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[To parents] Regarding the revision of remuneration for welfare services for persons with disabilities in 2021 pertaining to child commuting center recipient certificates

Updated: April 20, 2021

"Basic remuneration category for children requiring medical care" and "Individual support addition (1)" were newly established.

We will inform you about the handling in Motoichi as follows.

About "basic remuneration categories for children requiring medical care"

If a child who requires medical care attends an office other than those used by children with severe mental and physical disabilities, it may be necessary to determine the "basic remuneration category for children requiring medical care." Details will be notified on April 21, 2021 (Wednesday) to establishments that have used children's daycare services since January 2021. If you are using the children's commuter service and know anything about it, please contact the commuter's office or the Disability Welfare Division of the city hall.

In principle, submission of a "new judgment score" is required to determine the basic remuneration category. Please also check the chart (attached file) to confirm whether the "new judgment score" is necessary.

Individual support addition (1)

The City Hall Disability Welfare Division will determine whether or not the child is eligible, and will create a new recipient certificate for the eligible child and send it sequentially. Delivery is scheduled for early May.

Link to external site Opens in a new window.[Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare] About remuneration revision such as disability welfare service in 2021 (external link)

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Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Welfare Department Disability Welfare Division
2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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