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Cat repellent measures

Update date: November 25, 2016

How to keep cats out of your garden

The reason why cats enter your garden and defecate and urinate there is because your home is a more comfortable place for the cat than any other place in the surrounding area.
A comfortable place for a cat is "a quiet and secure place with few people coming and going and no guard dogs," "a place with soft soil, sand, grass, etc. so that it can defecate comfortably," and "a place where it can easily get food without having to walk around looking for it." Changing the environment is important to keep cats away, but actually doing so can be quite difficult.
The following methods are said to be relatively effective. If you want to keep cats away, give them a try.

Note 1: Please take measures to keep cats away from your property.
Note 2: Please note that there may be individual differences between cats, and the product may not be effective.


This method makes it difficult for cats to approach by using smells that cats dislike.
Please take note of the following points when doing so.

  • Rain and wind can reduce its effectiveness, so be sure to replace it regularly to maintain its effectiveness.
  • Once your cat gets used to it, it will stop working, so change the type from time to time.
  • Some have strong odors and some may be colored. Please explain this to your neighbors in advance.
Repellents how to use

Coffee grounds, tea leaves

Spreading the grounds left after brewing coffee and used tea leaves such as Dokudami tea.

rice soup

Sprinkle the thick juice from the beginning of polishing every day.

Peel of mandarin orange, etc.

Sprinkle citrus peels on the area. Place citrus-scented chemicals on the area.


Place it in a container or soak it in a sponge or cloth.
Spray diluted 2 to 10 times with water.

wood vinegar solution

Place it in a container or soak it in a sponge or cloth.
If you spray it, it will also be effective in getting rid of cat odor.

plants such as herbs

Plant herbs with a scent that cats dislike, or place potted plants along the cat's path, or place herbal fragrances (geranium, lemongrass, spearmint, rosemary, peppermint, ruder, tansy, lemon tea tree, chives, etc.).


This is a way to make it difficult for cats to walk or enter.
Even if you don't install it over the entire area, if there are limited entry points, try installing it in those locations first.
Please take note of the following points when doing so.

  • Install it in a place where there is no risk of people falling or getting injured.
  • Do not install plastic bottles filled with water as this may cause a fire.
Obstacle how to use
water Water thoroughly with a hose.


Spread large, angular gravel.

pine cone

Place it where your cat walks.

dead branch

If you spread it over the area where bulbs and seeds are planted, it will not be dug up.

holly leaves

Place holly leaves or leafy twigs here and there.

big stone

Place stones in a location that makes it physically impossible to walk.

thorn sheet

It is sold at home centers and garden stores. You don't have to cover the entire surface, just spread it wide enough that you can't jump over it.

Adhesive tape

Place the adhesive tape or double-sided tape with the sticky side facing up. (Because you don't want the soles of your feet to become sticky) Replace them when they lose their adhesive strength.

fine mesh

If you put it on, your nails will get caught and it will be difficult to walk.

Aluminum foil

My son doesn't like it when it's laid down because it makes footsteps noise.

net or fence

Enclose them with an insurmountable net (about 1.5 meters) or fence, or block entry routes.

Tegusu String fishing line or other wire around entrances and passageways at a height where a cat's paws can get caught. Cats can't see fishing line, so they don't like the feeling of something touching them.
disposable chopsticks Stand in a walkway or flower bed.

Soft soil can easily become a cat litter box, so you can also lay tiles or cover it with concrete. However, it doesn't work for some cats.

Rental of ultrasonic cat damage mitigation device

The city rents out ultrasonic cat damage mitigation devices. Please see below.
Regarding the rental of ultrasonic cat damage mitigation devices (internal link)

please note

Cats are protected animals. Do not engage in any behavior that constitutes abuse. Punishable by law.

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Urban Environment Development Department Living Environment Division
2111 Higashi-Naganuma, Inagi City
Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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Opening hours: 8:30am to 5:00pm Main phone number: 042-378-2111 Fax number: 042-377-4781
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