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Autumn Walk at Tama Service Support Facility in FY2024

Updated: September 18, 2024

Image: A walk through the Tama service support facility in autumn

Business summary

The Tama Service Auxiliary Facility, a US military recreational facility in the city, has untouched nature and the former Japanese Army Pyrotechnic Arsenal (the remains of the Tama Explosives Factory) left untouched since the end of the war. In this project, with the cooperation of the US military, we will walk around the facility while listening to commentary.
Note: It takes about 3 hours to walk mainly on paved roads with different elevations.


  • Residents of the city (multiple applications are limited to family members of the same household).
  • Those who have Japanese nationality (For those who do not have Japanese nationality, please contact us in advance).
  • Those who have not participated in this project since the autumn walk in 2021.

Date and time

  1. Friday, October 25, 2024, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
  2. Monday, November 4, 2024 (a public holiday) 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Note: Applications can be selected up to the second preferred date.


US Army Tama Service Auxiliary Facility (Daimaru)


25 people each (lottery if there are too many applications)

Certificate required for admission (personal identification document)

For admission, one of the following identification documents (1 to 3) is required (within validity).

  1. Driver's license and residence card with permanent domicile (within 3 months from date of acquisition)
  2. passport
  3. My number card (with face photo)

How to apply and deadline (applications are now closed)

  • You can apply using the application form or at the counter.
  • The application deadline is Friday, August 30, 2024 .

If you applied via the application form (applications are now closed)

After clicking on the "Tama Service Auxiliary Facility Stroll Application Form" below, please follow the instructions on the screen to apply.

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Go to the application form for walking at the Tama auxiliary service facility

Click here for the application form 2D code

About lottery results

For this event, we receive far more applications than we can accommodate, so we hold a lottery.
If your participation is confirmed, you will be contacted via email or other means about one month prior to the event with details of the meeting place, etc.
(Please note that we will not contact those who are not selected.)

You can also view the lottery results by clicking on the "Tama Service Support Facility Selection Results Inquiry Page" below and entering the reception number beginning with AJ that was issued to you when you applied.
If it says "Accepted," your application has been completed, but the lottery results have not yet been announced. Please wait until the lottery results are announced.

Note: Due to system maintenance, access will be unavailable from 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 to 5:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.

Link to external site Opens in a new window.Tama Service Auxiliary Facility Lottery Result Inquiry Page

Click here for the 2D code on the lottery result inquiry page

If you apply at the counter (applications are now closed)

  1. Please prepare your identification document (driver's license, passport, or My Number Card) and come to the counter of the Planning and Policy Division on the 5th floor of Inagi City Hall.
  2. At the window, the staff will guide you on how to apply using a city tablet or your smartphone. (You can apply even if you do not have a smartphone.)

Notes (counter application)

  • Please note that you will need to enter your permanent address, so please check this before coming.
  • If the identification document used for admission is a driver's license or passport, you will need to enter the registration number (driver's license number, passport number) for each.
  • If you are a family member (same household), only the representative can apply, but please include the name, date of birth, nationality, domicile, and registration number of all participants. (If using a driver's license or passport for admission)" information is required.


  • Events may be canceled or changed due to weather or U.S. military circumstances.
  • All participants will need to bring ID on the day (including family members). If you forget, you will not be able to enter. If you use a driver's license, you will also need a residence certificate with your registered domicile.
  • E-mails will be sent from the "" e-mail address, so please set your settings so that you can receive e-mails.
  • There is no parking lot or bicycle parking lot.

    Inquiries about this page

    Planning Policy Division, Planning Department, Inagi City
    2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, Tokyo
    Phone: 042-378-2111 Fax: 042-377-4781

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