Inagi City

Resident's card code

Last updated: October 10, 2013

On August 5, 2002, resident record codes were added to the resident records of all Japanese residents registered in the Basic Resident Register in order to utilize identification information using the Basic Resident Register Network System (Juki Net). (Fuban) and notified each household by mail.
The resident record code is a randomly selected 11-digit number, and the system is based on this number. Also, although you can change the number, you cannot specify the number or renumber past numbers.
From July 8, 2013, regulations regarding Resident Register Network, Basic Resident Registration Card (Registered Resident Registration Card), etc. will be applied to foreign residents, and the resident register of all foreign residents registered in the Basic Resident Register will be updated. The resident record code has been numbered (residency record code is notified to each eligible household by mail using the "Resident Record Code Notification Form").

If you do not know your resident card code

 Please request a ``copy of your residence card with your residence card code'' (charges apply).
 Only the person or someone in the same household can request a warning . A person from another household or a third party cannot make a claim. For information on how to request a copy of your residence card, please see the "Residence Record" page.
 If you would like to request a "copy of your resident record with resident record code" by mail, please check the "Mail Request" page. At that time, please clearly indicate "Resident Record Code listed" on the mailed invoice.

Request for change of resident record code

person who can claim

What you need for window billing

[In case of request by the person]

[In the case of a request by a legal representative]

Items required for mailing request

[In case of request by the person]

[In the case of a request by a legal representative]

Remark 1

 A claimant's identity verification document is a document such as a driver's license or health insurance card, issued under the provisions of the law or an order based on this, and deemed appropriate by the mayor. If you do not have these, we will send you an inquiry form and confirm your identity with the reply. If you present your Basic Resident Registration Card, we will verify your identity by verifying your PIN.

Remark 2

 Documents certifying the qualification of a legal representative include, in the case of a minor's parents, the minor's family register (not required if the minor's permanent domicile is in Inagi City) or a foreign government agency, etc. In the case of the guardian of an adult ward, it is a document issued by a public office that can confirm that you are the guardian, such as a certificate of registered information of the adult ward.


Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Citizens Division, Citizens Division Phone: 042-378-2111