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Inagi Minamiyama Eastern District

Update date: March 27, 2024

The project area is located in the southeastern part of Inagi City, roughly halfway between Inagi Station and Keio Yomiuriland Station on the Keio Sagamihara Line. The area is bordered by the Keio Sagamihara Line on the north side, metropolitan road No. 124 on the east side, a golf course on the south side, city road No. 1494 on the west side, and residential land borders.


Name Nanzan Tobu Land Readjustment Association Address 1462-1 Hyakumura, Inagi City
Telephone 042-378-5773

Business overview, etc.

Business name Inagi Nanzan Eastern Land Readjustment Project
Enforcer Nanzan East Land Readjustment Association
Establishment approval date April 12, 2006
First business plan change approval date September 29, 2008
2nd Business Plan Change Approval Date February 24, 2012
3rd Business Plan Change Approval Date September 2, 2013

4th Business Plan Change Approval Date

June 14, 2016

5th Business Plan Change Approval Date

June 2, 2017

6th Business Plan Change Approval Date December 21, 2018

7th Business Plan Change Approval Date

March 10, 2020

8th Business Plan Change Approval Date

April 11, 2020
9th Business Plan Change Approval Date March 21, 2020
Enforcement period From 2006 to 2020
Enforcement area About 87.46 hectares
expense Approximately 64 billion yen
Number of union members 351 people
Decrease rate

Total step loss rate 68.62%

City planning facility

Tama City Planning Road No. 3, 4, 12 Yomiuri Land Line (changed on June 23, 2006)
Tama City Planning Road No. 3, 4, 16 Inagi Minami Tama Line (changed on June 23, 2006)
Tama City Planning Road No. 7, 4, 5 Higashi Naganuma Yanoguchi Line (decided on June 23, 2006)
Tama City Planning Road No. 7, 5, 6 Nanzan Street No. 1 (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Road 7, 5, 7 Nanzan Street Route 2 (Decision on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Park No. 4, 4, 3 Okuhata Yato Park (changed on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Park No. 3, 3, 23, Negata Yato Park (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Park No. 2, 2, 32 Minamiyama No. 1 Park (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Park No. 2, 2, 33 Minamiyama No. 2 Park (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Green Space No. 10 Minamiyama Green Space No. 1 (March 9, 2018 decision)
Tama City Planning Green Space No. 11 Minamiyama No. 2 Green Space (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Green Space No. 12 Minamiyama No. 3 Green Space (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Green Space No. 13 Minamiyama No. 4 Green Space (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Green Space No. 14 Minamiyama No. 5 Green Space (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Green Space No. 15 Minamiyama No. 6 Green Space (decided on March 9, 2018)
Tama City Planning Green Space No. 16 Minamiyama No. 7 Green Space (decided on March 9, 2018)

Enforcement district area

Part of each part of Oaza Hyakumura, Inagi City, Higashi Naganuma, and Yanoguchi

Location map of Minamiyama area

Community development in the eastern area of Inagi Nanzan

Q&A about the Inagi Nanzan eastern land readjustment project

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Improvement Department Land Readjustment Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-378-9719

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2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo 206-8601
Open agency hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781
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