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About outbreak of new coronavirus infectious disease positive person of Inagi City school staff (November 30, 2022)

Updated: December 1, 2022

Please be aware that unfair discrimination based on misunderstandings and prejudices related to COVID-19 and vaccination will not be tolerated.

Situation of the concerned faculty and staff (1st example)

A faculty member working at an Inagi City school was found to be positive as a result of a new coronavirus test. At present, no symptoms such as fever have been seen in other children, students, or faculty members.
The situation regarding the concerned faculty and staff members is as follows.
(1) Age 50s (2) Gender Male (3) Place of residence Tokyo (4) Symptoms Fever (37.8 degrees), cough (5) Background November 23, 2020 (Wednesday) National holiday. Fever (37.8 degrees).
I took a vacation on Thursday, November 24, 2022. Visit a medical institution and take a PCR test.
I took a vacation on Friday, November 25, 2022. As a result of the PCR test, it turned out to be positive. After that, recuperation at the accommodation facility.
・The school has already been disinfected.
・After checking according to the standards issued by the public health center, there are no children, students, or teachers who fall under close contact.

Situation of the relevant faculty and staff (2nd example)

A faculty member working at an Inagi City school was found to be positive as a result of a new coronavirus test. At present, no symptoms such as fever have been seen in other children, students, or faculty members.
The situation regarding the concerned faculty and staff members is as follows.
(1) Age: 20s (2) Gender: Male (3) Place of residence: Tokyo (4) Symptoms: Fever (38.4 degrees)
(5) History November 26, 2020 (Saturday) Fever (38.4 degrees).
Visited a medical institution on Sunday, November 27, 2022. A PCR test was carried out and it turned out to be positive. Since then, he has been recuperating at home.
・The school has already been disinfected.
・After checking according to the standards issued by the public health center, there are no children, students, or teachers who fall under close contact.

Situation of the concerned faculty and staff (3rd example)

A faculty member working at an Inagi City school was found to be positive as a result of a new coronavirus test. At present, no symptoms such as fever have been seen in other children, students, or faculty members.
The situation regarding the concerned faculty and staff members is as follows.
(1) Age 30s (2) Gender Male (3) Location Kanagawa Prefecture (4) Symptoms Fever (39 degrees), sore throat (5) Background Saturday, November 26, 2020 Fever (39 degrees) ) and sore throat.
I took a vacation on November 28, 2020 (Monday). Visit a medical institution and take a PCR test. As a result of the test, it turned out to be positive. Recuperate at home until December 3, 2020 (Saturday).
・The school has already been disinfected.
・After checking according to the standards issued by the public health center, there are no children, students, or teachers who fall under close contact.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Education Department Guidance Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-379-3600

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