Inagi City


Last updated: June 24, 2015

MOTTAINAI! Let's reduce food loss together!

Business of the city during the year-end and New Year holidays

Election of members of the House of Representatives/Public examination of judges of the Supreme Court Voting date: December 14 (Sunday)

Year-end city-wide security patrol

2014 city administration person who has rendered distinguished services commendation

You are the leading role Let's work on preventive care!!

2014 Inagi City Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Festa

A new child and child-rearing support system will start!!!

It will be held! Hirao Festival

Held on the same day! Health and Sports Day Sports Fair Health Festival Living Festa

iBus revised route will start operation from October 1st

The 43rd Gratitude Gathering for Otoshiyori

The 13th I no Machi Inagi Citizen Festival

We subsidize the purchase cost Garbage disposal container

The 40th Inagi City Environmental Beautification Citizen Campaign

The 2nd Inagi Fureai Health and Medical Festival

Why don't you take a look? Biodiversity in Inagi City seen from familiar nature and creatures "frog"

July is National Emphasis Month Campaign to Brighten Society Preventing Juvenile Delinquency and Damage Preventing Crime and Delinquency and Supporting Recovery

We change from April 1, 2015 City elementary school one school district

Please contact us.

Please use it! Seismic Diagnosis and Seismic Repair Subsidy System for Wooden Houses

The fee for use of each facility is partially revised from Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fiscal 2014 Administrative Policy Aiming for “Let’s create together, a lively city full of smiles”

Let's clean the Tama River for everyone 35th Tama River cleaning April 6, 2014 (Sunday)

Three years after the Great East Japan Earthquake

Women's and men's forum Inagi 2014 (No. 36) What do you work for? who do you work for?

File your tax returns as soon as possible Tax filing period: February 17 (Monday) to March 17 (Monday), 2014

Tokyo gubernatorial election Election day: February 9 (Sunday)

Prepare for earthquakes at home and at work in case of an emergency! Disaster Prevention and Volunteer Week

Inagi City Mayor Katsuhiro Takahashi

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Planning Department Secretariat and Public Relations Division Telephone: 042-378-2111