (Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building No. 1, 3rd floor), and at the counters of each municipality, and is scheduled to be sold at the Tokyo Citizens Information Room. For sales of maintenance policies, please contact the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

contact information:
Street Planning Division, Urban Infrastructure Department, Bureau of Urban Development, Tokyo Metropolitan Government 03-5388-3379
Inagi City Urban Construction Department City Planning Division 042-378-2111 (representative)

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Construction Department Town Development Planning Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-378-9719

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2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
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