Inagi City

Information Disclosure/Disclosure Request

Last updated: April 1, 2023

Information disclosure system

The city has established the "Inagi City Information Disclosure Ordinance" and is implementing an information disclosure system.
Implementing organizations are the mayor, board of education, election management committee, audit committee, agriculture committee, fixed asset evaluation review committee, fire chief, Inagi City Hospital business manager and assembly.
Anyone can request disclosure of administrative information held by the city. In this way, the city fulfills its responsibility to explain municipal administration, and promotes fair and transparent administration and citizens' participation in municipal administration.

Request for disclosure of administrative information

Request disclosure of documents, drawings, photographs, films and electromagnetic records (image data, audio data, etc.) created or obtained by staff in the course of their duties and held by the city for organizational use. I can.

Billing method

  1. Please fill in the required items on the administrative information disclosure request form ( application form download: information disclosure, personal information protection related ) and submit it to the document and legal system section. Mail or fax is fine. In the case of mail, please send it to "2111 Higashi Naganuma, Inagi City, 206-8601, Inagi City Office, Document and Legal Affairs Section, Document and Legal Affairs Section", and in the case of fax, please send to "042-377-4781". In addition, bills are also available at the Documents and Legislation Section on the 5th floor of City Hall.
  2. When making a request, it is necessary to specify, as much as possible, the administrative document in which the content of the request is stated. If you have any questions, please contact the Document and Legal Affairs Section of the Document and Legal Affairs Division in advance.

Reception date and time

From 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on days the agency is open (mail and fax are accepted at any time.)


Except for the following information, we will disclose it.

  1. Information that cannot be made public due to laws and regulations
  2. Information about an individual that can identify a specific individual, or information that cannot identify a specific individual but may harm the rights and interests of an individual if made public
  3. Information such as data converted from fingerprints, veins, and other features of the body to be read by a computer, and unique numbers for each individual, such as driver's license numbers and passport numbers.
  4. Information related to corporations, etc. that is deemed to impair the corporation's position in terms of competition, business operations, or other social position if made public.
  5. Information on crime prevention and investigation
  6. Information related to deliberations, etc., at municipal institutions, etc., where disclosure to the public may unduly impair the neutrality of decision-making or may unfairly benefit a specific person.
  7. Information related to affairs, etc., carried out by city agencies, etc., which may interfere with the execution of proper affairs, etc., if made public.
  8. Information voluntarily provided by a third party on the condition that it is not made public

Disclosure method

When the disclosure is ready, the staff will contact the claimant. Please read or receive a copy at the information disclosure corner on the 5th floor of the city hall. Copies can also be sent by mail.


There is no handling fee, but if you wish to have a copy issued or mailed, you will be asked to pay the actual cost of the copy and shipping fee using the payment slip.
In the case of mailing, we will mail the payment slip together with the notification of the disclosure decision, and after the payment is confirmed, we will mail a copy.

Relief system, etc.

If it is decided that the requested administrative information cannot be disclosed, and if you are dissatisfied with the decision, you can file a request for reconsideration.
When a request for review is made, the Inagi City Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Review Committee, a third-party organization, examines the matter, and the executing agency makes a decision based on the results.

Comprehensive information such as information disclosure by national government agencies

Information about the country's information disclosure system, personal information protection system, etc. can be found at the Information Disclosure and Administrative Procedures System Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, General Affairs Department, Document and Legislation Division Tel: 042-378-2111